Durham Mining Museum - McLaren Colliery (UK) (original) (raw)

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Location: Abertysswg6 miles [9 km] ESE of Merthyr Tydfil
Map Ref: (Sheet 161 The Black Mountains) SO133053, 51° 44' 21" N, 3° 15' 21" W
Owners: Tredegar Iron and Coal Co., Ltd.
Output: 1900 - Coal.
1905 - Coal: Coking, Steam.
1910 - Coal: Coking, Steam.
1915 - Coal: Coking, Steam.
Employment: 1900 - 786 (655 below, 131 surface)
1905 - 1,466 (1,237 below, 229 surface)
1910 - 1,832 (1,545 below, 287 surface)
1915 - 1,290 (1,094 below, 196 surface)
1923 - 1,560 (1,317 below, 243 surface)
1933 - 1,040 (900 below, 140 surface)
1940 - 710 (600 below, 110 surface)
Seams Worked: 1905 - Big, Polka, Ras Las, Yard
1910 - Big, Old, Polka, Ras Las, Yard
1915 - Big, Old Elled, Polka, Ras Las, Yard
Notes: Current Status - Page under construction! and is far, far from complete!


Disasters (5 or more killed)

| Memorial | 3rd | Sep | 1902 | | Explosion, firedamp, cause of ignition uncertain, 16 lives lost (Show Names) | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------- | ------- | -------- | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |

Those entries marked with image, signify a disaster for which a memorial has been erected or for which we have images concerning the disaster, alternately their name may be mentioned on a memorial plaque. Click on the image symbol next to the name to see the appropriate web page for the memorial.

Names of those killed at this colliery

Please note that this collection of names is by no means complete!

In Memoriam

| | Memorial | Individal page | | | | Baker, William, 03 Sep 1902, aged 34, Collier, Explosion, firedamp, cause of ignition uncertain, Explosion of fire-damp in the Yard Vein Seam. Caused by working near to or in a large accumulation of gas [More information ...] | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | | | Individal page | | | | Ballinger, John, 30 Apr 1914, aged 16, Collier's Butty, Fall of coal side at face as he had his back towards it showing light to his comrade who was fixing a pair of rails. The coal discharged a sprag | | | | Individal page | | | | Beddoe, David, 26 May 1902, aged 36, Labourer, They were employed pinning the gob of a "Barry road" and were killed by a heavy fall of roof coal, weighing about 20 tons. It was caused by a "collier" drawing down clod and exposing a false slip, which met a kind joint running across the road from the gob. This, he could not see, as it was unexposed till the clod had been taken down. Vaughan stated that he tested the roof and thought it safe. It was an error of judgment on his part [More information ...] | | | | Individal page | | | | Benbow, George T., 17 Apr 1914, aged 20, Collier's Butty, Fall of roof at the face of the working place. The stone fell from invisible slants | | | | Individal page | | | | Blake, Percival H., 25 Jul 1906, aged 15, Collier's Butty, The collier carelessly pulled down a quantity of coal from the "face" while deceased was in front of it, and thus brought about the accident | | | | Individal page | | | | Bowen, Thomas, 12 Apr 1905, (accident: 07 Apr 1905), aged 40, Timberman, When enlarging a road a stone fell out of the side, causing injuries from which he died five days later | | | Memorial | Individal page | | | | Brown, William H., 03 Sep 1902, aged 32, Collier, Explosion, firedamp, cause of ignition uncertain, Explosion of fire-damp in the Yard Vein Seam. Caused by working near to or in a large accumulation of gas [More information ...] | | | | Individal page | | | | Bunting, Thomas, 20 Nov 1909, aged 38, Collier, Fall of top coal which he was pulling down at the face, and which had been undercut for the purpose. The place was not properly spragged | | | | Individal page | | | | Cook, George, 09 Jun 1908, (accident: 21 May 1908), aged 40, Collier, Fall of clod after drawing down coal at the face caused injuries to his face, wrist, and leg, which appeared slight at first, he being able to walk home. The leg became inflamed, and he died on the 9th of June from "Cerebral Meningitis," the result of the injury to his leg | | | | Individal page | | | | Coughlin, Cornelius, 23 Jul 1929, aged 61, Haulier, Fall of coal while passing through face. Died same day | | | | Individal page | | | | Davies, David, 08 Jan 1910, aged 39, Collier, Fall of roof at working face in a narrow level. A bed of top coal had been taken out 12 feet in advance, with two props set on the bottom coal to support the roof. Deceased knocked these posts out in order to get the bottom coal a few minutes before the roof fell | | | | Individal page | | | | Davies, James, 27 Oct 1902, aged 29, Journey Rider, He was riding between the third and fourth trams of a journey of nine going up the main slope. The front wheel of the first tram broke when going over the crossing at No. 2 parting and thus threw the rest of the journey off the rails. He was dragged about 10 yards | | | Memorial | Individal page | | | | Evans, Evan H., 03 Sep 1902, aged 35, Collier, Explosion, firedamp, cause of ignition uncertain, Explosion of fire-damp in the Yard Vein Seam. Caused by working near to or in a large accumulation of gas [More information ...] | | | | Individal page | | | | Evans, John, 26 May 1902, aged 48, Labourer, They were employed pinning the gob of a "Barry road" and were killed by a heavy fall of roof coal, weighing about 20 tons. It was caused by a "collier" drawing down clod and exposing a false slip, which met a kind joint running across the road from the gob. This, he could not see, as it was unexposed till the clod had been taken down. Vaughan stated that he tested the roof and thought it safe. It was an error of judgment on his part [More information ...] | | | | Individal page | | | | Evans, Thomas, 20 Jun 1900, aged 18, Labourer, Fall of roof in a heading where they were moving the parting and road nearer to the face, in a Barry or Nottingham long wall face. The stone was released from slips between the road posts [More information ...] | | | | Individal page | | | | Fennell, Charles, 17 Aug 1900, (accident: 08 Aug 1900), aged 42, Collier, Fall of roof, running out to feather edges, in his working place injured his spine. He died on the 17th August | | | | Individal page | | | | Gower, William Henry, 10 Dec 1909, aged 33, Collier, Fall of roof at a "Barry" working face due to some clod and coal slipping and knocking out a post under a flat ; a second flat was knocked out by the post | | | Memorial | Individal page | | | | Grainger, George, 03 Sep 1902, aged 32, Labourer, Explosion, firedamp, cause of ignition uncertain, Explosion of fire-damp in the Yard Vein Seam. Caused by working near to or in a large accumulation of gas [More information ...] | | | Memorial | Individal page | | | | Griffiths, Walter, 03 Sep 1902, aged 25, Haulier, Explosion, firedamp, cause of ignition uncertain, Explosion of fire-damp in the Yard Vein Seam. Caused by working near to or in a large accumulation of gas [More information ...] | | | | Individal page | | | | Handcock, Thomas, 17 Dec 1914, aged 15, Collier's Butty, Fall of coal and clod side at the face of the workings as he was loading a train of coal | | | | Individal page | | | | Houston, Ernest, 13 May 1910, aged 36, Labourer, Fall of roof on a main road during repairs. A stone weighing 20 lbs. fell from a height of 25 feet and struck his head | | | | Individal page | | | | Hughes, Edwin, 12 Jun 1901, aged 29, Repairer, Fall of roof in a hard heading where he was engaged making a manhole. The stone which weighed from 5 to 6 ions fell from 3 slips | | | | Individal page | | | | James, James, 01 Mar 1910, aged 44, Collier, Fall of roof while ripping top coal down in his road about 15 yards from face. He had loosened the top coal by cutting along one side of the road and was knocking out a post on the other side when the coal fell and caught him | | | | Individal page | | | | Jarman, John, 16 Oct 1914, aged 49, Hitcher, He was found crushed beneath one of the cages at the pit bottom. The probable explanation of the accident is that he attempted to cross the bottom of the shaft when the cages were running and that he was caught by the descending one | | | | Individal page | | | | Jenkins, William E., 30 Jan 1907, 10.15 a.m., 4th hour of shift, aged 29, Collier, Fall of roof at the face of a Barry work in the Ras Las Seam in consequence of not being properly secured. At least two more props should have been set at the place, even the maximum distance for roof supports under Special Rule 2 was exceeded. Deceased, and Henry Thomas, the collier in charge of this Barry Work, both seem responsible for the accident but proceedings do not appear to have been taken against Thomas, which I think should have been done. Deceased paid the penalty for his neglect with his life | | | | Individal page | | | | Jeremiah, David, 27 May 1924, 1.50 p.m., 7th hour of shift, aged 64, Underground Coal Inspector, He was travelling outbye and was walking in the space between the full and empty roads of an endless rope haulage plane. When approaching some empty trams, he stepped on to the full road and in front of full trams, which were being lowered to the pit on sprags. He was run over and killed outright. There was a width of 4 ft. between the two roads, and a similar width between the empty road and the side. He seems to have stepped in front of the trams in a moment of forgetfulness. The road was illuminated by stationary electric lights. He was carrying an electric safety lamp | | | | Individal page | | | | Jones, Albert H., 06 Nov 1914, (accident: 02 Nov 1914), aged 20, Collier's Butty, Fall of roof in "barry" face which caught him on the right leg, causing a fracture. Death resulted from his injuries after an operation on the 6th November | | | | Individal page | | | | Jones, David J., 18 Feb 1912, (accident: 16 Feb 1912), aged 24, Haulier, He was struck in the stomach by a tram as a result of the horse starting forward before he was ready. He died on 18th February, 1912 | | | Memorial | Individal page | | | | Jones, John, 03 Sep 1902, aged 30, Collier, Explosion, firedamp, cause of ignition uncertain, Explosion of fire-damp in the Yard Vein Seam. Caused by working near to or in a large accumulation of gas [More information ...] | | | Memorial | Individal page | | | | Jones, John T., 03 Sep 1902, aged 23, Haulier, Explosion, firedamp, cause of ignition uncertain, Explosion of fire-damp in the Yard Vein Seam. Caused by working near to or in a large accumulation of gas [More information ...] | | | | Individal page | | | | Jones, Joseph, 07 Jan 1904, (accident: 07 Nov 1903), aged 56, Ostler, He was crushed in the stable against the side of a stall by a horse which he was cleaning. Peritonitis supervened, and resulted in death on the 7th January, 1904. He was a man of poor physique which had much to do with the fatal termination | | | Memorial | Individal page | | | | Jones, Rees, 03 Sep 1902, aged 26, Labourer, Explosion, firedamp, cause of ignition uncertain, Explosion of fire-damp in the Yard Vein Seam. Caused by working near to or in a large accumulation of gas [More information ...] | | | | Individal page | | | | Jones, Thomas, 12 Apr 1900, aged 48, Haulier, When stepping into the cage at a mouthing in the shaft he fell, a distance of 40 yards, to the bottom in consequence of the hitcher signalling the cage away while he was standing on the platform between the cage and the landing | | | | Individal page | | | | Jones, William, 03 Jan 1913, aged 21, Collier, Fall of roof at working face. A stone, surrounded by slips, fell out from the roof causing one post to discharge | | | Memorial | Individal page | | | | Jones, William J., 03 Sep 1902, aged 17, Labourer, Explosion, firedamp, cause of ignition uncertain, Explosion of fire-damp in the Yard Vein Seam. Caused by working near to or in a large accumulation of gas [More information ...] | | | | Individal page | | CMHRC | | Lance, Thomas, 12 Nov 1927, (accident: 24 Oct 1927), aged 37, Collier, Fall of coal and clod. Died 12th Nov | | | | Individal page | | | | Leigh, David, 30 Jul 1909, (accident: 17 Jul 1909), aged 38, Collier's Butty, Fall of roof while he was drawing down coal at the face. It was not thought serious at first, but he died on 30th July, the result of the injuries to his back | | | | Individal page | | | | Leworthy, Percy, 24 Jan 1905, aged 23, Collier, Fall of roof from slips at the face which he liberated by getting down some overhanging clod from under it | | | | Individal page | | | | Leyland, Amos, 19 Jun 1911, aged 21, Collier, Fall of roof at working face. A stone, 6½ feet by 5 feet by 2 feet, fell close to coal face discharging three props | | | | Individal page | | | | Lloyd, Arthur, 24 Jun 1913, aged 20, Labourer, Instead of passing around the "slum road" to get from one side of the pit to the other, he crossed the pit as the cages were running and got caught and crushed by one of them | | | | Individal page | | | | Lloyd, Edward, 20 Jun 1900, aged 29, Roadman, Fall of roof in a heading where they were moving the parting and road nearer to the face, in a Barry or Nottingham long wall face. The stone was released from slips between the road posts [More information ...] | | | | Individal page | | | | Lodwick, Thomas, 11 Mar 1904, aged 44, Fireman, Fall of side. When walking in front of a bunch of insufficiently spragged coal it fell over and crushed him against a post | | | | Individal page | | | | Meade, John, 15 Apr 1903, aged 37, Assistant Timberman, John Meade, 37, assistant timberman at McLaren Colliery, died on the 15th April from "natural causes." An attempt was made to prove that death resulted from an accident while at work, but there was no evidence of an accident having occurred [fatality reported during the year but not classified as a reportable accident] | | | Memorial | Individal page | | | | Minton, Thomas, 03 Sep 1902, aged 38, Haulier, Explosion, firedamp, cause of ignition uncertain, Explosion of fire-damp in the Yard Vein Seam. Caused by working near to or in a large accumulation of gas [More information ...] | | | | Individal page | | | | Moreton, James, 06 May 1903, aged 43, Timberman, Where engaged repairing and taking out a pair of timber, a fall of roof occurred which knocked out two other pairs of timber unexpectedly and killed him | | | Memorial | Individal page | | | | Morgan, Gwilym, 03 Sep 1902, aged 41, Collier, Explosion, firedamp, cause of ignition uncertain, Explosion of fire-damp in the Yard Vein Seam. Caused by working near to or in a large accumulation of gas [More information ...] | | | | Individal page | | | | Morris, David, 09 Dec 1908, aged 40, Master haulier, Fall of roof near pit-bottom where the arching was in course of extension. The sides apparently gave way through not being sufficiently secured, resulting in a heavy fall which carried away the timbering and the scaffolding over the road and killed him as he was passing underneath. No indications as to the place being uneasy appears to have been noticed by the onsetter or hitcher working near the place | | | | Individal page | | | | Perrott, Rees, 01 Jun 1903, aged 60, Labourer, Fall of side. When he and others were engaged raising the level of the roadway in a swamp on the main haulage road, the side gave way and crushed him. The timber had been taken out and not replaced temporarily, as the side was considered safe. The error or neglect, whichever it may have been was that of the timberman for whom this man was labouring | | | | Individal page | | | | Phillips, Evan, 31 May 1907, 1 p.m., 7th hour of shift, aged 50, Collier, Fall of roof at the face of a stall in the Yard Vein from two slips, one a face slip and another at the side. Apparently the slips must have been visible, and although he was told by the Examiner to get the coal down, he continued to work without doing so, thereby negligently bringing about his own death | | | | Individal page | | | | Pritchard, Henry, 30 Sep 1924, 12.20 p.m., 7th hour of shift, aged 53, Labourer, Prior to the erection of steel girder arches on a main haulage road, the necessary excavation had been done, and the place temporarily secured by means of sets of timbers and lagging. A fall occurred of about 8 tons of roof, and the labourer was caught, being killed outright. Electric safety lamp used | | | Memorial | Individal page | | | | Probert, Azariah, 03 Sep 1902, aged 25, Haulier, Explosion, firedamp, cause of ignition uncertain, Explosion of fire-damp in the Yard Vein Seam. Caused by working near to or in a large accumulation of gas [More information ...] | | | | Individal page | | | | Probert, Thomas, 27 Apr 1909, aged 22, Collier, He appears to have slipped off the "gun" upon which he is presumed to have been riding on a falling gradient with three sprags in his three full trams. He was killed by one of the trams getting off the rails and crushing his head, &c. There seems to have been ample room on the road at this place, and the horse was a quiet one ; as he was alone it can only be surmised how it occurred | | | Memorial | Individal page | | | | Rawlings, William, 03 Sep 1902, aged 25, Timberman, Explosion, firedamp, cause of ignition uncertain, Explosion of fire-damp in the Yard Vein Seam. Caused by working near to or in a large accumulation of gas [More information ...] | | | | Individal page | | | | Richards, Howell, 22 Sep 1904, aged 44, Haulier, A similar accident to the preceding one (169): When riding on the "gun" or connection between the horses' limbers and the tram, with a full journey, he raised his back to throw off a swing sheet which he was passing under and caught his head against a low collar which caused him to be crushed against the tram of coal | | | Memorial | Individal page | | | | Roberts, Gwilym, 03 Sep 1902, aged 34, Haulier, Explosion, firedamp, cause of ignition uncertain, Explosion of fire-damp in the Yard Vein Seam. Caused by working near to or in a large accumulation of gas [More information ...] | | | | Individal page | | | | Shoplind, W. H., 11 Jun 1913, aged 41, Collier, Fall of roof on heading road. He was engaged repairing on a heading and when making room to stand a pair of timber he was struck by a piece of roof which burst out | | | | Individal page | | | | Taylor, William, 03 Nov 1902, aged 60, Surface Foreman, While assisting a new hand to work a tippler at the screens, he was crushed by a full tram which he had not noticed coming from the weigh machine | | | | Individal page | | | | Thomas, Stephen, 25 Nov 1949, aged 27, Ripper, Died from "asphyxia caused by crushing of the chest by a fallen roof accident", Buried: Rhymney Cemetery, Carno Street, Rhymney | | | | Individal page | | | | Thomas, William, 07 Feb 1914, aged 37, Collier, Fall of coal at working face. Having removed a sprag he failed to get a slip of coal down with a bar. Without resetting the sprag he commenced undercutting, when the coal fell and killed him | | | Memorial | Individal page | | | | Wilkins, George, 03 Sep 1902, aged 41, Labourer, Explosion, firedamp, cause of ignition uncertain, Explosion of fire-damp in the Yard Vein Seam. Caused by working near to or in a large accumulation of gas [More information ...] | | | | Individal page | | | | Williams, Abraham, 28 Jun 1913, aged 15, Clipper, He failed to unclip some trams approaching others standing on a parting, and was crushed between them | | | Memorial | Individal page | | | | Williams, Albert, 03 Sep 1902, aged 19, Labourer, Explosion, firedamp, cause of ignition uncertain, Explosion of fire-damp in the Yard Vein Seam. Caused by working near to or in a large accumulation of gas [More information ...] | | | | Individal page | | | | Williams, Edward Thomas, 27 Oct 1904, aged 22, Collier, Fall of roof. When preparing the place for a post which, the examiner had ordered him to set, the stone fell on him. Had he set this before on his own initiative the accident would probably not have occurred. It is one of those cases in which laxity in dealing with the securing of roofs brings about its own punishment. Had deceased known that if he had not got a prop set where it was required when the examiner or overman came to the place he would be reported to the manager, he would not have waited to set one until the examiner came and told him to do it | | | | Individal page | | | | Williams, Josiah, 17 Nov 1899, aged 17, Collier's helper, Fall of clod from the face in his stall road, in consequence of insufficient spragging | | | | Individal page | | | | Yandle, John, 28 Dec 1914, aged 64, Foreman Coal Cleaner, He was run over by an empty wagon as he attempted to cross the rails underneath the screens | | | | | | | | | | 65 names found | | | | | |

If you know of any fatalities missing from the above list then please contact us with the details and we will add them to our database.

Those names marked with image, were killed in a disaster for which a memorial has been erected or for which we have images concerning the disaster, alternately their name may be mentioned on a memorial plaque. Click on the image symbol next to the name to see the appropriate web page for the memorial.

Those names marked with image, have a web page providing individual details of the accident, the page may also include a photograph of the deceased. Click on the image symbol next to the name to see the web page.

Some of the names of mining fatalities on this page have been kindly provided by Ian Winstanley of theCoal Mining History Resource Centre (CMHRC) and are marked with image.The CMHRC is available here.

More information more information on some of the fatalities shown above

Collieries and Pits within 5 miles (8km)

Colliery Map a simulated map showing the immediate vicinity of McLaren Colliery

Nearby Collieries list of collieries/pits etc. near to McLaren Colliery

Memorial Images:

Memorial: 1902 Maclaren, No.1 Pit Colliery Disaster

