Ash tree (original) (raw)

Ash is the name of three very distinct group of trees. In America and Europe, "ash" generally refers to trees of the Genus Fraxinus. In Great Britain, "ash" also refers to the mountain ash or Rowan, Genus Sorbus. In Australia, "mountain ash" refers to a type of eucalyptus, Eucalyptus regnans, one of the tallest trees in the world (perhaps second only to the coast redwood).

Ash Genus: Fraxinus


Scientific classification

Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Magnoliophyta
Class: Magnoliopsida
Order: Scrophulariales *
Family: Oleaceae
Genus: Fraxinus


Fraxinus americana -- white ash
Fraxinus angustifolia -- narrowleaf ash
Fraxinus anomala -- single-leaf ash
Fraxinus apertisquamifera
Fraxinus caroliniana -- water ash
Fraxinus cuspidata -- fragrant ash
Fraxinus dipetala -- two-petal ash
Fraxinus dubia
Fraxinus excelsior -- common ash
Fraxinus baroniana
Fraxinus bungeana -- Bunge ash
Fraxinus chinensis -- Chinese ash
Fraxinus chiisanensis
Fraxinus floribunda
Fraxinus gooddingii -- Goodding's ash
Fraxinus greggii -- Gregg's ash
Fraxinus griffithii
Fraxinus holotricha
Fraxinus hubeiensis
Fraxinus lanuginosa
Fraxinus latifolia -- Oregon ash
Fraxinus longicuspis -- Japanese ash
Fraxinus malacophylla
Fraxinus mandshurica -- Manchurian ash
Fraxinus micrantha
Fraxinus nigra -- black ash
Fraxinus ornus -- flowering ash
Fraxinus papillosa -- Chihuahua ash
Fraxinus paxiana
Fraxinus pennsylvanica -- green ash
Fraxinus platypoda
Fraxinus profunda -- pumpkin ash
Fraxinus purpusii
Fraxinus quadrangulata -- blue ash
Fraxinus raibocarpa
Fraxinus rufescens
Fraxinus uhdei -- Shamel ash
Fraxinus sieboldiana -- Chinese
flowering ash
Fraxinus spaethiana
Fraxinus trifoliata
Fraxinus velutina -- velvet ash
Fraxinus xanthoxyloides -- Afghan ash

*Some botanists include the Oleaceae
in the order Lamiales.

The Genus Fraxinus is in the olive family (Family Oleaceae). Ashes are usually medium to large trees. Most have pinnately-compound, opposite leaves. Seeds are borne in keys, a type of fruit known as a samara.

The white ash is a particularly important timber tree in eastern North America, and is the source of wood for quality wooden baseball bats. The green ash is widely planted as a street tree in the United States. The inner bark of the blue ash has been used as a source for a blue dye.

Ashes of eastern North America include:

Ashes of western and southwestern North America include:

Ashes of Europe include:

Ashes of Asia include:

Ashes of Africa (North Africa only) include:

Cultural aspects


Norse mythology, the World Tree, Yggdrasil, was an ash tree, and the man, Ask, was formed from an ash tree (the first woman was made from alder). Elsewhere in Europe, snakes were said to be repelled by ash leaves or a circle drawn by an ash branch. Irish folklore claims that shadows from an ash tree damage crops. In Cheshire, it is said that ash could be used to cure warts or rickets.

See also; Trees of Britain, Trees of the world