Favorite Quotations ~ Answers ~ Ideas to motivate, educate, and inspire (original) (raw)

~� AnswersBook of Answers

"We grow in time to trust the future of our answers." ~ Ruth Benedict

I roamed the countryside searching for answers to things I did not understand. Why shells existed on the tops of mountains. How the various circles of water form around the spot which has been struck by a stone, and why a bird sustains itself in the air. ~ Leonardo Da Vinci

There are answers. Right answers. Correct concepts. Truth Multiple choice mania must become obsolete. ~ Curt Simmons

There ain't no answer. There ain't going to be any answer. There never has been an answer. That's the answer. ~ Gertrude Stein

The only interesting answers are those which destroy the questions. ~ Susan Sontag

The greatest compliment that was ever paid me was when someone asked me what I thought, and attended to my answer. ~ Henry David Thoreau

The answers worth getting are never in the back of the book. ~ Jeff Millman

If we really understand the problem, the answer will come out of it, because the answer is not separate from the problem. ~ Jiddu Krishnamurti

It is not what you are called, but what you answer to. ~ African Proverb

I don't pretend we have all the answers. But the questions are certainly worth thinking about. ~ Arthur C. Clarke

Always look for a second right answer. ~ Charles Thompson

Again, a smooth answer, signifying nothing. ~ Euripides

I know when I have a problem and have done all I can to figure it out, I keep listening in a sort of inside silence until something clicks and I feel a right answer. ~ Conrad Hilton