Hard disk (original) (raw)

A hard disk drive in computing is a type of data storage device made up of hard disk platters, a spindle, read and write heads, read and write arms, electrical motors, and integrated electronics contained inside an airtight enclosure.

Hard vs. floppy

Using rigid platters and sealing the unit allows much tighter tolerances than in a floppy disk. Consequently, hard disks can store much more data than floppy disk, and access and transmit it faster. In 2003, a typical workstation hard disk might store between 60 GB and 120 GB of data, rotate at 5400 to 10,000 rpm (revolutions per minute), and have an average transfer rate of about 30 MByte/sec. The fastest workstation hard drives spin at 15,000 rpm. Notebook hard drives are generally smaller and slower than their desktop counterparts, they spin usually at 4200 rpm.

Hard disk hardware

The disk drive is a type of disk storage that stores and retrieves digital data from a planar magnetic surface. Information is written to the disk by transmitting an electromagnetic flux through an antenna or write head that is very close to a magnetically polarizable material that changes its polarization due to the flux. The information can be read back in a reverse manner, as the magnetic fields cause electrical change in the coil or read head that passes over it.

A typical hard disk drive design consists of a central axis or spindle upon which the platters spin at a constant speed. Moving along and between the platters on a common armature are the read-write heads, with one head for each platter face. The armature moves the heads radially across the platters as they spin, allowing each head access to the entirety of its platter.

The integrated electronics control the movement of the read-write armature and the rotation of the disk, and perform reads and writes upon demand from the disk controller. Some modern drive electronics are capable of scheduling reads and writes efficiently across the disk, and of remapping sectors of the disk which have failed.

The sealed enclosure protects the drive internals from dust, condensation, and other sources of contamination. Any contamination of the read-write heads or disk platters can lead to a _head crash_—a failure of the disk in which the head scrapes across the platter surface, grinding away the thin magnetic film. Head crashes can also be caused by electronic failure, wear and tear, or poorly manufactured disks.

Access and interfaces

A hard disk is generally accessed over one of a number of bus types, including ATA (IDE, EIDE), SCSI, FireWire/IEEE 1394, and Fibre Channel. From late 2002 Serial ATA was introduced to improve upon the performance of ATA.


There are three primary factors that determine hard drive performance: seek time, latency and data transfer rate, plus several subsiduary factors:

Operating system use of hard disks

hard disk drive partitioning, master boot record, drive letter assignment

addressing modes

There are two modes of addressing the data blocks on hard disks. The older one is the CHS addressing (Cylinder-Head-Sector), used on old ST-506 and ATA drives and internally by the PC BIOS, and the more recent one the LBA (Logical Block Addressing), used by SCSI drives and newer ATA drives (ATA drives power up in CHS mode for historical reasons).

CHS describes the disk space in terms of its physical dimensions, data-wise; this is the traditional way of accessing a disk on IBM PC compatible hardware, and while it works well for floppies (for which it was originally designed) and small hard disks, it caused problems when disks started to exceed certain limits of the PC's CHS implementation. The original CHS limit was 1024 cylinders, 16 heads and 63 sectors; on a drive with 512-byte sectors, this comes to 504 megabytes. This comes from a combination of the limitations of IBM's BIOS interface (which allowed 1024 cylinders, 256 heads and 64 sectors; sectors were counted from 1, reducing that number to 63, giving an addressing limit of 8064 megabytes or just under 8GB), and a hardware limitation of the AT's hard disk controller (which allowed up to 65536 cylinders and 256 sectors, but only 16 heads, putting its addressing limit at 2^24 bits or 128GB).

When drives larger than 504MB began to appear in the mid-1990s, many system BIOSes had problems communicating with them, requiring BIOS upgrades or special driver software to work correctly; this limitation appeared again at the 8 GB mark as drives increased in size in the late 1990s. This varied in seriousness from PC to PC; some PCs would just ignore the extra capacity, whereas some would refuse to boot, complaining of a hard disk error.

SCSI drives, however, have always used LBA addressing, which describes the disk as a linear, sequentially-numbered set of blocks. SCSI mode page commands can be used to get the physical specifications of the disk, but this is not used to read or write data; this is an artifact of the early days of SCSI, circa 1986, when a disk attached to a SCSI bus could just as well be an ST-506 or ESDI drive attached through a bridge (and therefore having a CHS configuration that was subject to change) as it could a native SCSI device. Because PCs use CHS addressing internally, the BIOS code on PC SCSI host adapters does CHS-to-LBA translation, and provides a set of CHS drive parameters that tries to match the total number of LBA blocks as closely as possible.

ATA drives can either use their native CHS parameters (mainly on early drives; most hard drives made since the early 1990s use multiple-zone recording, and thus don't have a set number of sectors per track), use a "translated" CHS profile (similar to what SCSI host adapters provide), or run in ATA LBA mode, as specified by ATA-2. To maintain some degree of compatibility with older computers, LBA mode generally has to be requested explicitly by the host computer. ATA drives larger than 8 GB are always accessed by LBA, due to the 8GB limit described above.


Most of the world's hard disks are manufactured by a handful of firms: Seagate, Maxtor, Western Digital, Samsung, and the former drive manufacturing division of IBM, now sold to Hitachi. Fujitsu continue to make specialist SCSI drives but exited the mass market in 2001. Toshiba is a major maker of 2.5 inch notebook drives.

Dozens of former hard drive manufacturers have gone out of business, merged, or closed their hard drive divisions, notably Conner (merged with Seagate in 1996), Quantum (now a tape drive specialist with the hard drive division sold to Maxtor), Micropolis (sold to Singapore Technologies, who eventually wound it down), JTS (went bankrupt in early 1999), and Miniscribe (who went bankrupt in 1990 after cooking their books; they were eventually purchased by Maxtor).

Hard Disk Usage

From the original use of a hard drive in a single computer, techniques for guarding against hard disk failure were developed such as the redundant array of independent disks (RAID). Hard disks are also found in network attached storage devices, but for large volumes of data are most efficiently used in a Storage Area Network.

Further reading