Durham Mining Museum - Stock Exchange Information (original) (raw)
Extracted from: The Stock Exchange Year-Book for 1875, by Thomas Skinner
In the case of companies worked upon the cost-book principle the laws of ordinary partnership prevail as regards the liability of shareholders ; it is quite unlimited.
Cape Copper Mining Company, Limited. — Directors: E. A. Pontifex (Chairman), W. Bevan, A. Focking, J. Galsworthy, O. Hanbury, H. Hodgson, J. Wild, J. Taylor, and R. Taylor. Secretary: J. C. Leaver. Office: 6, Queen Street Place, Southwark Bridge, London, E.C. — The company, which was established in 1863, has a capital of £200,000 in shares of £10, on which £7 has been paid ; but the working capital has been increased to £175,000 by the addition of £35,000 derived from the issue of shares at a premium. Meetings are held about July to receive the accounts from the Cape to December 31 and the London office to April 30. Interim dividends are paid. Dividends of 20s. per share each were paid in March, June, and September of this year, but only the last applies to the current working year. The company is quoted in the official list. Transfer fee, 2s. 6d.
Cardiff and Swansea Smokeless Steam Coal Company, Limited. — Directors: R. Shaw (Chairman), J. D. Sharkespear (Vice-Chairman), T. Coats, F. A. Yeo, and J. Cory. Secretary: J. Davies. Office: 6, Great St. Helen's, London, E.C. — The company was established in 1873 to acauire certain colliery properties in South Wales, and plant, for £285,000, of which £133,260 was to be paid in shares which were not to rank for dividend for the first three years until 10 per cent. had been paid to the other shareholders, and the remaining £151,740 was to be paid in 6 per cent. debentures for three, four, and five years. The capital was £400,000, in shares of £10, and upon those allotted to the public £4 has been paid up. Annual meetings are held in July to receive the accounts to June 30. For 1873-4 12½ per cent. was paid on both classes of shares. The company is not quoted in the official list.
Charles Cammell and Company, Limited. — Directors: C. Cammell (Chairman), G. Wilson, A. Peek, J. Hervey, and S. Jackson. Secretary: J. S. Robinson. Offices: Cyclops Works, Saville Street, Sheffield. — The company, which was established in 1864, has important iron and steel works near Sheffield, and collieries near Barnsley. The capital is £1,000,000 in shares of £100, of which £80 per share is called up, and there are £400,000 6 per cent. debentures. Meetings are held in June to receive the accounts for the year ending April 6, but interim dividends are paid. For some years the return was 8 per cent., but for 1872-3, and again for 1873-4, it was 10 per cent. The reserve fund is £30,000. The company is not quoted in the London list, the shares being chiefly held and dealt in locally.
Chicago Silver Mining Company, Limited. — Directors: Rear-Admiral Lord J. Hay, Col. the Hon. J. C. Stanley, Col. Byrde, J. D. Roberts, Col. Davison, T. R. Mellor. Secretary: S. E. Briggs. Offices: 8, Finch Lane, London, E.C. — The company was formed in March, 1873, to purchase and work a silver mine in Utah, United States, and to erect furnaces and carry on the business of smelting ore. The capital is £130,000 in fully-paid shares of £10. Dividends to the amount of £1 per share have been paid. The last dividend, which was 4s. per share, was paid October 29th, 1874. The company is not quoted in the official list.
Chillington Iron Company, Limited. — Directors: G. J. Barker and T. Barker (Managing Directors), W. Bevan, S. S. Lloyd, M.P., C. F. Richardson, and J. Slagg, jun. Secretary: D. Jones. Office: Chillington Iron Works, Wolverhampton. — The company was established to take over and work, as from the 1st of January, 1872, the Chillington Ironworks and Collieries. The consideration was £315,000, £235,000 in cash, and £80,000 in fully-paid shares. The capital was £350,000 in shares of £10, and £315,000 has been issued and paid up. Meetings are held at Wolverhampton in March to receive the accounts for the year ending with December, but interim dividends are paid in September. For 1872 the return was 10 per cent., and for 1873 7½; per cent. The shares are quoted in the official list Transfer fee, 2s. 6d.
Chontales Consolidated Mining Company, Limited. — Directors: Right Hon. The Earl Nelson (Chairman), C. S. Hill, Lieut.-Col. C. G. Perceval, P. Pittar, and J. O. Hanson. Secretary: J. J. Truran. Offices: 185, Gresham House, London, E.C. — The company was established in 1871. The capital is £100,570 in fully-paid shares of £2, and £21,948 in shares having £1 15s. paid up. Both are quoted in the London Share List. No dividends have yet been declared. Half-yearly meetings are held late in October and April to receive the accounts to June 30 and December 31. Transfer fee, 2s. 6d.
Clifton Silver Mining Company, Limited. — Directors: J. C. Davis (Chairman), G. L. Keir, and W. J. Marshall. Secretary: F. Andrews. Offices: 21, Great Winchester Street, London, E.C. — The company was formed to acquire and work a property in Colorado. The capital is £30,000 in fully-paid shares of £5. The accounts are made up to September 30, and in the report for 1872-3, the directors stated that a variety of circumstances had prevented the development of the company, and had reduced its funds to a very low ebb.
Coal Consumers' Association, Limited. — Directors: Lieut.-Col. T. J. Holland, (Chairman), E. P. B. Smith, P. Edinger, A. Baker, and A. H. Cockerton. Secretary: J. E. Cowan. Office: 110, Cannon Street, London, E.C. — The company was started in February, 1873, "to raise capital among consumers and exporters of coal with which to purchase or lease collieries, and otherwise to obtain coal at moderate prices." It was to be worked entirely upon co-operative principles, the miners and all the employees of the association equally having the opportunity of becoming shareholders. The capital was fixed at £500,000 in shares of £1, and subscriptions were first sought for £50,000. This amount was subscribed, and subsequently a further issue was made at 5 per cent. premium, and the paid-up capital is now £73,419. This was supplemented by the issue of £50,000 first mortgage debentures of £10, which bear 10 per cent. interest, and are redeemable by annual drawings at 10 per cent. premium. The balance-sheet to February 28, 1874, submitted in May, showed a net profit of £6,452, besides the benefits bestowed upon the shareholders by the delivery of coal at prices much below the market quotations. Transfer fee, 2s. 6d.
Colorado Terrible Lode Mining Company, Limited. — Directors: Sir C. Beadon (Chairman), J. C. Davis, C. F. Montresor, R. M. K. Witham, and A. R. Young. Secretary: F. Andrews. Office: 21, Great Winchester Street, London, E.C. — The company was established in 1870. The paid-up capital is £105,000 in shares of £5, which are quoted in the official list. Dividends have been paid of 2s. 6d., November, 1870; 2s., March, 1871: 1s. 6d., June, 1871; 2s., October, 1871; and 1s. 6d., August 15, 1874. Transfer fee, 2s. 6d.
Copper Miners In England. — Directors: A. Beattie (Governor), C. R. M. Talbot, M.P., (Deputy-Governor), T. Barkworth, Major H. W. S. Stewart, E. P. Stringer, J. Whatman, and W. D. Crewdson, jun. Secretary: T. R Steer. Office: 27, Martin's Lane, Cannon Street, London, E.C. — The company, which was incorporated in 1691 to acquire and work extensive mining properties in South Wales, has a capital of £300,000 in stock, and £288,775 in 7½ per cent. fully-paid preference shares of £25. Only the latter are quoted in the official list. Meetings are held in April to receive the accounts for the year ending January 10. The company's circumstances are far from favourable, though they have lately improved. No dividends are being declared on the ordinary stock, but on the preference shares, after an interval of several years, 5 per cent. was paid for 1871, 7 for 1872, and the full rate of 7½ for 1873. The preference shares (£25 paid) were as low as £4 in 1870, and again in 1871; while in 1873 they rose to 20. Transfer fee, 2s. 6d.
Crenver and Wheal Abraham United Mines Company, Limited. — Secretary: G. H. Cardozo. Office: 15, New Broad Street, London, E.C. — The balance-sheet to February 23, 1874, showed a subscribed capital of £100,000, of which £87,828 had been paid up. The shares are of £2, and both paid-up and partly paid up are quoted in the Stock Exchange Share List. The company has paid no dividends. Meetings are held in March.
Crown Preserved Coal Company, Limited. — Secretary: H. Fletcher. Office: 39, Oldhall Street, Liverpool. — The company was established in 1861. The capital consists of 5,670 fully-paid shares of £5. Meetings are held in August and February to receive the accounts to June 30 and December 31. For the second half of 1873 the dividend was 6s. per share, or 12 per cent. per annum, and for the first half of 1874 it was 4s. per cent., or 8 per cent. per annum. The shares are held locally.