Novotroits'ke District (Kherson, Ukraine) (original) (raw)

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Novotroits'kiy rayon

Last modified: 2018-12-15 by rob raeside
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Новотроїцький район

from the site of Ukrainian Heraldry

See also:

The Flag

From the site of Ukrainian Heraldry:
"Confirmed on 25.11.1998 by decision No. 64 of 4 session of district council. It is a rectangular width with sides correlation 1:2, breaking down under three horizontally situated stripes. In centre is ear. A overhead stripe is dark blue colour, by width 13/22 from general colours width. Symbolizes peaceful friendly nature and thoughts of inhabitans. A middle stripe is yellow, by width 1/22 from general colours width. A ear is yellow, by height 2/3 and thickness 1/3 from colours width. A middle stripe and ear symbolize basic region riches - grain, bread. A lower stripe is red colour, by width 1/22 from general colours width. Symbolizes: adherence inhabitans to collectivism, memory of heroic and tragic past."
Phil Nelson , 7 July 1999

Coat of Arms

from the site of Ukrainian Heraldry

From the site of Ukrainian Heraldry:
"Confirmed 25.11.1998 by decision No. 64 of 4 session of district council. In french shield with height correlation and width 13:10 on azure field is or ear and sun. Ear by dimension on height - 1/2, on width 1/4 from shield width. Sun by radius 1/3 from shield width. In overhead half of shield - superscription "Novotroits'kyi region" in two line with letters height 1/8 from shield width. A Coat of arms bordered by argent framing in 1/32 from width."
Phil Nelson, 7 July 1999