HMS Beagle (original) (raw)

HMS Beagle was a British Royal Navy ship, made famous for the second voyage she made with Charles Darwin aboard.

On May 11, 1820, HMS Beagle was launched as a 10 gun brig from the Woolwich Dockyards on the River Thames. There was no immediate need for Beagle so she was kept in reserve for five years.

First Voyage

On September 27, 1825, HMS Beagle docked at Woolwich for repairs and fitted out for her new duties. Her guns were reduced from ten cannons to six and her was deck raised by 18 inches, these alterations were done to increase the space below decks. A mizzenmast was added to improve her manoeuvrability thereby changing her from a brig to a barque.

On May 22, 1826, HMS Beagle set sail for her first voyage, a survey mission of Patagonia and Tierra del Fuego. She was under the command of Captain Pringle Stokes and also on board was Lieutenant Robert FitzRoy.

While surveying Tierra del Fuego, Captain Pringle Stokes shot himself and died 11 days later. Robert FitzRoy was put in temporary command of the Beagle.

The HMS Beagle ended her first voyage when she returned to Plymouth, England on October 14, 1830.

Second Voyage

It was originally intended that HMS Chanticleer would make the second South American Survey, but due to her poor condition HMS Beagle was substituted for the voyage. On June 25, 1831 Robert FitzRoy was re-appointed as commander of HMS Beagle.

HMS Beagle was originally scheduled to leave on October 24, 1831 but because of delays in her preparations the departure was delayed until December. Beagle attempted to depart on December 10 but ran into bad weather. Finally, on December 27 at 2:00 pm, Darwin and the Beagle left Plymouth harbour on what was to become a groundbreaking oceanographic expedition.

Third Voyage

The third voyage of HMS Beagle took place between 1837 and 1847 under the command of Commander John Wickham. During this voyage she made the first charts of large parts of the coast of Australia.

See also