Leo (original) (raw)

Abbreviation Leo
Genitive Leonis
Meaning in English the Lion
Right ascension 11 h
Declination 15°
Visible to latitude Between 90° and -65°
On meridian 9 p.m., April 15
Area\ - Total Ranked 12th947 sq. deg.
Number of stars with apparent magnitude < 3 3
Brightest star - Apparent magnitude Regulus (α Leo)1,4
Meteor showers Leonids
Bordering constellations Ursa Major Leo Minor Cancer Hydra Sextans Crater Virgo Coma Berenices

Leo (the lion) is a constellation of the zodiac. Leo lies between dim Cancer to the west and Virgo to the east.

Notable features

This constellation contains many bright stars, such as Regulus (α Leo), the lion's heart; Denebola (β Leo); and Algieba (γ1 Leo). Many other fainter stars have been named has well, such as Zosma (δ Leo), Chort (θ Leo), Al Minliar al Asad (κ Leo), Alterf (λ Leo), and Subra (ο Leo).

Regulus, η Leonis, and Algieba, together with the fainter stars Adhafera (ζ Leo), Ras Elased Borealis (μ Leo), and Ras Elased Australis (ε Leo), make up the asterism known as the Sickle. These stars represent the head and the mane of the lion.

A former asterism representing the tuft of the lion's tail has since become its own constellation, Coma Berenices.

The star Wolf 359, one of the nearest stars to Earth's solar system (7,7 light-years), is in Leo.

Notable deep sky objects

Leo contains many bright galaxies of which the twins M65, M66 and M95, M96 are the most famous.


In Greek mythology, it corresponds to the Nemean Lion which was killed by Hercules during one of his quests. The Egyptians worshipped the lion because the sun was in this constellation at the time of the life-giving floods of the Nile.


The astrological sign Leo (July 23 - August 22) is associated with the constellation. In some cosmologies, Leo is associated with the classical element Fire, and thus called a Fire Sign (with Aries and Sagittarius).

Constellations of the zodiac : Aries -- Taurus -- Gemini -- Cancer -- Leo -- Virgo -- Libra -- Scorpius -- (Ophiuchus) -- Sagittarius -- Capricornus -- Aquarius -- Pisces

LEO I was the first computer used for commercial calculations.

LEO is an acronym of "Low Earth Orbit".\n