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17th December 1937, Page: 1161, Column: 1

Personal Notes

Mr. H. C. WALKER has been appointed chairman of the Carlton Main Colliery Co. in place of the late Mr. Douglas Vickers.

Sir CHARLES CRAVEN, O.B.E., chairman of the English Steel Corporation, has been re-elected chairman of the Industrial Welfare Society.

A presentation of a reading lamp was made on December 3 toMr. W. REYNOLDS, who has retired from his position as engineer at Collins Green Colliery, St. Helens, Lancs, after 52 years service.

A presentation has been made to Mr. JAMES FEWSTER, who has retired from the post of cashier to the Stella Coal Co., Ltd., after 47 years' service with the firm. Mr. Fewster began with the company at the age of 18.

Mr. S. ARMSTRONG, master shifter at Marley Hill Colliery, belonging to John Bowes and Partners, Ltd., has been appointed under-manager at a new drift being developed at Andrews House, near Marley Hill, for the same company.

Pease and Partners, Ltd., have transferred Mr. S. D. THORPE, manager of Ushaw Moor Colliery, to Roddymoor Colliery, Crook.Mr. T. O. WRIGHTSON, of the Dunston and Garesfield Collieries, has been appointed to succeed Mr. Thorpe at Ushaw Moor.

Consequent upon the death of Mr. W. J. Moggridge, late managing director of Ismay Cables, Ltd., Mr. W. R. HALL, formerly of the Derby Cables, has been appointed managing director of the company. Col. A. P. PYNE, the company's chief engineer, has been appointed to the board.

Mr. J. T. RICHARDSON, a native of Hebburn and an official atSilksworth Colliery, has been elected president of the Northern Colliery Officials' Mutual Aid Association. Mr. Richardson has been on the association's executive committee for 18 years. He was one of the founders of the Silksworth branch.

The double award of the Founder's Medal and the Institute of Patentees' Medal has been made to Dr. S. C. BLACKTIN for his Electrotor Dust and Smoke Meter as exhibited and demonstrated at the Coronation Exhibitions of New Inventions at Sheffield and Leeds in October and November last, respectively. The instrument gives countable records, over a phenomenal range, of the individual particles of which dust and smoke dispersions are composed.

Two officials of the Lambton Engine Works, Philadelphia, Co. Durham, who are retiring at the end of the year, each have a record of more than 50 years service at the works. They areMr. JAMES THEWLISS, of Shop-row, Philadelphia, and Mr. JAMES WILLIAM FORSTER, of Raglan-row, Philadelphia. Mr. Thewliss, who is 70 years of age, is foreman boilersmith and has worked 55 years at the works. Mr. Forster has been 32 years at the works. He is 67 and is locomotive foreman.

At the age of 32, Mr. JAMES OATES, of Hough-lane, Wombwell, has been appointed under-manager of the Parkgate seam at Wombwell Main Colliery, where for some time he has been employed as an overman. He was previously an overman at Mitchell Main and Darfield Main collieries, and a member of the Mitchell Main mines rescue team. He is a teacher of mining subjects at Wombwell Technical Institute. Mr. F. A. HASTINGS has been appointed under-manager of the Silkstone seam at Houghton Main Colliery, near Barnsley, where he succeeds Mr. G. Dunne.

Name Age Occupation Notes
Armstrong, S.
Blacktin, S. C., Dr.
Craven, Charles, Sir
Dunne, G.
Fewster, James
Forster, James William 70
Hall, W. R.
Hastings, F. A.
Moggridge, W. J.
Oates, James
Pyne, A. P., Colonel
Reynolds, W.
Richardson, J. T.
Thewliss, James 67
Thorpe, S. D. Whos Who Page
Vickers, Douglas Whos Who Page
Walker, H. Carleton Whos Who Page
Wrightson, Thomas Ormston Whos Who Page