Durham Mining Museum - Stock Exchange Information (original) (raw)

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Extracted from: The Stock Exchange Year-Book for 1883, by Thomas Skinner

In the case of companies worked upon the cost-book principle the laws of ordinary partnership prevail as regards the liability of shareholders ; it is quite unlimited.

Nantyglo and Blaina Ironworks Company, Limited. — Directors: H. Mason, M.P., F. Wootton-Isaacson, J. Robinson, and R. Stockdale. Secretary: W. West. Office: 4, Norfolk Street, Manchester. — The company was registered July 25, 1871. The capital consists of — £312,500 fully-paid 8 per cent. preferred shares of £62 10s., £156,250 fully-paid deferred shares of £62 10s., £161,000 loans on mortgage, and £70,200 10 per cent debenture bonds. The accounts are made up annually to August 31, and submitted about November. To August, 1876, there was a debit balance of £76,508; to August, 1877, of £121,785 ; and to August, 1878, £148,612. To August, 1879, the working was at a profit. No report has since been received. In 1882 £37 10s. per share was written off as lost, the capital account being thereby reduced to the amount given above. In April, 1882, a dividend of £1 5s. per share was paid on the preferred shares, and in October, 1882, 2 per cent. The preferred shares are quoted in the official list. Transfer form, common; fee, 2s. 6d. per deed. Latest price, preferred, 50½.

Nava de Jadraque Gold and Silver Mining Company, Limited. — Directors: E. Cottam, C.E., C. M. Tate, C.E., and J. W. Wright. Secretary: W. A. White. Office: 12, George Yard, E.C. — The company was registered May 8, 1879, to work certain properties in Spain. The capital is £27,320 in fully-paid shares of £1. The accounts are made up annually to the end of February, and submitted in March. No dividend is being paid. Transfer form, common; fee, 1s. per deed. Latest price, ¾.

Neepsend Rolling Mills Company, Limited. — Directors: C. A. Branson, J. M. Habershon, and J. Wood. Secretary: J. MacLachlan. Offices: Neepsend, Sheffield. — The company was registered March 13, 1873. The subscribed capital is £25,000 in shares of £10 each, and £17,500, or £7 per share, is paid up. The accounts are made up annually to March 31, and submitted in May. No report is obtainable, but it is believed that the dividends have been for some time past 5 per cent. per annum. Transfer form, common ; fee, 2s. 6d. per deed.

Nerbudda Coal and Iron Company, Limited. — Directors: S. J. Wilde (Chairman), J. R. Corbett, T. S. Haviside, and J. R. Manning. Secretary: F. R. Bluett. Offices: 18, Finsbury Circus, E.C. — The company was established in 1860. The subscribed capital is £149,457 in shares of £3, and £112,092, or £2 5s. per share, is paid up. There are also debentures to the amount of £1,500. The accounts are made up annually to December 31, and generally submitted in May. For 1874 a first dividend of 5 per cent. was paid; for 1875, 7½ per cent.; and for 1876, 2½. There has since been no payment, but for 1880 there was a profit of £883, and 1881 was begun with a credit balance of £748. 1882 began with a debit balance of £113. The shares are quoted in the official list. Transfer form, common; fee, 1s. per deed. Latest price, 7/8.

New Callao, Limited. — Directors: Maj. Fortescue, Sir R. Gethin, Bart., H. Stephenson, and A. Ward. Secretary: F. J. Warner. Office: 97, Bishopsgate Street Within, E.C. — The company was registered April 29, 1881, to acquire a gold-mining property in Venezuela. The capital is £42,000 in fully-paid shares of £1. The first report and accounts are to be issued about December, 1882. Transfer form, common ; fee, 2s. 6d. per deed. Latest price, 10s.

New Cambrian Mining and Smelting Company, Limited. — Directors: T. Adams (Chairman and Managing), R. Girvin, J. Beaumont, S. Gray, and R. W. Lodwick. Secretary: A. Edey. Office: 18, Queen Victoria Street, E.C. — The company was registered November 5,1881, to take over the undertaking of the Cambrian Mining Company, Limited. The capital consists of £85,000 in fully-paid ordinary shares of £2, and £30,000 in preference shares of £2, with £1 per share called up. The preference shares rank first for a cumulative preferential dividend of 15 per cent. per annum, after payment of which both classes rank equally.

New Cook's Kitchen Mine. — Pursers: R. H. Pike & Son, Camborne, Cornwall. — This company works a tin mine situated at Illogan, Cornwall, on the cost-book system. There are 2,400 shares, and £8 18s. has been paid on each. The accounts are made up every sixteen weeks. No dividend is being paid. Transfers are to be made out on the ordinary cost-book form ; fee. nil.

New Emma Silver Mining Company, Limited. — Directors: F. W. Snell, C. W. C. Hutton, H. W. Askew, C. H. Dunhill, S. L'Amy, and I. Romanes. Secretary: R. L. Hobbs. Office: 8, Great Winchester Street, E.C. — The company was registered January 17, 1882, to acquire the property of the Emma Silver Mining Company, Limited, and the Cincinnati Mining property. The capital is £785,000 in fully-paid shares of £10.

New Florence Mining Company, Limited. — Directors: G. Bush, G. Herring, and W Herring. Secretary: J. C. Bull. Office: 14, Great Winchester Street, E.C. — The company was registered January 14, 1880, to acquire the property of the Florence Mining Company, Limited. The capital is £10,000 in fully-paid ordinary shares of £1, and £5,000 in fully-paid preference shares of £1. The preference shares rank first for dividends of 10 per cent. per annum. The ordinary then take 5 per cent., any surplus profits being divided equally tween the two classes. There are also 7 per cent. mortgage debentures to the amount of £800. The accounts are made up annually to March 31, and those for 1881-2 were submitted in June. To March 31, 1882, there was £1,052 to the debit of profit and loss. Transfer form, common; fee, 2s. 6d. per deed.

New Gold Run Company, Limited. — Directors: A. Chadbourn, R. James, and J. Lord. Secretary: T. E. Briggs. Office: 8, Finch Lane, Cornhill, E.C. — The company was registered March 16, 1880, to take over the properties of the Gold Run Hydraulic Mining Company, Limited, situated in California. The subscribed capital is £52,000 in fully-paid shares of £1, of which £29,000 consists of ordinary shares, and £23,000 of 10 per cent. preference shares. No dividend has yet been paid on either ordinary or preference shares. Transfer form, common ; fee, 1s. per deed.

New Great Wheal Vor Tin Mining Company, Limited. — Directors: W. McCulloch, Sir R. Gethin, Bart., and C. Morgan. Secretary: W. S. Lambert. Office: 1, Crown Court, Threadneedle Street, E.C. — The company was registered June 16, 1881. The authorised capital is £100,000 in shares of £1. The vendor has guaranteed a dividend of 7½ per cent per annum for two years. Allotment has taken place. Transfer form, common; fee, 2s. 6d. per deed.

New Holmbush Mining Company, Limited. — Directors: D. Sykes (Chairman), E. Andrew, C. Hirst, Jun., and G. Whiffin. Secretary: G. Butler. Office: 8, Old Jewry, E.C. — The company was registered April 7, 1880, to acquire certain tin and copper properties situated at Callington, in Cornwall. The subscribed capital is £25,428 in shares of £4, and £19,071, or £3 per share, is paid up. There are also debentures amounting to about £3,500, and loans to the amount of £3,450. The accounts are made up annually to June 30, and submitted in September. The property is not yet fully developed, although sales of ore have taken place.

New Kitty Mine Company. — Chairman of Company: J. B. Reynolds. Local Purser: G. C. Hancock. Secretary: F. J. Harvey. Office: 37, Walbrook, E.C. — This company was established in 1880 to work a tin mine situated at St. Agnes, near Scorrier, Cornwall, on the cost-book system. There are 6,000 shares, and 16s. has been paid on each, the last call being 2s. in August, 1882. The accounts are made up every sixteen weeks. No dividend has yet been paid. Transfers are to be made out on the ordinary cost-book form ; fee, nil.

New Quebrada Company, Limited. — Directors: Hon. T. C. Bruce, M.P. (Chairman), T. W. Meates (Deputy-Chairman), J. Anderson, N. Learoyd, and J. Thompson. Secretary: N. G. Burch. Office: 2, Walbrook, E.C. — The company was established in 1866. The capital is £306,590 in fully-paid shares of £5, and £94,400 (outstanding portion of £100,000) in debentures to bearer of £10, £20, £50, and £100, hearing 6 per cent. interest, payable April 1 and October 1, and redeemable by annual drawings (September) at par within twenty years from the date of issue (July, 1880). The accounts are made up to December 31, and submitted in July or August. For several half-years up to and inclusive of that ending June, 1879, no dividend was paid, but for the half-year ending December, 1879, a distribution of 2s. 6d. per share was made. For 1880 the dividend was 3 per cent. and for 1881, 3½. Carried forward, £6,333. The company is quoted in the official list. Transfers are to be made out on common forms; fee, 2s. 6d. per transfer. Latest prices — ordinary, 5 ; debentures, 99½.

New Redmoor Mining Company, Limited. — Directors: D. Sykes (Chairman), E. Andrew, C. Hirst, Jun., and G. Whiffin. Secretary: G. Butler. Office: 8, Old Jewry, E.C. — The company was registered April 13, 1881, to acquire certain tin, lead, arsenic, and copper properties at Southill and Callington, in Cornwall. The subscribed capital is £16,004 in shares of £2, of which £10,377 is paid up, 500 shares being fully paid, and the remainder having £1 5s. paid. There are also loans to the amount of £1,297. The accounts are made up annually to June 30, and submitted in September. The operations have so far chiefly been with a view of developing the property.

New Sharlston Collieries Company, Limited. — Directors: Adml. W. Hornby (Chairman), I. Beck, Hon. C. W. W. Fitzwilliam, M.P., R. Hollings, M.D., T. Moy, T. Y. Strachan, and J. Wild. Manager: W. Creswick. Secretary: S. M. Robins. Office: 110, Cannon Street, E.C. — The company was registered October 21, 1873. The capital is £230,960 in fully-paid preference shares of £20, exclusive of 381 preference and 5,500 ordinary shares which have been surrendered and cancelled. There are also 6 per cent. mortgage debentures amounting to £69,000, with interest payable March 31 and September 30, and redeemable by annual drawings on December 31, the last drawing to take place December 31, 1889. The accounts are made up annually to December 31, and submitted in February. The only dividend paid was 2½ per cent. in 1874, and though 1880 resulted in a profit, 1881 commenced with a debit balance of £5,421. During that year a net profit of £8,321 was made, £5,421 of which was applied in extinguishing the debit balance brought forward, and £2,900 as a depreciation off colliery property account. The shares are quoted in the official list. Transfers are to be made out on common forms; fee, 1s. per deed. Latest price — preference, 5.

Newport Abercarn Black Vein Steam Coal Company, Limited. — Directors: J. Holman (Chairman), J. T. Bowden, T. Beynon, J. Cory, W. Lishman, and Rt. Hon. H. C. Raikes, P.C., M.P. Secretary: A. R. Mollett. Office: 12, St. Mary Axe, E.C. — The company was registered February 24, 1873. The capital is — £150,000 in fully-paid shares of £10 ; £75,000 preference shares of £10, which rank first for 6 per cent., and equally with ordinary in all over that rate ; and debentures and mortgages to the amount of £8,666. The accounts are made up annually to March 31, and submitted in July, and an interim dividend (last time of 6 per cent. per annum) is paid in January. The first dividend was 2½ per cent. for 1879-80. For 1880-1 the rate was 6, and for 1881-2, 10. Reserve fund, £9,238 ; carried forward, £914. The company is quoted in the official list. Transfer form, common ; fee, 2s. 6d. per deed. Latest price, 9.

Newquay Mining Company, Limited. — Directors: G. Chamberlain, E. Fidler, D. Mac-gregor, A. D. Morison, and F. Retallack. Secretary: W. Skinner. Office: 31, Lombard Street, E.C. — The company was registered July 13, 1881, to acquire a property in Cornwall. The authorised capital is £150,000 in shares of £1, of which £50,000 consists of preferred shares, and the balance of ordinary. The preferred shares rank first for a cumulative dividend of 7 per cent. per annum, with participation in surplus profits after the same rate has been paid on the ordinary. The accounts are made up annually to April 18, and submitted in July. Transfer form, common; fee, 2s. 6d. per deed.

Newton, Chambers, & Company, Limited. — Directors: T. C. Newton (Chairman), Earl of Wharncliffe, Hon. J. W. Fitzwilliam, M.P., A. McArthur, M.P., J. Y. Cowlishaw, W. Sidebottam, E. Tozer, E. Drew, M.D., A. I. Robinson, G. Dawson, and A. M. Chambers, Secretary: W. Barraclough. Office: Thorncliffe Ironworks, near Sheffield. — The company was registered October 24, 1881, to take over the ironworks, collieries, and business of the firm of the same name. The authorised capital is £650,000 in shares of £20, and £160,000 6 per cent. debentures of £50, £100, and £500 have been issued. These have coupons attached, payable January 1 and July 1, and are repayable in three, five, or seven years from July 1, 1882.

Niddrie and Benhar Coal Company, Limited. — Directors: R. Bell, W. Kennedy, J. G. Leadbetter, J. Steel, and J. Thornton. Secretary: A. W. Turnbull. Office: York Buildings, Queen Street, Edinburgh. — The company was registered in 1882 to acquire the mineral property of the Benhar Coal Company, Limited. The subscribed capital is — £50,000 in preference shares of £5, with £30,000, or £3 per share, paid up ; and £77,500 in ordinary shares of £1 5s., with £7,750, or 2s. 6d. per share, paid up. For the purpose of calculating dividends the ordinary shares fall to be credited with £3 15s. per share as paid up, in addition to such part of the said £1 5s. as may be paid up at the time. The preference shares rank first for a dividend of 10 per cent. per annum, and after the same rate has been paid on the ordinary both classes rank equally. The company has power to redeem the preference shares after five years at 30 per cent. above par. The purchase money of £97,500 is payable as follows :— £30,000 in November, 1882, £30,000 in February, 1883, £30,000 in June, 1883, and £7,500 in October, 1883. Transfer fee, 2s. 6d.

Nine Reefs Gold Mining Oompany, Limited. — Directors: Col. G. B. Malleson, C.S.I. (Chairman), J. T. Lawrence, W. McCandlish, C.E., and Capt. W. B. McTaggart Secretary: C. F. Tombs. Office: 38, Lombard Street, E.C. — The company was registered May 30, 1881, to work a property situated in Ooregum, Mysore. The subscribed capital is £91,500 in shares of £1, of which £75,728 is paid up, 49,442 shares being fully paid, and the remainder having 12s. 6d. paid. In December, 1881, the Stock Exchange committee granted a settlement, but refused a quotation. Transfer form, common; fee, 2s. 6d. per deed.

North Grogwinion Silver-Lead Mine, Limited. — Directors: J. Armitage, W. Bowman, W. Brookes, C. Scales, and H. Davey. Secretary: H. R. Moore. Office: 26, Change Alley, Lombard Street, E.C. — The company was registered August 23, 1881, to acquire the Panteherion Mine, situated at Llanfihangel, Cardiganshire. The capital is £20,221 in fully-paid shares of £1 each. The accounts are made up annually. Latest price, 1 1/8.

North Hendre Lead Mining Company, Limited. — Directors: H. R. Bowers (Chairman), U. Bromley, A. Eyton, J. Kenyon, W. Rowland, H. Simpson, and R. Wright. Secretary: J. Jones. Office: Westminster Buildings, Newgate Street, Chester. — The company was registered September 28, 1878. The subscribed capital is £49,937 10s. in shares of £2 10s., of which £39,755 is paid up, 11,829 shares being fully paid, and 8,146 having £1 5s. paid. The accounts are made up annually to September 30, and submitted in November. For 1880-1 the dividend was 10 per cent. Reserve account, £4,394; carried forward, £198. Latest price, 5.

North Herodsfoot Mine. — Secretary: F. F. Wilson. Office: 30, Finsbury Circus, E.C. — This lead mine, situated at Liskeard, Cornwall, is worked on the cost-book principle. There are 12,000 shares, and 12s. has been paid on each. No dividend is being paid.

North Ooregum Gold Mining Company, Limited. — Secretary: G. Lund. Office: 1, Queen Victoria Street, E.C. — The company was registered January 4, 1881, to acquire a property in the Mysore District, India. The authorised capital is £120,000 in shares of £1. The company was in November, 1882, ordered to be wound up.

North Penstruthal Mining Company. — Committee: J. Petrie (Chairman), J. Laby, J. Walton, and H. Waddington. Secretary: E. Ashmead. Office: 2, Drapers' Gardens, E.C. — The company was formed in November, 1879, for working a tin and copper sett in Gwennap, Cornwall, upon the cost-book principle. There are 6,000 shares, and £2 7s. 6d. has been paid on each, the last call being 4s. per share in July, 1882. Four-monthly meetings are held. No dividend has yet been paid. The ordinary cost-book transfer form is used; fee, nil. Latest price, 10s.

North-Eastern Steel Company, Limited. — Directors: A. J. Dorman (Chairman), F. W. Bond, R. C. Denton, A. S. Hay, E. Riley, H. Ripley, S. G. Thomas, and T. Wrightson. Secretary: J. McCrie. Office: Royal Exchange, Middlesborough. — The company was registered July 9, 1881. The subscribed capital is £161,680 in shares of £20, and £80,840, or £10 per share, is paid up. Transfer form, common; fee, 2s. 6d. per deed.

Norway Copper Mines Company, Limited. — Directors: Hon. A. Ponsonby (Chairman), Hon. R. Stewart, J. White, R. Milbum, and T. R. Jordan (Managing Director). Secretary: C. J. Courtis. Office: 52, Gracechurch Street, E.C. — The company was registered April 8, 1881. The capital is £24,000 in cumulative preference shares of £1, with 15s. per share paid up, and £15,000 in fully-paid deferred shares of £1. The preference shares rank first for dividends of 10 per cent. in each year, all surplus profits to be divided — 40 per cent. among the preference shareholders, and the balance among the deferred shareholders. The accounts are made up annually to June 30. The vendors have guaranteed the preference dividend of 10 per cent. per annum for two years. Transfer form, common ; fee, 2s. 6d. per deed. Latest prices — preference, par.

Nouveau Monde Gold Mining Company. — Directors in London: Lord R. Browne, Lt. Genl. Vaughan, H. Lewis, and A. S. Owen. London Office: 10, George Yard, Lombard Street, E.C. — The company was established in 1850 to work a property in Venezuela. The capital is £200,000 in fully-paid shares to bearer of £1. No dividend is being paid. The shares are quoted in the official list. Latest price, ½.

Nundydroog Gold Mining Company, Limited. — Directors: Capt. W. B. McTaggart (Chairman), H. D. H. Fergusson, J. S. Kennedy, R. Taylor, J. Taylor, and O. Webb. Managers: J. Taylor and Sons. Secretary: W. G. Williams. Office: 6, Queen Street Place, E.C. — The company was registered November 6, 1880, to work a property in the Nundydroog district of Mysore, India. The capital is £76,929 in fully-paid shares of £1. The accounts are made up annually to December 31, and submitted in June. The development of the property is in progress. In December, 1881, the Stock Exchange committee granted a settlement, but no mention was made of a quotation. Transfer form, common ; fee, 1s. per deed.