Chechnya (Russia) (original) (raw)

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Ĉeĉnâ / Iĉkeriâ

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Чечня / Ичкерия

Flag of Checheniaimage by Tomislav �ipek, 8 December 2019

Presentation of Chechnya

(Note: You need an Unicode-aware software and font to correctly view the Cyrillic text on this page. See here transliteration details).

Disputed Status: Legally, a constituent republic of the Russian Federation. A self-proclaimed independent state was independent for three years until invaded and largely over-run by Russian forces in 1994-5.
Stuart Notholt, 1995

About the flag

According to Itar-Tass (Russian news agency), August 17, 2004, new official symbols of the republic are being introduced in Chechnya.
Jaume Ollé, 18 Aug 2004

The final project of a flag differs from an earlier variant known to us, that the top green strip is twice wider bottom red. Along a staff on the white vertical strip is yellow Chechen national ornament. The flag has been shown yesterday in the program "Time" of the First Channel of Russian TV and today its photo and video can be seen on web.
Mikhail Revnivtsev, 09 Jun 2004

Green, red and (a bit of) white have been the colors of all Chechen flags (both sides) since at least 1991.
António Martins, 14 Jun 2004

The image above was made from a photo obtained from TassPhoto.COM. It was dated in the caption August 19, 2004. This image, along with the official description from from the Izbirkom.RU site was used for my article in Gaceta de Banderas 96[gtz04].
Antonio Gutiérrez, 19 Apr 2005

Similar flags

Looks vaguely like an inverted Belarus flag
James Dignan, 26 Feb 2004

I seriously think the flag of Tartarstanwas used as a big part of the design of the new Chechnya flag.
Zach Harden, Jun 2004

Whether to two flags are actually directly (or indirectly) related or not, the “co-incidence” is, in my opinion, just too great to ignore. I wonder if the Chechens’ symbolismis something basically similar?
Christopher Southworth, 14 Jun 2004

I think it entirely possible that the Government of this particular Russian Republic had not actually seen the flag of another Russian Republic (although is it not part of the normal remit of a flag commission to look at the flags of other similar entities). The close similarity of colours and layout may, indeed, be co-incidental (and unrelated).
Christopher Southworth, 15 Jun 2004

Also similar to the flag of Kaluga region, which was adopted earlier the same year (2004).
António Martins, 23 Dec 2005


Flag of Chechenia.gif) image located by Zoltan Horvath, 14 October 2016



Article 61:

The powers of the Chechen Republic are:

m) the state awards and honorary titles of the Chechen Republic, the state symbolism;

Article 62

The State flag, the arms and a hymn of the Chechen Republic, their description and the order of official use are established by the law of Republic.

Pascal Vagnat, 24 Mar 2003, quoting from the official website

The 2004 change process

The head of the Chechen administration Akhmad Kadyrov [head of the pro-Russian government] told the press on Monday [2003.09.08] that the republic would soon have a new state emblem and anthem. He said that the present state emblem — remaining from Aslan Maskhadov’s [head of the 1992-1996 independentist government] times includes the figure of a lying wolf which is against Muslim tradition.
Jaume Ollé, 09 Sep 2003, quoting from Эхо Москвы

At the session of the State counsel [_soviet_] of Chechnya, which took place on the 19th of November, it has been decided to declare a contest for the best proposals for the coat of arms, state flag and anthem of the republic. The flag of Chechnya will be red-white-green.
Jaume Ollé, 09 Sep 2003

In the Chechen Republic is completed work above projects of a State flag and State coat of arms. Flag of Chechen Republic becomes bicoloured — red and green. Thus on a flag of republic will not be white stripes as this color has no any relation to a history, customs and traditions of Chechen people, the representative of the State Council informed. The red flag was at Chechens during many centuries, and green color symbolizes confessional accessory of the most part of the population of republic, has told Danilbek Tamkaev, vice-president of the State Council of the Chechen Republic, head of working group for preparation of projects of the Chechen state symbolism.
Mikhail Revnivtsev, 09 Dec 2003

A news report by Interfax reported today that new symbols are underway for the Russian republic of Chechnya. According the report, a new emblem and flag was proposed by the State Council, but this decision will have to be decided by the president. In the report, a state council functionary is quoted describing the flag as consisting of red, white and green colors with a golden stripe.
Jan Oskar Engene, 25 Feb 2004

Head of the Chechen Republic

Flag of Checheniaimage by Tomislav �ipek, 8 December 2019

Tomislav �ipek, 8 December 2019


Official variant with three curls

of. err. vers.image by Manuel Gabino, 03 May 2005

In the video broadcasted a the net when the flag was inaugurated, the ornament is shown as gold (yellow), consisting in three “hooks” curved in both sides and between them a narrow horizontal line. The flag also has a golden fringe.
Manuel Gabino, 03 May 2005

Original winning project

or. proj.image by Pascal Gross, 19 Jun 2005

Today’s newspaper Коммерсант shows projects of new flag: Flag is green, white, red with white strip and yellow (gold) national ornament at the staff.
Mikhail Revnivtsev, 26 Feb 2004

As depicted in Flagmaster 115

from Flagmasterimage by António Martins, 19 Jun 2005

As depicted in Flagmaster 115[flm].
António Martins, 19 Jun 2005

Black ornaments on yellow stripe

PG's interp.image by Pascal Gross, 19 Jun 2005

Black and white pictures of the new flag are known for a long time and description given several times reported a white stripe at the hoist with yellow ornaments. I’ve always thought that the stripe at the hoist would be yellow (gold) with black ornaments which would sounds more logical. This feeling is corroborated by the image available here.
Pascal Gross, 28 May 2004