Durham Mining Museum - Stock Exchange Information (original) (raw)

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Extracted from: The Stock Exchange Year-Book for 1880, by Thomas Skinner

In the case of companies worked upon the cost-book principle the laws of ordinary partnership prevail as regards the liability of shareholders ; it is quite unlimited.

Tankerville Mining Company, Limited. — Directors: P. Watson (Chairman), W. Greame, S. York, E. D. Shaw, W. Cooper, and J. Cremonini. London Manager: J. H. Murchison, 8, Austin Friars. — The company was established in 1870. The capital is £72,000 in fully-paid shares of £6. The accounts are made up annually to April 30, and submitted in September. The recent dividends have been, 5s. per share in May, 1876 ; 5s. in August, 1876; and 5s. in Deoember, 1876. Nothing was paid for 1877 and 1878. Transfer form, common; fee, nil

Tecoma Silver Mining Company, Limited. — Directors: C. C. Adley (Chairman), W. Bayne, J. MacLeod, J. Romanes, S. Drummond, J. Porter, J. Nelson. Secretary: W. H. Harrison. Office: 16, St. Swithin's Lane, EC. — The capital is, £300,000 in ordinary shares of £10 each, £40,000 in preference shares, and £10,000 in debentures. No report has been obtainable this year.

Tharsis Sulphur and Copper Company, Limited. — Directors: C. Tennant, M.P. (Chairman), A. S. Schaw (Deputy-Chairman), H. Gaskell, J. Wilson, W. W. Pattinson, L. Leisler, J. Moffat, A. Arrol, D. Wilson, J. Williamson, D. Gamble, and J. Couper. Secretary: J. Thomson. Office: 136, West George Street, Glasgow. — The company was established in 1866 to acquire and work certain mineral properties in Spain. The subscribed capital is £1,229,960 in shares of £10, of which £1,143,300 is paid up, some of the shares having only £7 paid, and the rest being fully paid. There is also a debenture capital of £400,000. The distribution for 1872 was 40 per cent.; for 1873, 25; for 1874, 25; for 1875, 22½; 1876, 20; 1877, 17½ ; and for the fourteen months ending March 1, 1879, 16½. Reserve, £20,124. {Sinking Fund, £100,000. The shares are quoted in the official list. Transfer form, common; fee, 2s. 6d. per deed, but if transfers convey the two descriptions of shares, two fees have to be paid.

Thorp's Gawber Hall Collieries, Limited. — Directors: C. J. Dibb (Chairman), T. Greenwood, Hon. H. Noel, J. Outwin, and J. Wood. Secretary: H. Buswell. Office: Willow Bank, Barnsley. — The company was established in 1872. The capital is £104,690 in fully-paid shares of £10, and £29,680 fully-paid 10 per cent. cumulative preference shares of £10. The accounts are made up to June 30 and December 31, and submitted in September and March. For 1873-4 quarterly dividends were paid amounting to 40 per cent., for 1874-5 the rate was 12½ per cent., but no payment has been made since, and the preference dividend for the four half-years to June, 1879, is in arrear. Transfer form, common; fee, 2s. 6d. per deed.

Tincroft Mine. — Address: W. Teague, Redruth, Cornwall. — The company was established in 1869 to acquire and work, upon the cost-book principle, certain tin and oopper properties. There are 6,000 shares, and £12 each has been paid up. The dividends so far paid amount to £50 8s. 6d. per share; the last was 5s. per share, in May, 1877. Since then calls have had to be made. The company is quoted in the official list.

Tolima Mining Company, Limited. — Directors: H. T. Sankey (Chairman), Major Dickson, M.P., B. L. Barrow, and C. O. Rogers. Secretary: W. W. Holmes. Office: 35, Finsbury Circus, London, E.C. — The company was formed in 1871 to acquire and work certain properties in South America. The capital is £95,334 10s., of which £30,000 consists of B or deferred shares of £5, fully paid, and the balance of 10 per cent. cumulative A or preferred shares of £5, fully paid. The accounts are made up annually to May 31, and submitted in December. To May, 1878, £25,867 13s. 6d. was due for arrear dividends on the A shares. Transfer form, special; fee, 2s. 6d. per deed.

Tredegar Iron and Coal Company, Limited. — Directors: B. Whitworth, M.P. (Chairman), H. D. Pochin (Deputy-Chairman), Hon. S. C. Glyn, C. Markham, R. Rawlinson, and E. Williams. General Manager: J. Colquhoun. Secretary: E. Petley. Offices: 28, Queen Street, Cheapside, London, E.C. — The company was registered March 26, 1873. The subscribed capital consists of £1,000,000 in £50 shares, called A, and £250,000 in £25 shares, called B. The amount paid up is £770,000, the £50 shares having had £26 called up, and the £25 shares being fully called up. There are loans and debentures to the amount of £235,578. The accounts are made up annually to March 31 and submitted in July. For 1873-4 a dividend of 10 per cent. was paid ; for 1874-5, 5 per cent.; 1875-6, 5 ; 1876-7, 4 ; 1877-8, nil.; and for 187&9, 2½. Reserve fund, £30,311. Transfer fee, 2s. 6d. per deed.