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Extracted from: The Stock Exchange Year-Book for 1883, by Thomas Skinner

In the case of companies worked upon the cost-book principle the laws of ordinary partnership prevail as regards the liability of shareholders ; it is quite unlimited.

Halkyn District Mines Drainage Company. — Directors: Duke of Westminster, K.G. (Chairman), Right Hon. Lord R. Grosvenor, P.C., M.P., H. R. Bowers, J. S. Bankes, Col. F. Beaumont, R. Frost, Lt.-Col. Heyworth, G. Hughes, and J. Thompson. Secretaries: Messrs. Wakefield & Enock. J. Taylor and Sons. Office: 16, Corn Exchange Chambers, Chester. — The company was incorporated by act of parliament in 1875. The subscribed capital is £49,520 in shares of £10, and £48,120 is called up, 4,252 shares being fully paid, and the remainder having £8 called. The accounts are made up to June 30 and December 31, and submitted in August and February. In August, 1882, a dividend of 4 per cent. was paid. Reserve fund, £176; carried forward, £564. Latest price, par.

Hallamshire Steel and File Company, Limited. — Directors: W. Smith (Chairman), J. Denton, M. T. Dixon, and J. Hunt. Secretary: W. Glossop. Offices: Neepsend, Sheffield. — The company was registered June 19, 1873. The subscribed capital is £60,000 in shares of £20, and £45,000, or £15 per share, is paid up. There are also a mortgage of £8,000, and 5 per cent. debentures amounting to £10,000. The accounts are made up annually to March 31, and submitted in May. For 1873-4 and 1874-5 the dividend was 10 per cent.: for 1875-6, 12½ ; for 1876-7, 10 ; for 1877-8, 10 ; for 1878-9, 5 ; for 1879-80 and 1880-1, 7½ ; and for 1881-2, 10. Carried forward, £1,661. Transfer form, common; fee, 2b. 6d. per deed. Latest prices — shares, 20¼ ; debentures,

Hamstead Colliery Company, Limited. — Directors: R. Chamberlain (Chairman), R. Mills, D. Groucutt, E. Smallman, and D. Peacock. Secretary: T. S. Hatton. Offices: Old Churchyard, Wolverhampton. — The company was registered April 26, 1875. The subscribed capital is, £100,000 in fully-paid ordinary shares of £20, and £95,000 cumulative preferred shares of £20, of which £67,529 is paid up, 1,737 shares being fully paid, and the remainder having £11 per share paid. The preferred shares rank first for dividends up to 7½ per cent., and equally with the ordinary in all above that rate. There is also a mortgage of £50,000. The accounts are made up annually to December 31, and submitted in February. The opening up of the colliery is in progress. To December 31, 1881, there was £9,922 to the debit of revenue, but mortgage interest is duly paid. Transfer form, common; fee, 2s. 6d. per deed. Latest prices — ordinary, 14¼.

Hawkins Hill Consolidated Gold Mining Company, Limited. — Directors: Duke of Manchester, K.P. (Chairman), Sir C. Clifford, J. D. Crum-Ewing, A. Fairfax (Sydney), W. Macandrew, and S. S. Young. Secretary: R. Makepeace. Office: 85, Gresham Street, E.C. — The company was registered January 5, 1882, to acquire and work the properties of the Star of Peace Gold Mining Company, Limited, situated in New South Wales. The subscribed capital is £68,311 in A shares of £1, with £34,155, or 10s. per share, paid up, and £1,000 in fully-paid B (founders') shares of £1. The A shares rank for a preferential cumulative dividend of 7 per cent. per annum, and one-half of the surplus profits, the remaining half going to the B shares.

Henriett Mining and Smelting Company, Limited. — Directors: J. Harvey, Col. Wilbraham, F. Andrews, H. S. Rouquette, and D. H. Moffat. Secretary: C. H. Rose. Office: 21, Great Winchester Street, E.C. — The company was registered in 1882 to take over certain properties in Colorado. The authorised capital is £300,000 in shares of £1. Of this £270,000 was offered, and allotment took place.

Henry Briggs, Son, and Company, Limited. — Directors: R. Tonge (Chairman), A. C. Briggs, H. Broadbent, J. Ingram, W. G. Jackson, G. Robson, S. H. Tonge, and R. Melvin (Working Director). Secretary: J. H. Phillips. Offices: Whitwood, near Normanton, Yorkshire. — The company was registered April 5, 1865, to acquire certain coalmines. The subscribed capital is £365,550 in shares of £15, and £266,935 is paid up, 12,965 shares known as A having £12 10s. paid, 11,405 B shares having £8 10s. paid up, and £7,930 having been paid in advance of calls. There are also debentures to the amount of £54,250. The accounts are made up annually to June 30, and submitted in August, but an interim meeting is held in February. For 1874-5 the dividend was 11 per cent.; for 1875-6, 10 ; 1876-7, 6 ; 1877-8, 3 ; 1878-9, 1879-80, and 1880-81, 2½ ; and 1881-2, nil. Reserve, £50,000 ; carried forward, £4,346. Transfer fee — one share, 1s. 6d.; two or more, 2s. 6d. Latest prices — A shares, 7 ; B shares, 4½.

Herodsfoot Mine. — Committee: H. G. Sharp and H. Waddington. Purser: F. W. Dabb, Redruth, Cornwall. — This lead mine, situated near Liskeard, Cornwall, is worked on the cost-book system. There are 12,000 shares, and 18s. has been paid on each. No dividend is being paid. The ordinary cost-book transfer form is used. Latest price, ¼.

Hingston Down Consols Mining Company, Limited. — Directors: H. P. Hall (Chairman), E. Figgess, and F. E. Kew. Secretary: J. Elphick. Managers: J. Taylor & Sons. Office: 5, Queen Street Place, E.C. — The company was registered in 1864. The subscribed capital is £18,000 in shares of £1, and £12,600, or 14s. per share, is paid. The accounts are made up to April 30 and October 31, and submitted in May and November. The last dividend was 1s. per share in November, 1875. Bankers' balance on April 30, 1882, £327. The company is quoted in the official list. Transfer form, common ; fee, 2s. 6d. per deed. Latest price, ½

Home Mines Trust, Limited. — Directors: G. Forman, J. T. Browne, and S. F. Cross. Secretary: Edmund Harvey. Office: 8, Old Jewry, E.C. — The company was registered August 24, 1881. The subscribed capital is £---- in shares of £1, and £---- , or -- per share, is paid up. The accounts are made up annually to August 25, and submitted in September. For 1881-2 the dividend was 15 per cent. Transfer form, common; fee, 2s. 6d. per deed.

Hoover Hill Gold Mining Company, Limited. — Directors: G. Hopkins (Chairman), H. Hughes, C. W. Stronge, C.B., and Hon. F. A. J. Chichester. Secretary: J. Fraser. Office: 2, Tokenhouse Buildings, King's Arms Yard, E.C. — The company was registered January 15, 1881, to work certain properties in North Carolina. The capital is £120,000 in fully-paid shares of £1. The accounts are made up annually to December 31, and submitted in July. The operations have so far been with a view of developing the property. The company is quoted in the official list. Transfer form, common; fee, 2s. 6d. per deed. Latest price, 1/8.

Hornachos Silver-Lead Mining Company, Limited. — Directors: A. Parisot (Chairman), T. Barker, A. Edwards, S. Loveridge, H. C. Scott, T. Steven, and C. E. Webb. Secretary: R. James. Office: 24-7, Rood Lane, Fenchurch Street, E.C. — The company was registered January 16, 1873, to work mines in Spain. The subscribed capital is £150,000 in shares of £10, of which £147,000 is paid up, 14,000 shares being fully paid, and the remainder having £7 paid. There are also 10 per cent. debentures of £50 each to the amount of £10,000. The accounts are made up annually to June 30. No dividend has yet been paid, but the debenture interest, due in March and September, is regularly met. Transfer form, common ; fee, 2s. 6d. per deed. Latest price, par.

Hultafall Mining Company, Limited. — Directors: G. Batters and J. Maxfield. Secretary: W. J. Lavington. Office: 9, New Broad Street, E.C. — The capital consists of £60,000 in fully-paid ordinary shares of £5, £10,000 in preference shares of £5, with £4,100 paid, and £5,920 in bonds. The accounts are made up annually to July 31, and submitted in October.

Hungarian Copper Mining Company, Limited. — Directors: C. Chapman, F. F. Powell, and C. O. Rogers. Secretary: S. A. Cobbett. Office: 1, Winchester Rouse, Old Broad Street, E.C. — The company was registered April 26, 1882, to take over the property of the Hungarian Copper Company, Limited, registered August 19, 1880. The property is situated near Heves, in Hungary. The capital is £40,000 in fully-paid shares of £1. Transfer form, common; fee, nil.

Huntington Copper and Sulphur Company, Limited. — Directors: J. Wright (Chairman), A. R. Gray, I. H. Jackson, I. M. Kerr, and J. Mackillop. Secretary: J. E. Watson. Office: 149, Hope Street, Glasgow. — This company was registered April 1, 1872 to take over the property of the Huntington Mining Company, Limited, of Canada. The capital is £200,000 in fully-paid shares of £10, but 4,030 shares have been received back from the original directors, and are held for behoof of the company. The accounts are made up annually to April 30, and submitted in August. The last dividend was 2½ per cent. in 1875, and to April 30, 1882, there was £66,206 to the debit of profit and loss, exclusive of £40,978 against "suspense account." The company is quoted in the London Share list. Latest price, ¾. Resolutions have been passed authorising the issue of 10 per cent. preference shares of £1 to the amount of £25,000, and the reduction of the ordinary capital by such amount as the directors may think proper.

Hutton Henry Coal Company, Limited. — Directors: J. Marley (Chairman and Managing Director), J. Richardson, C. J. Backhouse, J. Fryer, and R. Grant Secretary: W. S. Stowell. Office: 7, Bondgate, Darlington. — The company was registered May 12, 1873. The capital is — £100,000 in fully-paid A shares of £100, and £70,300 in B shares of £100, with £95 per share called. There are also mortgages to the amount of £26,400. The accounts are made up annually to June 30, and submitted in August. For 1879-80 there was a balance of £460, and this was carried forward. For 1880-1 a dividend of 2 per cent. was paid, and for 1881-2, 3 1/8. Reserve, £250; carried forward, £129.