The Hall of the Gods; Nigel Appleby; William Heinemann; 1998 (original) (raw)

Following on from Beyond 2012, the latest 2012 theories, prophecies and discoveries are covered in the Whats New department;

UPDATE 15/10/02: The whole page has now been corrected, BUT THERE IS STILL A 1-DAY DISCREPANCY.

The calendrical system of the Maya was older and more complex (and accurate) than that of the Aztecs, who had forgotten the Long Count system. The Mayan "Great Cycle", or 13-Baktun cycle, which is part of the Long Count, is 1,872,000 days long, and the start date is given as August 11th 3114 BC or August 13th 3114 BC according to the 2 most popular correlations, (known as the GMT 584283 and GMT 585285 respectively). The end-date is given either as 21 December 2012 AD or 23 December 2012 AD respectively. There are many other alternative start & end-dates that I have come across since first writing this page, especially in 2011 and 2013. There is now a special 2012: Dire Gnosis article about these : End-Date Confusion Explained.

In order to work out leap-years, the rule is a leap year must be divisible by 4, unless it is divisible by 100 - then it is not a leap year - unless it is divisible by 400, in which case it is a leap-year. The exception is 1 BC which is a leap year - plus the BC years have to converted to "astronomical years" by subtracting one year, to make up for the missing year zero, before calculation.

To work out the termination point using the GMT 584283 correlation:

The "zero-day", or Day of Creation; in The Long Count, is 11th August 3114 BC in Gregorian calendar. This is the same as the year -3113 in "astronomer's jargon" which inserts an extra "year zero" to make BC-AD calculations simpler. Since the Gregorian calendar didn't exist then, and has to be back-calculated, it is should be more efficient to use a Julian Day number system - in this case, JD 584283. The only trouble is, the JD starts at midday, so often leads to confusion see another special 2012: Dire Gnosis explanation on the Maya Links and calculators page.

After there are 1,872,000 days until the next Day of Creation, which is

We know this is 5125 years (3114 + 2012 = 5126; subtract 1 for the missing "year zero" = 5125) 3114 + 2012 - 1 = 5125

M ultiply the 5125 years from 3114 BC to 2012 AD by 365, to get 18706 2 **5;**5125 x 365 = 1870625

then dividing 5125 by 4 to get the number of "simple" leap days; (=1281), 5125 / 4 = 1281

then calculating how many century years from 3114 BC to 2012 AD are NOT leap years, by the century rule above (=3 9 ) ;

Century Years astronomical (+ 1 to convert to Gregorian for BCE years) LEAP YEAR? (divisible by 400) Non-leap year tally

-3100 NO 1

-3000 NO 2

-2900 NO 3

-2800 YES -

-2700 NO 4

-2600 NO 5

-2500 NO 6

-2400 YES -

-2300 NO 7

-2200 NO 8

-2100 NO 9

-2000 YES -

-1900 NO 10

-1800 NO 11

-1700 NO 12

-1600 YES -

-1500 NO 13

-1400 NO 14

-1300 NO 15

-1200 YES -

-1100 NO 16

-1000 NO 17

-900 NO 18

-800 YES -

-700 NO 19

-600 NO 20

-500 NO 21

-400 YES -

-300 NO 22

-200 NO 23

-100 NO 24

0 (1BC /"year zero") YES -

100 NO 25

200 NO 26

300 NO 27

400 YES -

500 NO 28

600 NO 29

700 NO 30

800 YES -

900 NO 31

1000 NO 32

1100 NO 33

1200 YES -

1300 NO 34

1400 NO 35

1500 NO 36

1600 YES -

1700 NO 37

1800 NO 38

1900 NO 39

2000 YES -



and subtracting that from 1281 (=12 42 ). 1281 - 39 = 1242

Then 12 42 was added to 18706 2 5, 1242 + 1870625 = 1871867

and the result (=18718 69 ) was subtracted from 1,872,000 � the number of days in the Great Cycle, to get 1 33 � the number of days left until termination of the cycle. 1872000 - 1871867 = 133

If the cycle began at dawn on August 1 1th 3114 BC; 5125 years & 1 33 days later, or 1, 872,000 days later, at the end of December 21st 2012. August 11th 2012 (inclusive) + 133 = December 21st 2012 (inclusive)

so... August 11th 3114 BC 00.00 hrs + 1,872,000 = 21st December 2012 AD 23.59 hrs

JD 584283 + 1,872,000 = JD 2456283 = midday 11/8/3114 BC - midday 21/12 2012, SO THERE IS STILL A 1-DAY DISCREPANCY!

Here is a much simpler way to work it out, from John Major Jenkins:

Anyone with a Julian Day ephemeris can make the following simple calculation. December 21, 2012 is Julian Day 2,456,283. Subtract from this the number of days in 13 baktuns (1,872,000). The result is 584283, the Julian Day number of the Long Count's zero day back in 3114 BC, thus confirming the end-date as December 21, 2012.

For more info on correlation, Jenkins� article, The Correlation Debate http://www.alignment 2012 .com /fap3.html


1. Most up-to-date info.: �Maya Cosmogenesis 2012�, by John Major Jenkins; Bear & Co, Santa Fe, USA, 1998.
Website: Maya Calendar & Cosmology:

2.The Mayan Factor - path beyond technology�, by Jose Arguelles, Bear & Co., Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, 1987.

3. "The Mayan Prophecies", by Adrian Gilbert and Maurice Cotterell, Element, 1995.

4. "Fingerprints of the Gods", by Graham Hancock, William Heinemann, London, 1995.

5. Most up-to-date info.: �Maya Cosmogenesis 2012�, by John Major Jenkins; Bear & Co, Santa Fe, USA, 1998.
Website: Maya Calendar & Cosmology:

6. "Secrets of Maya Science/Religion", by Hunbatz Men, Bear & Co, Santa Fe, USA, 1990.

7. "Profiles in Wisdom", ed., Stephen McFadden, Bear & Co., 1991.

8. "Millennium Prophecies", by Stephen Skinner, Virgin/Carlton 1994, p.157.

9. "UFO Reality" magazine, issues 2,3,5,6 & 8.

10. "The Bible Code", by Michael Drosnin, Wiedenfeld & Nitolson, London, 1997.

11. "The Pleiadjan Agenda", by Barbara Hand Clow, Bear & Co. 1995.

12. "God I Am - from tragic to magic", by Peter 0. Erbe, Triad, Australia, 1991.

"Earth s Birth Changes", by St. Germain thorough Azena, Triad, Australia, 1991.

"You Are Becoming a Galactic Human", by Virginia Essene and Sheldon Nidle, See Publishing Co., Santa Clara, Cal., USA, 1994.

13. "The Pleiadjan Agenda", by Barbara Hand Clow, Bear & Co. 1995.

14. "The Invisible Landscape", by Terrence & Dennis McKenna, Harper-Col1ins, 1993.

Playshop 4, "World Youth Culture, Shamanism, Gaia, Chaos, & Plant Hallucinogens", lecture by Terrence McKenna at ULU, 25/9/91.

website**: Hyperborea**:

15. UFO Reality magazine, issues 4 & 8.

16. "Ciphers in the Crops", ed. Beth Davis, Gateway Books, bath, 1992.

17. See ref. 14. + software: Timewave one by Terrence McKenna: order- from Blue Water- Publishing, inc. C/o Twiggs Fulfillment POB 1875, rapid city, SD 57709 800..366. 0264

18. �The Awakening Earth - the global brain� by Peter Russell, Ark Paperbacks, 1982.

"The White Hole in Time - our future evolution and the meaning of now", by Peter Russell, Aquarian Press, 1992.

19. "Trajectories Newsletter spring 1991", ed., Robert Anton Wilson Permanent Press, San Jose, Cal. USA p. 17.

"Right Where You Are Sitting Now", by Robert Anton Wilson, And/Or press, Berkeley, Cal, USA, 1982, pp.29.

Website: Deoxyribonucleic hyperdimension:

20. "Pi in the Sky", by Michael Poynder-, Rider, 1992.

21. "Omega Point" and "Omega pointers", by Geoff Stray. Unpublished

22. "Star-seed - the third millennium", by Ken Carey, Harper, 1991

23. "Vital Signs", by Andy Thomas, SB Publications, Seaford, Sussex, 1998 shows photos of these formations.

Michael Glickman's website:

24. "Nothing In This Book Is True, But Its Exactly The Way Things Are", by Bob Frissell, Frog ltd., Berkeley, Cal. 1994.

"The Montauk Project; experiments in time", Sky Books, Westbury New York, 1992.

"l'he Philadelphia and Time-Travel Experiments of The Illuminati", by A1 Bielek and Vladimir-Terziski (120-minute video-tape); 'The American Academy of Dissident Sciences, May 1992.

25 .The Mystery of the Crystal Skulls; Chris Morton & Cheri Louise Thomas; Harper Collins; 1997

26. Gods of Eden; Andrew Collins; Headline; 1998

Website: Operation Hermes:

27. The Hall of the Gods; Nigel Appleby; William Heinemann; 1998

Website: Operation Hermes:

28.The Hall of the Gods; Nigel Appleby; William Heinemann; 1998

Website: Operation Hermes:

29. Needles of Stone; Tom Graves; Turnstone; 1978 (& Needles of Stone Revisited; Gothic Image, Glastonbury).

Fingerprints of the Gods; Graham Hancock; William Heinemann; 1995; p.499 (Hancock says on 23/12/'2012 moon is 8 days old).

30. . Notes From the CosmosGordon Michael Scallion; Matrix Institute Inc.; W.Chesterfield, NH, USA; 1997

31. . Mexico Mystique - the coming sixth world of consciousness; Frank Waters; Swallow Press/Ohio University Press Books, USA, 1975/89.

32. Awakening to Zero Point - the collective initiation, by Greg Braden, Radio Bookstore Press, Bellevue, Washington. USA, 1993/94/97.

Places of Power - secret energies at ancient sites: a guide to observed or measured phenomena, by Paul Devereux, Blandford Press, 1990, p. 87-88.

Megabrain - new tools and techniques for brain growth and expansion, by Michael Hutchison, Balantine Books, New York, USA, 1986/91.

33. Gods of the New Millennium, by Alan F. Alford, Hodder & Stoughton, 1997. Website:

34. �Maya Cosmogenesis 2012�, by John Major Jenkins; Bear & Co, Santa Fe, USA, 1998.
Website: Maya Calendar & Cosmology:

35. Worlds in Collision by Immanuel Velikovsky.Abacus, 1972/73.

37. Monument to The End of Time by Vincent Bridges & Jay Weidner; Aethyrea Books; 1999. Order on-line from

The Fulcanelli Phenomenon by Kenneth Rayner Johnson; Neville Spearman; Jersey; 1980

38. Sacred Scienceby R.A. Schwaller De Lubicz; Inner Traditions International; Rochester, Vermont; USA; 1988.

40. The Sirius Mystery � Revised Edition by Robert Temple; Century; 1998.

Ancient Egypt � The Sirius Connection, by Murry Hope; Element Books; Longmead, Shaftesbury, Dorset; 1990

43. Gateway To Atlantis by Andrew Collins; Headline Book Publishing; 338, Euston Rd. London NW1 3BH; 2000.

**48. Earth Under Fire � Humanity�s Survival of the Apocalypse,**by Paul A. LaViolette; Starlane Publications, Alexandria, VA; USA; 1997.