Saint-Narcisse, Quebec (Canada) (original) (raw)

The parish municipality of Saint-Narcisse (1,800 inhabitants, 106.9 km�)
Olivier Touzeau, 12 November 2019

White flag with coat of arms and the name of the municipality in black Gothic letters and red capitals.
The flag can be seen in front of the seat of the municipality. Details better seen on this picture taken in September 2018 when the flag was hoisted upside down:
Olivier Touzeau, 12 November 2019

The municipality is named for its patron saint, Narcissus of Jerusalem.
Most of his life was reported by Eusebius of Caesarea, while several legends were subsequently added.
Accordingly, Narcissus was appointed Bishop of Jerusalem while already an old man (aged 100, some say) He presided the council that fixed the celebration of Easter on a Sunday. Aged 116, he was killed with a sword while "still ruling the church".

The shield's red background symbolizes the founder's courage.

Dexter, the golden wheat garb represents flourishing agriculture.
Sinister, the winged horse holding a thunderbolt in the mouth represents the first electricity distribution line in the British Empire, which was established between Saint-Narcisse and Trois-Rivi�res (1890-1893).
Below, the golden half cog-wheel represents industry.

In base is represented proper the old dam of Saint-Narcisse. The three waterfalls and the tumultuous river represent river Batiscan.

The shield is surmounted by a trefoiled cross chequy argent and sable, as the symbol the patron saint, Saint Narcissus, of the town's founder, Louis Cossette, and of the several families of the same name.
The shield is supported by two narcissus proper, representing success and personal satisfaction.

The French motto reads "Fully [dedicated] to Your Work]
Municipal website

The North Shore Power company acquired the rights of use of the water of river Batiscan in 1897. It established a power station and a masoned stone dam. The produced electricity was used for street lightning in Trois-Rivi�res. To face the boom in the demand in energy, the station was increased in 1904 to install new machinery. In 1926, the Shawinigan Water and Power Co. erected a new dam and station upstream the old establishment, which was stopped tow years later. The main building of the old station was suppressed in 1950 but the building added in 1904 and the dam were preserved. The whole site was registered in 1963 as an heritage site.
R�pertoire du patrimoine historique du Qu�bec
Ivan Sache, 24 November 2019