Divinum Officium Download (original) (raw)

iOS and Android Apps

We highly recommend downloading the Breviarium Meum app (available for iOS) for the Breviary, as well as the iMass app for Android and iOS.

The Laudate app can be downloaded for use of the Breviary on iOS or Android devices.

The Vetus Ordo app is now available for Android devices. Special thanks to Cristian Del Carlo.

We are now partnering with the iPieta app; Divinum Officium functionality is now available for iOS and OS X platforms. Details are available within the app itself.

.mobi and .ePub Files

It is possible to generate Missal and Breviary files in .mobi or .ePub format, with all texts generated on a monthly basis. Please refer to our GitHub site for details, or, alternatively: this ePub generator, courtesy of Marcin Babnis. They can also be downloaded from the following site: http://breviarium.srubarovi.cz

Other options

Please be advised that the older "stand-alone" downloadable files (as well as music files) are not available since the death of Laszlo Kiss in 2011.
The Divinum Officium is web software. Even it can be downloaded and run at Your machine, but some computer skill is required.

> Hosting Locally: Docker <

If you are using a system supporting Docker, this may be the easiest method. The latest updates to the application are built and pushed in realtime to Docker Hub tag divinumofficiumweb/divinumofficium:latest, so you can pull and run this container image locally at any time.

Example for running from command line:

docker run --rm divinumofficiumweb/divinumofficium

then point Your browser to http://localhost:8080

If you are not sure how to begin, there is also a docker-compose file which wraps the needed docker commands for you. Installing docker and docker-compose are outside the scope of this guide.

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/DivinumOfficium/divinum-officium/master/docker-compose-prod.yml docker-compose pull docker-compose -f docker-compose-prod.yml up -d

This will now expose the application on http://localhost. To bring it down, run:

docker-compose -f docker-compose-prod.yml down

For more information on the docker method, see the Github Repository linked above.

Using other Hosting Locally: options requires downloading source code.

The source code for the Divinum Officium website can be found and freely downloaded from our GitHub repository. From this repository, one can download the code to a Windows, Mac, or Linux computer and run the code as a local web host.

There are two repositories at GitHub; of these, we recommend cloning divinum-officium.

Instructions for cloning are available at the links under the 'clone URL' box on the right-hand side of the Divinum-Officium GitHub. If you have Git installed, it is strongly recommended to locally update the files (via git pull) from this repository to account for the ongoing changes and improvements to the site.

The website is contained in the /web subdirectory of this repository. The other directories at the top level should not be served from a webserver.

> Hosting Locally: Python <

It is possible to set up Divinum Officium as a local host using the CGI HTTP Python script from the terminal in Mac OS or Linux. Using an Android device, this can be done via Termux or any other Linux app, such as UserLAnd, using any of their Linux distributions. Once the selected distro is functional, download the appropriate packages of Git, Python, CGI.pm (as indicated below), and then clone the Git repository as follows:

apt install perl apt install git apt install python cpan> force install CGI git clone https://github.com/divinumofficium/divinum-officium

Once the divinum-officium repository has been cloned using Git, the following terminal syntax may be used:

cd ~/divinum-officium git pull # to update repository cd web python -m http.server --cgi

If you still have python2 (run python --version to check), the last line should be replaced with python -m CGIHTTPServer in order to start the server.

Once the server is active and running in the terminal window, navigate to (typically) in your browser. Divinum Officium should then be functional as on the live site.

> Hosting Locally: Apache <

If installing on a different server (e.g. Apache), Perl >= 5.10.1 is required, as are the modules CGI.pm and potentially CGI::Session, which can be obtained from your OS/Perl distribution or from CPAN.

Your webserver must be configured to allow the execution of CGI scripts from web/cgi-bin/.

For Apache one way to achieve this is to use the following directives in a Directory element for that directory:

Options +ExecCGI AddHandler cgi-script .pl

This httpd.conf file may prove useful on an Apache host. WARNING: Use at your own risk!

If you have any problem with installation, please send a message to canon DOT missae AT gmail DOT com
