Dove (original) (raw)

Pigeons and Doves
Peaceful Dove.
Scientific classification
Kingdom:Animalia Phylum:Chordata Class:Aves Order:Columbiformes Family:Columbidae
Many: see text.

The doves are the 308 species of near passerine birds in the order Columbiformes, hence the adjective columbine refers to something being dove-like. The terms dove and pigeon are used interchangeably, although smaller species are more likely to be called doves.

The species commonly referred to just as the "pigeon" is the feral Rock Dove.

Pigeons and doves are stout-bodied birds with short necks and short slender bills with a fleshy cere.

The poorly constructed nests are made of sticks, and the two white eggs are incubated by both sexes.

Doves feed on seeds, fruit and other soft plantstuffs. Unlike most other birds, (but see flamingo), the doves and pigeons produce "crop milk", which is secreted by a sloughing of fluid-filled cells from the lining of the crop. Both sexes produce this highly nutritious substance to feed to the young.

This family occurs worldwide, but the greatest variety is in the Indomalaya and Australasia ecozones. It is related to the extinct dodos

Species are:

Genus Columba Typical doves

Genus Streptopelia

Genus Zenaida

Genus Columbina Ground Doves

Genus Leptotila

Genus Gallicolumba

Genus Geotrygon, quail-doves

Genus Ptilinopus, fruit doves

Genus Nesoenas

Genus ''Macropygia'\'

Genus Reinwardtoena

Genus Turacoena

Genus Turtur

Genus Oena

Genus Chalcophaps

Genus Petrophassa, rock pigeons

Genus Geopelia

Genus Leucosarcia

Genus Claravis

Genus Metropelia

Genus Scardafella

Genus Uropelia

Genus Starnoenas

Genus Caloenas

Nicobar Pigeon (Caloenas nicobarica).
Victoria Crowned Pigeon (Goura victoria).

Genus Trugon

Genus Otidiphaps

Genus Goura crowned pigeons

Genus Didunculus

Genus Phapitreron

Genus Treron green pigeons

Genus Drepanoptila

Genus Alectroenas blue pigeons

Genus Ducula imperial pigeons

Chestnut-naped Imperial Pigeon (Ducula aenea paulina). Other names for this bird are Celebes Imperial Pigeon, Celebes Green Imperial Pigeon and Green Imperial Pigeon.

Genus Lopholaimus

Genus Hemiphaga

Genus Cryptophaps

Genus ''Gymnophaps', mountain pigeons

Genus Ectopistes

Bronzewing pigeons


White doves are a traditional symbol of love and peace. A dove was supposed to have been released by Noah after the flood in order to find land; it came back carrying an olive branch, telling Noah that, somewhere, there was land. A dove with an olive branch, then, has come to symbolize peace.

In politics the name "dove" is sometimes applied to figures who favour peaceful solutions to problems as opposed to "hawks" who favour aggressive action.

See also peace movement, militarism

See also Pigeon intelligence, and River Dove for the river.