Green anarchism (original) (raw)

Green anarchism is system-opposed anarchism suggesting that hierarchies in general and the ecological unbalance, economism, authority-power, international unjustice, war, racism and centralism of today are a direct result of a cruel industrialistic rule of civilization.

Green anarchists practise an underground resistance based on autonomous direct actions, uniting different system-critics such as non-violent action, ecoactivism, queeractivism, animal rights acitivism, anti-capitalism and anti-elitism, opposed to obsolete isms such as socialism and liberalism.

Adherents often join Green parties and argue for de-centralization, one of the Green's Ten Key Values but not one of the original Four Pillars of the Green Party. Usually the use of a capital 'G' indicates some agreement with those parties and their values, and the use of a lowercase 'g' implies a 'small-g' or 'low-overhead' implementation of those ideals.

Green anarchism is often confused with primitivism or the less extreme eco-anarchism which advocates small-scale eco-villages. However, not all green anarchists advocate a return to primitive styles of life; many support the use of advanced technology in an ecologically friendly way, and do not see an inherent conflict between human technology and biodiversity. Some are cyberpunks who exploit technology heavily, or Viridian Greens who see advantages in certain technologies, allowing the human species to transform itself into something more ecologically compatible.

Ecoanarchism is a branch of anarchism that focuses mainly on the ecological and environmental aspects of that philosophy - and means of ensuring human respect for ecology, e.g. a limited deliberative democracy with some respect for the rights of an ecoregion or species to exist, and some acceptance of feminism.

For a while the principle voice in the UK advocating an explicit fusion of libertarian socialist and ecological thinking was the magazine Green Anarchist, although such ideas had arguably been co-sympathetic for decades if not generations beforehand.


See also: green economics, green parties, eco-anarchism, Soylent Greens, terrist