Durham Mining Museum - Stock Exchange Information (original) (raw)
Extracted from: The Stock Exchange Year-Book for 1878, by Thomas Skinner
In the case of companies worked upon the cost-book principle the laws of ordinary partnership prevail as regards the liability of shareholders ; it is quite unlimited.
West Assheton Mining Company, Limited. — Secretary: H. Wilson. Office: Bartholomew House, Bartholomew Lane, London, E.C. — The company was formed in 1876 to take over a portion of the property of the Assheton Mining Company. The capital is £14,000 in fully-paid shares or £1. Transfer form, common; fee, 1s. per deed.
West Cumberland Iron and Steel Company, Limited. — Directors: J. Lancaster (Chairman), I. Fletcher, M.P. (Deputy-Chairman), Lieut.-Col. A. Green-Thompson, S. Lloyd, R. Lancaster, J. Hannah, J. Thompson, and R. Wilson. Secretary: W. Wilson. Office: Workington, Cumberland. — The company was formed to take over the West Cumberland Hematite Iron Works, as from September 30, 1872. The capital is £600,000 in shares of £25, of which £480,000, or £20 per share, has been paid up. The accounts are made up annually to September 30, and submitted in November. The year 1874-5 ended in a loss of £39,677, but for 1875-6 there was a profit of £16,675. The shares are quoted in the London Stock Exchange. Transfer form, common; fee, 2s. 6d.
West Pateley Bridge Lead Mines, Limited. — Directors: W. Baxter, Col. J. A. Todd, H. A. Hammond. Secretary: J. J. Truran. Office: 185, Gresham House, Old Broad Street, E.C. — The company was registered 14th February, 1876. Capital £20,000, in 20,000 shares of £1 each, of which 5,610 are fully paid up, and 6,300 issued with 5s. per share called up. Transfer form, common.
West Prussian Mining Company, Limited. — Directors: W. G. Logan, B. Nixon, J. R. Stewart, jun., A. A. Wynne, and Col. C. Wynne. Secretary: E. Garcke. Offices: 5, Westminster Chambers, Victoria Street, London, S.W. — The company was formed in 1875. The capital is £210,000 in shares of £10, divided as follows :— £55,000 in 8 per cent. cumulative preference shares; £140,000 in A shares, which rank for 8 per cent. per annum dividends before the remaining capital, which consists of £15,000 B shares, get anything, and equally in all over that rate. The preference shareholders may convert into A shares within five years of the date of issue, and the priority of A over B shares is to cease on the ordinary dividend being 15 per cent. per annum for three consecutive years. The preference dividends are paid quarterly, the 1st of July, September, January, and April. The accounts are made up to June 30, and submitted in September. The report to June, 1876, stated that the full dividends on the A shares had been paid in respect of seven months, and had then been discontinued, owing to causes believed to be temporary. For 1876-7 2 per cent. was paid on the A shares, and the full rate on the preference shares. Transfer form, common ; fee, 2s. 6d. per deed.
West Seton Mining Company. — Purser: T. Pryor, Redruth, Cornwall. — The company owns and works a copper and tin mine. There are 600 shares, and £47 has been paid upon each. No dividends have been paid since 1872. In that year £7 per share was paid. The company is on the cost-book principle, and is quoted in the official list.
Wheal Basset. — Purser: R. Martyn. Address: Redruth, Cornwall. — The company was established in 1870 to acquire and work a copper-ore property. There are 512 shares, and £16 2s. 6d. has been paid up on each. Meetings are held quarterly. The dividends so far paid amount to £641 10s. per share ; the last being £1 10s. in August, 1876. Since that date several calls have been made ; the last waa £2 in April, 1877. The company is quoted in the official list.
Wheal Crebor Mining Company. — Committee: J. Y. Watson and H. Emanuel. Secretary: C. B. Parry. Offices: Gracechurch Buildings, Gracechurch Street, London, E.C. — This company owns and works a copper mine in Devonshire upon the cost-book principle. There are 6,000 shares, and £4 1s. per share has been paid. The last call was 2s. 6d. per share in February, 1873. No dividend has yet been paid. Transfer form, common; fee, nil.
Wheal Elisa Consol Mining Company. — Address: St. Austell, Cornwall. — This company was founded on the cost-book principle to acquire and work a tin and copper property. There are 1,024 shares, and £18 per share has been paid. Dividends commenced in July, 1875, and including £1 just paid, £16 per share has been distributed.
Wheal Grenville Mine. — Secretary: T. B. Laws. Office: St. Andrew's House, 28, Cornhill, London, E.C. — This is the name of a tin and copper mine in Cornwall which is worked on the cost-book principle. There are 5,113 shares, and £12 1s. 6d. per share has been paid up. The accounts to August 31, 1877, showed £2,407 against the mine. The company is quoted in the official list.
White Oak Colliery Company, Limited. — Directors: J. Landon (Chairman), W. A. F. Powell (Deputy-Chairman), D. T. Evans, and J. Chynoweth. Manager: W. Morgan. Secretary: J. Curtis. Offices: Exchange Buildings, Bristol. — The company was registered December 2, 1874. The capital is £25,000 in shares of £100.
Whitehaven Iron Mines, Limited. — Directors: Earl of Devon (Chairman), T. B. Hall, J. Jennings, C. K. Dyer, and H. Copland. Secretary: J. W. Marshall. Offices: 1, East India Avenue, Leadenhall Street, London, E.C. — The company was formed in 1871. The capital is £65,300 in fully-paid shares of £10. The accounts are made up to June 30 and December 31, and submitted in September and March. No dividend has yet been paid. Transfer form, common; fee, 2s. 6d. per deed.
Whittington and Sheepbridge Colliery Company, Limited. — Directors: W. Bartram (Chairman), M. Wild, J. Johnson, E. Hill, and T. Colver. Secretary: J. Armstead. Offices: 14, Norfolk Row, Sheffield. — The company was registered November 8, 1873. The capital consists of £51,070 in shares jof £10, and £38,302, or £7 10s. per share, has been paid up. There are also mortgage loans to the amount of £15,000. The accounts are made up to December 31, and submitted in March. To the end of 1876 the balance-sheet showed a loss of £1,289, but the "guaranteed dividend of 10 per cent." was paid in due course.
Wicklow Copper Mine Company. — Directors: G. Tuckell (Chairman), C. Cummins (Deputy-Chairman), E. P. Wright, E. Breslin, C. J. Fay, M.P., and J. Smith. Secretary: T. Baker. Offices: 113, Grafton Street, Dublin. — The company was incorporated by Act of Parliament in 1863. The capital is £62,500 in fully-paid shares of £2 10s. The accounts are made up to March 1 and September 1, and submitted in April and October. The dividends so far paid amount to £52 9s. per share ; the last payment was 2s. 6d. per share in 1872. To September, 1877, there was a debit balance of £11,380. Transfer fee, 2s. 6d. per deed.
Wye Valley Lead Mining Company. — Directors: E. Chillcott, E. Hilton, Col. Mortimer, G. Ross, and J. B. Tippetts. Secretary: H. R. Moore. Office: 26, Change Alley, Lombard Street, London, E.C. — The company was established in 1874 to acquire and work a property near Llanidloes, Montgomeryshire. The capital is £30,000 in fully-paid shares of £3. The accounts are made up annually to August 31, and submitted in September. For 1875-6 a first dividend of 7½ per cent. was paid. Transfer form, common; fee, 2s. 6d. per deed.