John Dee's Mysteriorum Libri Quinque (original) (raw)
or, Five Books of Mystical Exercises of Dr. John Dee
An Angelic Revelation of Kabbalistic Magic and other Mysteries Occult and Divine
revealed to Dr. John Dee and Edward Kelly
A.D. 1581 - 1583
with a preface by Elias Ashmole
Edited by Joseph Peterson
Copyright 1985 by Joseph H. Peterson
First published by Magnum Opus Hermetic Sourceworks, Wales 1985
All rights reserved. This book or parts thereof may not be reproduced in any form without written permission from the editor.
Dr. John Dee
Mysteriorum Libri Quinque
LIBER I -- The manner of working
Latin Oration
John Dee his note
Preliminary invocation
Prologue (Actio Saulina) Dec 22, 1581. Annael foretells the coming Actions
First Action. March 10, 1582. Edward Talbot (Edward Kelley) arrives and invokes Anchor. Uriel appears. Dee inquires about the Book of Soyga. A false revelation of the gold sigil
Second Action. Mar 10, later. Dee inquires again about Soyga. Uriel refers him to Michael. Sigillum Dei described. The holy table shown. Lundrumguffa, a wicked spirit, to be discharged
Third Action. Mar 11. Uriel and Michael expel Lundrumguffa
Fourth Action. Mar 14. Uriel and Michael appear. A host with letters. The Angel of a man's profession resembling John Dee. The ring of Solomon revealed. Advice regarding the sigil EMETH
Fifth Action. Mar 15. Salamian, Raphael, Fortitudo Dei and Uriel appear. Mamon and his servants expelled. Magical instructions given.
LIBER II -- The Mysteries most marvelous of Sigillum DEI, otherwise called Sigillum AEMETH
Sixth Action. Mar 1582 (Date uncertain). Michael, Uriel and Semiel appear. The form of the Sigil described. Forty angels appear and reveal 40 letters for the sigil's border
Seventh Action. Later, same day. Michael corrects several errors. The interpretation of the 40 letters given
Eighth Action. Later, same day. Michael appears. More instruction concerning the 40 letters. _Adam's Treatise from Paradise_to be revealed
Ninth Action. Mar 20. Uriel appears and defers the action until later
Tenth Action. Mar 20, later. Michael and Uriel appear. Seven names extracted from the 40 letters. These are corrected. Symbols for the 7 angles of the Sigil are revealed. A table of 49 letters is revealed, from which are extracted the names of 7 angels. E. Talbot to fetch Lord Mowntegle's books
Eleventh Action. Mar 21. Michael and Uriel appear. Phanael, an angelic trumpeter. Seven companies of pillars. A table of 49 letters is revealed, from which four series of seven names are extracted
The Form of the Sigillum DEI EMETH
LIBER III -- Of the 7 Ensigns of Creation
Twelfth Action. Apr 28, 1582. Michael appears. The first of seven talismans revealed.
Thirteenth Action. Apr 28, later. Michael appears. The other six talismans revealed
Fourteenth Action. Apr 29. Michael and Uriel appear. The seven tables of the mystical heptarchy are revealed. Offices of the angels described. 68 The seven tables 70 A list of the 49 angels extracted from the tables 77 A circular diagram of the 49 names
Fifteenth Action. May 4. Michael and Uriel appear. A parable of two birds is seen as a vision. Magical instruction
LIBER IV -- The offices of the angels of the Mystical Heptarchy:"Post reconciliationem Kellianam"
Sixteenth Action. Nov 15, 1582. Seven angels appear. Carmara appears. His office. Balanced and unbalanced kings. True and impure noblemen. Scholars of light and scholars of confusion. Hagonel appears. His instruction.
Note by E. Ashmole about the beginning of Liber IV
Seventeenth Action. Nov 16. An angel with a triple crown appears with seven angels. Bornogo and Befafes
Eighteenth Action. Nov 16, later. Offices of angels Butmono, Bralges, Blisdon. The 7 characters of the kings
Nineteenth Action. Nov 17. Carmara appears. A company of 42 angels reveal a table of 42 letters
Twentieth Action. Nov 17, later. Carmara appears. Magical instruction
Twenty-first Action. Nov 19. Carmara, Bobogel and Babalel appear. A company of 42 angels reveal 42 letters. Magical instruction
Twenty-second Action. Nov 20. Carmara, Babalel and Befafes appear. Their offices revealed. 42 angels and 42 letters
Twenty-third Action. Nov 20, later. Carmara, Bnapsen and Brorges appear. Magical instruction from Michael, Uriel and Raphael
Twenty-fourth Action. Nov 21. Carmara appears. He reveals himself as Baligon. Magical instruction. Explanations of the letters of the tables. The shewstone miraculously appears
LIBER V -- Of the Holy Book Liber LOAGAETH
Twenty-fifth Action. 1583 Mar 23. Edward Kelley and John Husey return with the Book, the scroll and the powder. Medicina Dei invoked for instruction
Twenty-sixth Action. Mar 24. Me. appears and shows the Holy Book, Liber LOAGAETH
Twenty-seventh Action. Mar 26. Me. appears and shows the Holy Book again. A sermon. The Adamical alphabet is revealed
Twenty-eighth Action. Mar 26, later. A vision of a great battle. Me. appears. Instruction regarding the mission of Adrian Gilbert
Twenty-ninth Action. Mar 28. Gargat, a wicked spirit intrudes while Dee is away. Dee returns and asks the angels for help. Gargat confronted. A counterfeit scroll. Gargat punished. More advice for Adrian Gilbert. Advice for John Davis refused
Thirtieth Action. Mar 28, later. Dee complains that the Queen will not reform the calendar. Me. appears. Advice for Adrian Gilbert. Magical instruction
Thirty-first Action. Mar 29 (Good Friday). Me. appears. A fire enters EK's head. The first line of the _Holy Book_revealed
Thirty-second Action. Mar 31 (Easter). Me. appears. The second line revealed. Dee requests an abridgement of the transmittal process. Dee rebuked. Me. not to come again until the book is finished. Prophesies of doom
Thirty-third Action. Apr 2. Lines 38 revealed
Thirty-fourth Action. Apr 3. Lines 9-20
Thirty-fifth Action. Apr 3, later. Lines 21-26. Further instruction on the transmission of the Holy Book
Thirty-sixth Action. Apr 4. Lines 27-35
Thirty-seventh Action. Apr 5. Charles Sled and EK rebuked for quarreling. A vision: A headless people to be restored. Lines 36-42
Thirty-eighth Action. Apr 6. Lines 43-48. The Holy Book titled_Amzes naghezes Hardeh_
Thirty-ninth Action. Apr 6. Uriel appears to answer questions. Great misery predicted. Book to be completed in 40 days. The Book is referred to as 'a Book of Secrets and Key of this World'. EK begins to write the book down directly. Advice regarding Mistress Haward. The last line of leaf 1. The beginning of leaf 2
A note of 5 doubts concerning the Holy Book
Fortieth Action. Apr 10. The Macedonian and Mr. Sanford's letters
The ten seals showing the location of treasures
Apr 11. John Dee deciphers the manuscript
Forty-first Action. Apr 15. An earth spirit bites EK
Forty-second Action. Apr 18. A sentence of 21 letters
Forty-third Action. Apr 18, later. Il introduced. Instruction and a sermon. Inquiry concerning Book of Soyga. The language infused into Adam in paradise. Dee asks about the lost _Book of Enoch_mentioned in Jude, and also about the lost writings of Esdras. Il sings a song. Instructions for obtaining the treasures. EK upset about the diaries hidden in Dee's chimney
Forty-fourth Action. 1583 Apr 20. Il gives advice and reconciles Dee and Kelly
Forty-fifth Action. Apr 23. Dee and Kelly pray that the angels' silence be ended. Uriel invoked. A strong rebuke for their impatience
Apr 26. EK pacified by Dee and Adrian Gilbert
Forty-sixth Action. Apr 28. Il appears. A lesson on the transposition of letters. The Adamical alphabet. Instructions regarding the painting of the furniture. The Holy Table revealed
Forty-seventh Action. Apr 28, later. Il appears and gives magical instruction
Forty-eighth Action. Apr 29. Il appears. Book of Soyga or Aldaraia discussed. Magical instruction. The gold lamine, an instrument of dignification
Apr 29, later. An evil spirit attempts to pass off a counterfeit character
Forty-ninth Action. Apr 29, later. Help sought to banish the evil spirit. A sermon
Fiftieth Action. May 5. Uriel appears to answer questions. Magical instruction
Fifty-first Action. May 5, later. Uriel appears. Magical instruction. The treasure discussed. The book, the scroll and powder. Advice regarding Al Lasky. Visions of the beheading of Mary Queen of Scotts and the Spanish Armada
The completion of the tables by EK. The correct form of the holy alphabet given
Fifty-second Action. May 8. Visions. A spirit appears and denounces the actions. Uriel banishes him. Money sought from the angels. Uriel issues a strong rebuke. Apparition of a disembodied tongue
Fifty-third Action. May 9. Mercy sought for their impatience. Uriel responds. Magical instruction. EK buys a horse to travel to gather the earths of the treasures
Fifty-fourth Action. May 23. EK returns with the eleven earths. Proceeds received from the Royal Mines. Michael, Uriel and Raphiel appear. Instructions. Advice regarding Al Lasky
Additional Angelic phrases found in this book
Statistics on the Angelic Tables
Be it remembred, that the 20th: of August 1672, I received by the hands of my servant Samuell Story, a parcell of Dr: Dee's manuscripts, all written with his owne hand; vizt: his Conference with Angells, which first began the 22th of Dec: Anno: 1581, & continued to the end of May Anno: 1583, where the printed booke of the remaining conferences (published by Dr: Causabon) begins, & are bound up in this volume.
Beside these, the booke intituled, The 48 Claves Angelicae, also, Liber Scientia Terrestris Auxilij & Victoria(these two being those very individuall bookes which the angells commanded to be burnt,1& were after restored2 by them as appeares by the printed Relation of Dr: Dee's Actions with Spirits pag: 418 & 419) The booke intituled De Heptarchia Mystica Collectaneorum Lib: Primus, and a booke of invocations or Calls, begining with the squares filld with letters, about the black cross. These 4 bookes I have bound up in another volume.3
1. 10 Apr. 1586.
2. 30 Apr. 1586.
3. Sloane 3191.
All which, were a few daies before delivered to my said servant, for my perusall (I being then at Mr: William Lillies house at Hersham in Surrey) by my good freind Mr: Thomas Wale, one of his maiesties warders in the Tower of London.
The 5t: of Sept: following Mr: Wale (having heard of my retourne to towne) came to my office in the Excise Office in Broadstreete, & told me he was content to exchang all the foresaid bookes, for one of myne, vizt: The Institution, Lawes & Ceremonies of the most Noble Order of the Garter, to this I agreed, and provided one, which I sent him fairely bound, & gilt on the back.4
4. As a further testimony of the sence of Mr. Wales kindnes, shortly after his death, I sent for his son, & bestowed on him, one of my deputies places in the Excise, with an allowance of 80 £ p Anum.
On the 10th: of the said Sept: Mr: Wale came thither to me againe, & brought his wife with him, from her I received the following account of the preservation of these bookes, even till they came to my hands, vizt: That her former husband was one Mr: Jones a confectioner, who formerly dwelt at the Plow in Lumbardstreet London, & who, shortly after they were married, tooke her with him into Alde streete among the joyners, to buy some houshold stuff, where (at the corner house) they saw a chest of cedarwood, about a yard & halfe long, whose lock & hinges, being of extraordinary neate worke, invited them to buy it. The master of the shop told them it had ben parcell of the goods of Mr: John Woodall Chirurgeon (father to Mr: Thomas Woodall late Serjant Chirurgeon to his now Maiestie King Charles the 2d: (my intimate friend) and tis very probable he bought it after Dr: Dee's death, when his goods were exposed to sale.
Twenty yeares after this (& about 4 yeares before the fatall fire of London) she & her said husband occasionally removing this chest out of its usuall place, thought they heard some loose thing ratle in it, toward the right hand end, under the box or till thereof, & by shaking it, were fully satisfied it was so: Hereupon her husband thrust a peece of iron into a small crevice at the bottome of the Chest, & thereupon appeared a private drawer, which being drawne out, therein were found divers bookes in manuscript, & papers, together with a litle box, & therein a chaplet of olive beades, & a cross of the same wood, hanging at the end of them.
They made no great matter of these bookes &c: because they understood them not, which occasioned their servant maide to wast about one halfe of them under pyes & other like uses, which when discovered, they kept the rest more safe.
About two yeares after the discovery of these bookes, Mr: Jones died, & when the fire of London hapned, though the chest perished in the flames, because not easily to be removed, yet the bookes were taken out & carried with the rest of Mrs: Jones her goods into Moorefields, & being brought safely back, she tooke care to preserve them; and after marrying with the foresaid Mr: Wale, he came to the knowledge of them, & thereupon, with her consent, sent them to me, as I haue before set downe.
E. Ashmole.