Theatrical Quotations from Plays, a CurtainUp Feature (original) (raw)

A CurtainUp Feature

Timely Quotes

_The media is not the enemy of the people.Demagoguery is the enemy of the people._— Alan Cranston dedicating his Best Actor Tony for his performance in Network “to all the real journalists around the world, both in the print media and broadcast media, who actually are in the line of fire with their support of truth."

Time's like a river,sometimes _Time is an ocean&_mdash; Lyric from The Band's Visit

_Even if you've always been that/ Barely-in-the-background kind of guy/You still matter_— Dear Evan Hansen

I have gathered a posie of other men's flowers, and nothing but the thread that binds them is mine own
— John Bartlett

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<brShakespeare's Little Instruction Book Quotes from Plays
You don't make peace with the people you have dinner parties with. You make peace with the people who bomb your markets and blow up your buses.
—Terje Rod-Larsen in Oslo

It's no trick loving somebody at their best. Love is loving them at their worst. — Henry in Tom Stoppard's The Real Thing, Broadway Revival

In America they have a way of resolving problems: They ignore them. — Lamendin, the scoundrel in chief of the Mint Theater's rare production of Donogoo

_I like to feel I'm a test pilot, trying to see if this thing will fly. Well, of course with Shakespeare you know it flies, but I still try to forget that anyone else has ever played the role._—Jeremy Irons comment on tackling a Shakespeare role, will ring a bell with many of his fellow thespians in this Shakespeare-stuffed On and Off-Broadway season. (see,Shakespeare, Shakespeare Everwhere

What do you know about this mendacity thing?. . .I could write a book on it and still not cover the subject anywhere near enough! Think of all the lies I got to put up with!-Pretenses! Ain't that mendacity? Having to pretend stuff you don't think or feel of have any idea of? — Big Daddy's mendacity rant in latest Broadway revival of Cat on a Hot Tin Roof

I'll make him fight. —Lorna Moon
_How?_— Tom Moody
How? Oh, leave it to me Tom. . .I'm a dame from Newark, and I know a dozen ways. —Lorna Moon in Clifford Odets' Golden Boy

My middle-aged observation is that, in a relationship between two equals, you can’t both go first. —Catherine, in Rapture, Blister Burn

_The history of America is the history of private property. . .This is why we have wars. One group, one tribe, tries to usurp some territory--_— Steve in Clybourne Park

_I wrestled with reality most of my lifeand I am happy to state that I finally won out over it._Vegas Tickets is your sour in Harvey

In my day, you had to pour God over everything like ketchup. — Former President Hockstader in Gore Vidal’s The Best Man

_Attention must be paid_— Linda Loman in Broadway revial of Death of a Salesman

_God, how I hate Sundays! . . .Reading the papers, drinking tea, ironing. A few more hours, and another week gone. Our youth is slipping away._—Jmmy Porter in the Roundabout revival of Look Back in Anger

And so, when I cast my mind back to that summer of 1936, different kinds of memories offer themselves to me. . .what fascinates me about that memory is that it owes nothing to fact. In that memory atmosphere is more real than incident and everything is simultaneously actual and illusory. — Michael in inDancing in Lughnas revived at the Irish Rep Theater

Good Times and bad times/ I've seen them all/But I'm Still Here --- Carlotta from the anthem song of Follies

_Let's be superficial and pity the poor philosophers. Let's blow trumpets and squeakers and enjoy the party as much as we can, like very small, quite idiotic school children_— Elyot blowing the trumpet for free-spirited hedonism, and his creator's belief that theater must always entertain in Private Lives

_I could not have written it had not so many of us so needlessly died. Learn from it, and carry on the fight. Let them know that we are a very special people, an exceptional people. And that our day will come._—Larry Kramer at the June 12, 2011 Tony Awards ceremony where The Normal Heart won Best Play Revival award as well as Best Featured Performance awards for Ellen Barkin and John Benjamin Hickey.

It is a defect of God's humour that he directs our hearts everywhere but to those who have a right to them. — Lady Croom in the Broadway revival of Tom Stoppard's Arcadia

Memory, my dear Cecily, is the diary that we all carry about with us — Miss Prism in The Importance of Being Earnest currently at the Roundabout Theater

**Note:**Eventually these quotes will migrate into one of our three quote archives: Quotes from Plays. . . Quotes by Theatrical Notables. . . Shakespeare's Little Instruction Book</br

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