Durham Mining Museum - Stock Exchange Information (original) (raw)
Extracted from: The Stock Exchange Year-Book for 1875, by Thomas Skinner
In the case of companies worked upon the cost-book principle the laws of ordinary partnership prevail as regards the liability of shareholders ; it is quite unlimited.
Alamillos Company, Limited. — Directors: J. P. Judd (Chairman), H. D. Abercrombie, W. Cox, W. Henderson, R. Henty, J. R. Peill, J. Taylor, and R. Taylor. Managers: Messrs. J. Taylor and Sons. Secretary: H. Swaffield. Offices: 5, Queen Street Place, Upper Thames Street, London, E.C. — The company is engaged in lead-mining operations in Spain. The capital is £70,000 in fully-paid snares of £2. Half-yearly reports to June 30 and December 31 are submitted in October and April, and dividends are paid immediately afterwards. In 1872 the return was 2s. 6d. per share, in 1873 5s., and in 1870, 4s. The shares are quoted in the official list. Transfer fee, 1s.
Almada and Tirito Consolidated Silver Mining Company, Limited. — Directors: P. F. Needham (Chairman), A. P. Fletcher, W. Martineau, T. B. Power, F. Saunders, and J. P. G. Smith. Secretary: H. G. Denniss. Office: 47, Finsbury Circus, London, E.C. — The company is engaged in working some mining properties in Mexico. The capital is £130,000 in fully-paid shares of £1. Half-yearly meetings are held in November and May to receive the reports to the preceding June 30 and December 31. Dividends, varying from 6d. to 1s. per share, were paid to the end of the year 1872; but for 1873 no distribution was made, the net revenue having been used for capital purposes. The continuance of this practice being considered very inconvenient, authority was obtained to issue £20,000 10 per cent. debentures, repayable by five equal annual drawings, beginning June, 1877. The shares are quoted in the official list. Transfer fee, 1s.
Assheton Mining Company, Limited. — Secretary: H. Wilson. Office: Bartholomew House, Bartholomew Lane, London, E.C. — The company was established in 1869 to acquire and work a lead-ore property. The paid-up capital is £70,000 in shares of £5, but a recent portion was issued at £4 per share. On the foundation of the company, in the midst of a perfect mania for lead-mining enterprise, the shares went to a great premium, but no dividend has yet been paid. A portion of the shares (£2,000) are quoted in the official list. Transfer fee, nil.
Australian Mining Company. — Directors: Lieut.-Col. G. Palmer (Chairman). H. Collier (Deputy-Chairman), H. R. Watton, F. Collier, and W. J. C. Cutbill. Secretary: U. P. Harris. Office: 1, Coleman Street Buildings, London, E.C. — This company was established in 1829, with the object of acquiring and working certain mineral and agricultural properties in South Australia; but of late years the policy has been somewhat changed, and now the company leases its properties to others, and in this course it is meeting with some degree of prosperity. Annual meetings are held in July to receive the accounts to June 13. The capital is £400,000 in shares of £20, of which £140,000, or £7 per share, is called up. For 1873-4 a dividend of 2s. per share was paid. The company is quoted in the official list.