Basque Country (original) (raw)

Euskal Autonomia Erkidegoa_ /_Comunidad Autónoma del País Vasco

Capital Vitoria-Gasteiz
Official languages Basque and Castilian
Area - total - % of Spain Ranked 14th 7 234 km² 1,4%
Population - Total (2003) - % of Spain - Density Ranked 7th 2 108 281 5,0% 291,44/km²
Demonym - English - Basque - Spanish Basque_euskal herritar_, euskaldun vasco/a, vascongado/a
Statute of Autonomy December 22, 1979
ISO 3166-2 PV
Parliamentary representation Congress seats Senate seats 193
President Juan Jos� Ibarretxe Markuartu (PNV)
Eusko Jaurlaritza/Gobierno Vasco

The Basque Country (Basque Euskadi, Spanish Pa�s Vasco, formerly Provincias Vascongadas) is an autonomous community of Spain. Its capital is Vitoria (Basque Gasteiz).

It includes the following historical territories, which are equivalent to provinces (Spanish administrative division):

Autonomous communities of Spain
Andalusia Aragon Asturias Balearic Is Basque Country Canary Is
Cantabria Castile-La Mancha Castile-Leon Catalonia Extremadura Galicia
La Rioja Madrid Murcia Navarre Valencia Plazas de soberanía

The larger Basque Country (the so called Euskal Herria in Basque) is formed by seven historical regions or territories, corresponding more or less with the historical area of Basque language. The common Basque slogan Zazpiak Bat means Seven make One.

The southern or Spanish Basque regions (the three provinces of the Basque autonomous community, plus Navarre) form Hegoalde. The northern or French Basque regions form Iparralde.

The French Basque regions are all part of the Pyr�n�es Atlantiques d�partement. They are :

See also: Basque people, Basque language.