run over by waggons on private branch railway near Copt Hill, a few miles from the colliery; his leg was taken off and he died on the 17th inst.
[not known]
Mines Inspectors Report Entry
Columns: 1: No. of Accident ; 2: Date and Hour of the Accident ; 3: Hour of the Person's Shift, i.e. No of Hours he had been at work when the Accident happened to him ; 3: Name of the Mine or Colliery ; 4: Where situate ; 5: Name of the Owner or Company ; 6: Persons killed ; 7: Reputed Age ; 8: Occupation ; 9: Cause of Accident, and Remarks
1891 Mines Inspectors Report (C 6625), Durham District (No. 4) by Thomas Bell, H.M. Inspector of Mines, Page: 38, Accident Number: 2 Where to find this report
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