Charadriiformes (original) (raw)

Crested Auklets, which are Auks
Scientific classification
Kingdom:Animalia Phylum:Chordata Class:Aves Order:Charadriiformes
Thinocoridae Pedionomidae Scolopacidae Rostratulidae Jacanidae Chionididae Burhinidae Haematopodidae Recurvirostridae Ibidorhynchidae Charadriidae Pluvianellidae Dromadidae Glareolidae Stercorariidae Rhynchopidae Laridae Sternidae Alcidae

Charadriiformes is a diverse order of small to medium-large birds. It includes about 350 species and has members in all parts of the world. Most Charadriiformes live near water and eat invertebrates or other small animals; however some are pelagic, some occupy deserts and a few are found in thick forest.

The order is usually divided into three suborders:

The Sibley-Alquist taxonomy, which has been widely accepted in America, lumps all the Charadriiformes together with the seabirds and birds of prey into a greatly enlarged order Ciconiiformes.