List of astronomical topics (original) (raw)

This page aims to list articles on Wikipedia that are related to Astronomy, Astrophysics and Cosmology. This is so that those interested in the subject can monitor changes to the pages by clicking on Related changes in the sidebar.

The list is not necessarily complete or up to date - if you see an article that should be here but isn't (or one that shouldn't be here but is), please do update the page accordingly.

Two astronomy related WikiProjects are being developed, please visit WikiProject Astronomical Objects and WikiProject Constellations



1 Ceres --2 Pallas -- 3C9 -- 3C48 -- 3C191 --3C273 --3 Juno --4 Vesta -- 10 Hygeia -- 14 Herculis -- 15 Eunomia -- 16 Cygni --16 Psyche --24 Themis -- 31 Euphrosyne -- 34 Tauri -- 45 Eugenia -- 47 Ursae Majoris -- 48 Doris -- 51 Pegasi --52 Europa -- 55 Cancri --61 Cygni --61 Cygni A --61 Cygni B --65 Cybele --70 Virginis -- 71 Niobe -- 87 Silvia -- 92 Undina -- 94 Aurora -- 95 Arethusa -- 106 Dione -- 110 Lidia -- 154 Bertha -- 221 Eos --243 Ida --253 Mathilde -- 324 Bamberga --433 Eros -- 451 Patienta -- 511 Davida --588 Achilles --624 Hektor -- 674 Rachele -- 704 Interamnia --951 Gaspra -- 1221 Amor -- 1566 Icarus -- 1620 Geographos -- 1685 Toro -- 1862 Apollo --2001 KX76 --2060 Chiron -- 2062 Aten -- 3200 Phaethon --3753 Cruithne --4179 Toutatis -- 4544 Xanthus --4593 Reipurth --4769 Castalia --5145 Pholus -- 5261 Eureka -- 5381 Sekhmet -- 7066 Nessus --11169 Alkon --28978 Ixion --


A New Theory of Magnetic Storms --Aaronson, Marc --Abdulmelik, Chalid Ben --Abell, George Ogden -- Abell 2142 --Aberration in optical systems --Aberration of light -- Absolute date --Absolute magnitude --Absorption line --Accelerating universe --Acceleration --Accretion disk --Achernar -- Achondrites --Achromatic lens --Achromatic doublet --Acrux --Active Galactic Nuclei --Active galaxy --Active optics --Adams, John Couch --Adaptive optics -- Adara --Adelard of Bath -- Adhara --Adler Planetarium --Adrastea --Aether theory --Afterglow --Age of the Earth -- Age of the Universe -- Airglow -- Airy disc --Airy, George -- Aitken, Robert --Al-Batani --Albategnius --Albedo --Albireo --Alcor --Aldebaran --Aldhelm, Bishop of Sherborne --d'Alembert, Jean le Rond -- Alfonsine tables --Alfonso X of Castile --Alfv�n, Hannes Olof G�sta -- Alfven universe -- Algieba --Algol --ALH84001 --Alioth -- Alkaid --Al-Khwarizmi -- Allegheny Observatory -- Almach --Almagest -- Alnilam -- Alnitak --Alniyat --Alpha Centauri --Alpha Centauri B --Alpha particle -- Alpha Persei --Alpha process -- Alpher-Bethe-Gamow theory -- Alpheratz -- Alphonsine tables --Al Sufi --Al Sufi, 'Abd Al-Rahman --Altair -- Altazimuth mount --Altitude --Aludra -- Alura --Amalthea (moon) --Amateur astronomy --Amateur telescope making --American Astronomical Society -- American Nebula --Amor --Amort, Eusebius --Amplitude --Ananke (moon) --Analemma --Anaximander --Andromeda --Andromeda (constellation) --Andromeda Galaxy --Andronicus of Cyrrhus --Angle -- Angular diameter -- Angular diameter distance --Angular frequency --Angular measurement --Angular momentum --Angular resolution --Angular velocity --Anomalistic month --Anomalistic year -- Anomalous cosmic ray --Anomalous phenomenon -- Anomalous X-ray pulsar -- Anomaly (astronomy) --Anorthosite --Antares --Antarctic Circle --Anthropic principle --Antlia --Antikythera mechanism -- Apastron --Apennine Mountains --Aperture -- Aperature synthesis --Apoapsis --Apollo asteroid --Apparent magnitude --Apparent motion --Apparent solar day --Apsides --Apus --Aquarius --Aquila --Ara --Arago, Dominique --Arago, Fran�ois Jean Dominique --Aratus --Archaeoastronomy --Arcminute --Arcsecond --Arctic Circle --Arcturus --Area --Arecibo Observatory --Arecibo radio telescope --Argo Navis --Ariel --Aries --Aristarchus --Aristotle --Arjuna --Armillary sphere -- Arp, Halton --Arrhenius, Svante --Artemova, Ioulia Vladimirovna --Asteroid --Asteroid belt --Asteroid deflection strategies --Asteroid moon --Asteroseismology -- Astigmatism -- Aston, Francis William --Astrobiology -- Astrochemistry --Astrolabe --Astrologer --Astrology --Astrometric binary --Astrometry --Astronaut --Astronautics --Astronomer --Astronomer Royal --Astronomical aberration --Astronomical body --Astronomical conjunction --Astronomical distance --Astronomical Journal --Astronomical Julian calendar --Astronomical object -- Astronomical Society -- Astronomical Society of the Pacific --Astronomical unit --Astronomical year numbering --Astronomy --Astronomy and astrophysics -- Astronomy and Astrophysics basic concepts --Astrophotography --Astrophysical Journal --Astrophysics -- Asymptotic giant branch --Aten -- Atkinson, Robert --Atmosphere --Atom --Atomic clock --Atomic nucleus --Atlas (moon) -- Atria --Aura --Auriga (constellation) --Auroral light --Autumn --Autumnal equinox -- Auva --Avior --Axial tilt --Axis --Azimuth --Aztec calendar


Baade, Walter --Babylonian and Assyrian religion --Babylonian literature and science --Background (astronomy) --Background radiation --Bacon, Roger --Bahai calendar -- Bahcall, John --Bainbridge, John --Balthasar Behem Codex --Barycenter --Banneker, Benjamin --Barnard's star -- Barnard, Edward Emerson --Barsoom --Baryon --Baryonic matter --Bayer designation --Bayer, Johann --Be star --Be X-ray binaries --Becrux -- Bedford Catalogue -- Bekenstein, Jacob -- Bell, Jocelyn -- Bellatrix --Belinda -- Benetnash --BeppoSAX -- Berlin Observatory --Bernoulli, Jakob --Bernoulli, Johann --Bessel, Friedrich --Beta Centauri -- Beta Pictoris --Betelgeuse --Beyond the standard Big Bang model --Bianca --Big Bang -- Big bang nucleosynthesis -- Big Bear Solar Observatory --Big Crunch --Big Dipper --Big Rip --Binary star -- Binary system --BL Lac object --Blackbody --Black body --Black hole --Black hole thermodynamics --Blazar --Bliss, Nathaniel --Blue straggler --Bode, Johann Elert --Bohr, Niels --Bolometer --Bolometric magnitude --Bolyai, Janos -- Bond, William Cranch --Boomerang nebula --Bo�tes -- Boss, Lewis -- Boulder Sunspot Number --Bradley, James --Brahe, Tycho -- Brane --von Braun, Wernher -- Brera Observatory -- Bright nebula -- Brocchi's Cluster --Broglie, Louis-Victor de --Brown dwarf -- Bruce Medal --Brudzewski, Albert -- Brussels Observatory -- Burbidge, Geoffrey -- Burbidge, Margaret -- Bureau des Longitudes -- Butterfly Cluster --


C-type asteroid --Caelum --Calendar -- Calendar Round --Caliban (moon) --Callisto (moon) --Calypso (moon) --Camelopardalis -- Canada-France-Hawaii telescopes --Canadian Arrow --Canadian Space Agency --Cancer (constellation) --Canes Venatici --Canis Major --Canis Minor --Cannon, Annie --Canopus --Capella --Capricornus --Carbon -- Carbon star -- Carbonaceous chondrite --Cardinal directions --Carina --Carme --Carpathian Mountains -- Carrington, Richard --Cartesian coordinate system -- Cartier, Pierre -- Cartwheel Galaxy -- Cassegrain, Guillaume -- Cassegrain telescope --Cassiopeia --Chr�tien, Henri --Cassini probe --Cassini, Giovanni --Cassini, Giovanni Domenico --Castor --Cataclysmic variable star -- Catalogue of Galaxies and of Clusters of Galaxies --Caucasus Mountains --Cavalieri, Bonaventura --Ceiba --Centaurus --Celestial body atmosphere --Celestial coordinate system --Celestial dynamics --Celestial equator --Celestial mechanics --Celestial navigation --Celestial pole --Celestial sphere --Celsius, Anders --Celtes, Conrad --Centaur --Centaur rocket --Cepheid variable --Cepheus -- Cerro Tololo telescope --Cetus --Chamaeleon --Chandler wobble --Chandra X-ray Observatory --Chandra X-ray Telescope --Chandrasekhar limit --Chandrasekhar, Subrahmanyan --Charge --Charge-coupled device --Charon (moon) --Chatelet, Emilie du --Chinese calendar --Chinese constellation --Chiron -- Chondrites --Chr�tien, Henri -- Christie, William --Chromatic aberration --Chromosphere --Circinus --Circle --Circle of confusion --Circle of latitude --Circumference --Circumpolar star --Circumstellar disk -- Civil Year -- Clark, Alvan --Classical mechanics --Climate change --Cnidus --CNO cycle --Coalsack Nebula --Cobalt --Cold dark matter -- Collinder, Per -- Collinder catalogue --Color --Color (disambiguation) --Color temperature --Columba (constellation) --Coma -- Coma aberration --Coma Berenices --Comet -- Comet Encke --Comet Halley --Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 -- Comet Tempel-Tuttle --Common Era --Comoving distance --Compact object --Compact star -- Compton Gamma ray Observatory --Compton effect --Compton scattering -- Cone nebula --Conon of Samos --Constellation --Contact binary -- Coordinate grid --Coordinate system --Coordinated Universal Time --Copenhagen interpretation -- Copernican --Copernican heliocentric system --Copernican principle -- Copernican revolution --Copernicus, Nicolaus --Coptic calendar --Cordelia -- Cordillera Mountains --Coriolis effect --Corona --Corona Australis --

Corona Borealis -- Coronal gas -- Coronagraph --Corvus (constellation) -- Cosmic Background Explorer satellite --Cosmic Background Radiation --Cosmic censorship hypothesis --Cosmic inflation --Cosmic microwave background radiation --Cosmic radiation --Cosmic ray -- Cosmic ray spallation --Cosmogony --Cosmological constant --Cosmological Principle -- Cosmological time --Cosmology --Cosmonaut --C�te d'Azur Observatory -- Coud� design --Crab Nebula --Crater (constellation) --Crater --Creation of the Universe --Cressida --CRESU experiment --Crisium basin --Crux --Cubewano --Culmination --Curvature --Cygnus -- Cygnus A --Cygnus X-1


Dactyl (asteroid) --Danjon, Andr� --Danjon Scale --Dark energy --Dark matter --Dark moon --Dark nebula -- Darwin crater --Date --Dawn --Day --Declination --Deep sky object --Deferent and epicycle --Degenerate matter --Deimos (moon) --de Lacaille, Nicolas Louis -- de Vaucouleurs, G�rard --Delphinus --Deneb -- Denebola --Desdemona --Despina -- Despina (moon) --Detached binary --Diameter --Diffraction-limited --Diffuse sky radiation --Dimension --Dingle, Herbert --Dione (moon) --Dirac, Paul --Dispersion --Dispersion (optics) --Distance --Diurnal motion -- Dobsonian mount -- Dollfus, Audouin --Doppler effect --Dorado --Double pendulum --Double star --Draco --Drake equation --Drake, Frank -- Draper, Henry -- Dreyer, John --Drift velocity -- Dubhe --Dumbbell Nebula --Duncan, Robert --Dusk --Dwarf elliptical galaxy -- Dwarf galaxy -- Dwarf spheroidal galaxy --Dynamical system --Dynamical systems and chaos theory --Dynamics (mechanics) --Dyson, Frank --Dyson, Freeman


E-type asteroid -- Early Imbrian --Earth --Earth atmosphere --Earth impacts --Earth science --Earthshine --Eccentricity --Eclipse --Eclipse cycle --Eclipsing binary --Ecliptic --Ecliptic coordinate system -- Ecliptic longitude --Ecliptic year --Eddington, Arthur --Eddington luminosity --Egyptian calendar --Einstein, Albert --Einstein shift --Elara (moon) --Electric field --Electromagnetic radiation --Electromagnetic spectrum --Electromagnetism --Electron --Electronuclear force --Electroweak force -- Electroweak theory --Ellipse --Elliptical galaxy --Elnath --Elongation --Elve --Emission line --Emission nebula --Enceladus (moon) --Encke, Johann Franz -- Encke division --Energy -- Energy density -- English equatorial mount --Entropy --Ephemeris --Ephemeris time --Epimetheus (moon) --Epoch --Epoch (astronomy) --EPR paradox --Epsilon Eridani --Epsilon Indi -- Equation of time --Equator --Equatorial bulge --Equatorial coordinate system -- Equatorial mount --Equinox --Equuleus --Eratosthenian --Eratosthenes --Eridanus -- Eridanus (constellation) -- Eruptive variable --Escape velocity --Eta Carinae --Euclidean geometry -- Euctemon --Eudoxus of Cnidus -- Eugenia --Euler's angle --Euler angles --Euler, Leonhard --Europa (moon) --European Southern Observatory --European Space Agency --Event horizon --Everett many-worlds interpretation --Everett, Hugh --Exeligmos -- Exit pupil --Exoplanet -- Exterrestrial intelligence --Extragalactic astronomy --Extrasolar planet --Extraterrestrial life --Eye -- Eyepiece -- Eye relief


F-number --Fabricius, David -- Fabricius, Johannes -- Facula --Fermi paradox --Fermi, Enrico --Feynman, Richard -- Field curvature aberration -- Finderscope --First light --First Point of Aries -- First Point of Libra --FITS --FitzGerald-Lorentz Contraction --Flamsteed designation --Flamsteed, John --Flat earth -- Flatness problem --Fomalhaut --Forbidden line --Force -- Fork mount --Fornax -- Fountain, John -- Fowler, William --Frame of reference --French Revolutionary calendar --Frequency --Full moon -- Fundamental plane -- Furud --


Gacrux --Galactic astronomy -- Galactic bulge --Galactic coordinate system --Galactic cosmic ray -- Galactic disk --Galatea -- Galatea (moon) --Galaxy -- Galaxy bulge -- Galaxy disk -- Galaxy classification --Galaxy formation and evolution -- Galaxy halo -- Galaxy morphology -- Galaxy nuleus --Galaxy rotation problem --Galileo Galilei --Galileo probe --Galilean moon --Galilean transformation --Galle, Johann Gottfried --Gamma ray --Gamma-ray astronomy --Gamma ray burster --Gamow, George --Ganymede (moon) --Gas giant -- Gassendi -- Gassendi crater --Gathmann, Louis --Gauss, Carl Friedrich --Gegenschein --Gaussian gravitational constant Gaussian yearGeller, Margaret --Gemini --Geminids --General relativity --Geocentric model --Geocentric universe --Geodesic --Geographic coordinate system --Geoid --Geomagnetic storm --Geometric solid -- German equatorial mount --Giacconi, Riccardo --Giant (star) --Giant impact theory --Giant molecular cloud --GJ 1061 -- Gliese, Wilhelm --Global warming --Globular cluster --Gluon --Gnomon --Gold, Thomas -- Goldstone Radio Telescope -- Goodman-Mart�nez-Thompson correlation --Grandfather paradox -- Grand unification epoch --Grand unification theory --Gravitational binding energy --Gravitational constant --Gravitational force -- Gravitational instability --Gravitational lens -- Gravitational micro-lensing --Gravitational redshift --Gravity --Gravity wave --Great Attractor --Great circle --Great Pyramid of Giza -- Great Wall (astronomy) --Greek mythology --Greenwich Mean Time --Gregorian calendar -- Gregorian telescope --Gregory, James --Greisen-Zatsepin-Kuzmin limit --Groups and clusters of galaxies -- GRS80 --Grus -- Guldin -- Guth, Alan --


H II region --Hadar --Haemus Mountains -- Hale, George Ellery -- Hale telescope -- Hale Telescope --Hall, Asaph --Halley, Edmond --Halo --Hamal --Hamiltonian --Hamilton, William Rowan -- Harvard College Observatory --Hawking, Stephen --Hawking radiation --HE0107-5240 --Heat-death of the Universe --Hebrew calendar --Heisenberg, Werner --Heisenberg, Werner Karl --Heka --Helene (moon) --Heliacal rising --Heliocentric model --Heliopause -- Helioseisomology --Helium -- Helium flash --Helix Nebula --Hemisphere --Henry Draper Catalogue -- Herbig-Haro object --Hercules (constellation) --Hercules Globular Cluster --Herman of Carinthia --Hero of Alexandria --Herschel, Caroline --Herschel, John --Herschel, William --Hertzsprung-Russell diagram --Hertzsprung, Ejnar --Hevelius, Johannes --Hewish, Antony -- Heze --High-energy astronomy --High-mass X-ray binaries --Himalia (moon) --Hindu calendar --Hipparchus --Hipparcos --History of astronomy --History of mathematics --History of physics --History of science and technology --History of telescopes -- Hoag, Art --Hoag's object -- Hobby-Eberly Telescope -- Hooker Telescope -- Horizon problem -- Horizontal branch --Horizontal coordinate system --Horologium --Horrendous Space Kablooie --Horrocks, Jeremiah -- Horsehead nebula -- Horsehead Nebula --Hot dark matter --Hour angle -- Hourglass Nebula --Houtermans, Fritz --Hoyle, Fred --HPMS --H-R diagram --Hubble, Edwin -- Hubble flow -- Hubble Nebula --Hubble sequence --Hubble's law --Hubble Deep Field --Hubble Space Telescope -- Huchra, John -- Huggins, William -- Humanson, Milton --von Humboldt, Alexander -- Hulse, Russell --Huygens, Christiaan -- Huygens Region --Hyades --Hydra --Hydra (constellation) --Hydrogen --Hydrostatic equilibrium --Hydrus --Hyperbola -- Hypergalaxy --Hyperion (moon) --Hypernova --Hypothetical planet


Iapetus (moon) --IAU --Icy moon --Io (moon) -- Imbrian --Impact basin --Impact event --Inclination --Indus (constellation) --Inertia --Inertial force --Inex --Inferior planet -- Inflationary epoch --Infrared --Infrared astronomy -- Inner Rook Mountains --Integrated Sachs Wolfe effect --Intellectual history of time -- Interacting binary stars --Intercalary day --Intercalary month --Intercalation -- Interferometer telescope --Interferometry -- Intergalactic medium --International Astronomical Union --International Atomic Time --International Earth Rotation Service -- International Fixed calendar --International Geophysical Year --International Space Station --International Star Registry -- International Sunspot Number --Interstellar cloud --Interstellar medium --Ionosphere --Iranian calendar --IRAS --Irregular galaxy -- Irregular variable --Isa, Ali Ben -- I Sin --Islamic calendar --Isolated singularity -- Ithaca Chasma


Jahreiss, Hartmut --jansky --Jansky, Karl Guthe --Janus (moon) --Japanese calendar -- Jeans, James --Jodrell Bank --Jodrell Bank Observatory -- Johannesburg Observatory -- Jones, Harold --Jovian planet --Julian Calendar --Julian date --Juliet --Jupiter (planet)


Kamacite --Kapteyn's Star --Kapteyn, Jacobus --Keck telescope --Keck Observatory -- Keeler, James Edward -- Kelvin-Helmholtz mechanism --Kepler's laws of planetary motion --Kepler, Johannes --Keplerian harmonic law --Khayy�m, Omar --Kidinnu --Kinetic energy -- Kirkwood, Daniel --Kirkwood gap --Kitt Peak National Observatory --Kruger 60 A --Kruger 60 B --KStars -- Kubiak, Marcin -- Kuiper Airborne Observatory --Kuiper belt --Kuiper, Gerard


Lacaille 9352 --Lacaille, Nicolas Louis de --Lacerta -- Lacus Aestatis -- Lacus Autumni -- Lacus Bonitatis -- Lacus Doloris -- Lacus Excellentiae -- Lacus Felicitatis -- Lacus Gaudii -- Lacus Hiemalis -- Lacus Lenitatis -- Lacus Luxuriae -- Lacus Mortis -- Lacus Oblivionis -- Lacus Odii -- Lacus Perseverantiae -- Lacus Solitudinis -- Lacus Somniorum -- Lacus Spei -- Lacus Temporis -- Lacus Timoris -- Lacus Veris -- Lagoon Nebula --Lagrangian point --Lagrange, Joseph Louis --Langrange, Joseph-Louis de --Lalande 21185 --Lambert, Johann Heinrich -- Lanczos, Cornelius --Langley, Samuel Pierpont -- Lansberg, Philip Van -- Lansberg's tables --Laplace, Pierre-Simon --Laplace's equation --Large Binocular Telescope -- Large liquid mirror telescopes --Large-scale structure of the cosmos --Larissa -- Larson, Stephen --Laser -- La Silla Observatory -- Lassell, William -- Late Nectarian --Latitude --Law of physics --LBT --Leap second --Leap year -- Leavitt, Henrietta Swan --Leda (moon) --Lema�tre, Georges-Henri --Lens --Lenticular galaxy --Leo --Leo Minor --Leonids --Lepus --Le Verrier, Urbain --Levy, David --Libra --Libration --Lick Observatory --Light --Light curve --Light pollution --Light year --Lippershey, Hans --List of astronomers --List of astronomical topics --List of astrophysicists --List of brightest stars --List of constellations by area --List of largest optical reflecting telescopes --List of largest optical refracting telescopes --List of meteor showers --List of mnemonics for star classification --List of nearest stars --List of semiregular variable stars --List of stars --List of telescope types --Little Dipper --Little Ice Age --Lobachevsky, Nikolai Ivanovich --Local Group --Local Supercluster --Lomonosov Gold Medal -- Long Count -- Long period variable --Longitude --Longitude prize --Loop quantum gravity -- Lord Rosse --Lorentz, Hendrik --Lorentz transformation equations --Lorenz, Edward --Lorenz attractor --Low Earth orbiting satellite --Low-mass X-ray binaries --Lowell Observatory --Lower Imbrian --Lovell Radio Telescope --Lowell, Percival --Luminance --Luminiferous aether --Luminosity -- Luminosity distance --Luna --Lunar calendar --Lunar eclipse --Lunar geologic timescale --Lunar mare --Lunar meteorite --Lunar phase -- Lunation --Lunisolar calendar -- Lunisolar precession --Lupus -- Lupus (constellation) --Lyapunov, Aleksandr -- Lyman alpha forest --Lynx (constellation) -- Lyot, Bernard-Ferdinand -- Lyot filter --Lyra --Lysithea


M13 --M27 --M31 --M33 --M41 --M42 --M45 -- M49 --M57 -- M58 -- M59 -- M60 --M61 -- M81 --M81 Group --M82 -- M84 -- M86 --M87 --M90 --M100 --M101 -- M104 --M107 --M-theory --M-theory simplified -- M-type asteroid -- van Maanen, Adriaan -- M�dler, Johann Heinrich, von --Maffei Group --Magellanic Clouds --Magnetar --Magnetic field -- Magnetic flux tubes --Magnetic mirror --Magnetism --Magnetohydrodynamics --Magnetopause --Magnetosphere -- Magnification --Magnitude --Magnitude comparison --Main belt --Main sequence -- Maksutov-Cassegrain telescope -- Maksutov-Cassegrain --Malayalam calendar --Many-worlds interpretation -- Marcy, Geoffrey --Mare Anguis --Mare Australe --Mare Cognitum --Mare Crisium --Mare Fecunditatis --Mare Frigoris --Mare Humboldtianum --Mare Humorum --Mare Imbrium --Mare Ingenii --Mare Insularum --Mare Marginis --Mare Moscoviense --Mare Nectaris --Mare Nubium --Mare Orientale --Mare Serenitatis --Mare Smythii --Mare Spumans --Mare Tranquillitatis --Mare Undarum --Mare Vaporum --Manilius, Marcus --Marius, Simon --Mars (planet) --Martian meteorite --Maskelyne, Nevil --Mass --Mass-energy equivalence --Mass transfer --Massive compact halo object -- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory --Maunder Minimum --Maupertuis, Pierre Louis Moreau de --Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution --Maxwell's equations --Mayan calendar -- Mayor, Michael -- McCormick Observatory --McCrea, William --Mean solar day --Mean solar time --Mean sun -- M�chain, Pierre --Mechanics -- Megrez --Mensa (constellation) -- Merak -- Mercator, Nicholas --Mercury (planet) --Meridian --Messier marathon --Messier object --Messier, Charles --Metal-rich --Metal-poor --Metallic hydrogen --Meteor --Meteor shower --Meteorite --Meteorites classification --Metis (moon) -- Meton --Metonic cycle --Mexican calendar --Miaplacidus --Michelson-Morley experiment --Microquasar --Microscopium --Microwave --Milky Way --Minkowski, Hermann --Mimas (moon) --Minor planet --Mintaka --Minute of arc --Mira --Mira variable --Mirach --Miranda (moon) -- Mirfak --Mirror --Mizar --MMT -- MMT Observatory --Modified Newtonian dynamics --M�bius, August Ferdinand --Molecular cloud --Monoceros -- Mons Ida -- Mons Lyctas --Montes Pyrenaeus --Month --Moon --Moon phase --Moore, Patrick -Mt. Olympus --Mount Palomar observatory -- Mount Stromlo Observatory --Mount Wilson Observatory -- Muliphem --M�ller, Johannes --Multiple star --Multiverse -- Murzim --Musca --


N-body problem --Nabu-rimanni --Nadir --Naiad -- Naiad (moon) --Naked singularity --Naos --Napier, John --NASA -- National Optical Astronomy Observatories -- National Optical Astronomy Observatory --National Radio Astronomy Observatory --Natural satellite --NEAR Shoemaker --Near-Earth asteroid --Near-Earth object --Nebula -- Nebular hypothesis --Nectarian -- Nectarian System --Nemesis (star) -- Nemontemi --Neptune (planet) --Nereid (moon) --von Neumann, John --Neutrino -- Neutrino mass --Neutrino oscillation --Neutron --Neutron star --Neutronium --

Nevanlinna, Rolf --New General Catalogue -- Newcomb, Simon -- Newcomb's Tables of the Sun --New moon --Newton's laws of motion --Newtonian physics -- Newtonian telescope --Newton, Isaac --Next Generation Space Telescope -- NGC 1068 -- NGC 2244 --NGC 2264 -- NGC 3227 -- NGC 3516 --NGC 4321 --NGC 4486 -- NGC 4593 -- NGC 5128 -- NGC 6027 --NGC 6171 --NGC 6240 -- NGC 6751 --NGC 7742 --NGST --Nice Observatory --Nicholson, Seth Barnes --Niels Bohr Institute --Night --Nilson, Peter -- NOAO --Node -- Node (astronomy) --Non-Euclidean geometry --Non-standard cosmology --Norma (constellation) --North America Nebula --North Pole --North Star --Nova --Novara da Ferrara, Domenico Maria --Novikov, Igor Dmitrievich -- Novikov, Petr Sergeevich --Nuclear decay --Nuclear fusion --Nucleocosmochronology --Nucleosynthesis --Nutation


Oak Ridge Observatory --Oberon (moon) --Oberth, Hermann Julius --Obliquity of the ecliptic -- Obruchev crater --Observatory -- Observatory of Paris --Occultation --Oceanus Procellarum --Octans -- Odysseus crater -- OH maser --Olbers' paradox --Olbers, Heinrich Wilhelm Mathias --Olympus Mons -- Omega Centauri --Oort cloud --Oort, Jan --Open cluster --Ophelia --Ophiuchus -- Oppenheimer-Volkoff limit --Opposition (astronomy) --Optical astronomy --Optical axis --Optical binary --Optical depth --Optical double --Optical spectrum --Optics --Orbit --Orbital elements --Orbital period --Orbital plane --Orbital resonance --Orbital revolution --Orbital speed --Orion --Orion Nebula --Orrery --Oscillatory Universe -- Outer Rook Mountains --Overwhelmingly Large Telescope -- Owl Nebula --Ozone layer


P-process --Palermo Technical Impact Hazard Scale --Palimpsest -- Pallasite -- Palomar Observatory Sky Survey --Pan (moon) --Pandora (moon) --Panspermia -- Panzano Observatory --Parabolic mirror --Parabolic reflector --Parallax -- Parallel -- Paranal Observatory -- Paris Observatory --Parsec -- Parsons, William --Particle horizon --Particle physics --Pasiphae (moon) --Pauli exclusion principle --Pavo (constellation) -- Payne-Gaposchkin, Cecilia --Pegasus --Pegasus (constellation) -- Peirce crater --Penrose, Roger --Penumbra --Periapsis --Perpetual calendar -- Perrine, Charles Dillon --Perseus (constellation) --Perseids --Persian calendar -- Phecda --Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica --Phoenix (constellation) --Phoebe (moon) --Phobos (moon) --Photographic plate --Photometry --Photon -- Photon decoupling --Photosphere --Physical constant --Physical geodesy --Physical law --Physical phenomenon --Piazzi, Giuseppe --Piazzi Smyth, Charles -- Picard crater -- Pickering, Edward -- Pickering, William Henry --Pictor -- Pierre Auger Observatory --Pinwheel Galaxy --Pisces --Piscis Austrinus --Planck units --Planck's law of black body radiation --Planck, Max --Planet --Planet X --Planetarium -- Planetary Hypothesis --Planetary nebula -- Planetary motion --Planetary nomenclature -- Planetary phase --Planetary ring --Planetesimal --Planetoid --Planetology -- Planisphaerium --Plasma --Plasma equilibria and stability --Plasma physics --Pleiades -- Plekhnaton --Ptolemaic system --Plutino --Pluto (planet) -- Pogson, Norman Robert --Poincar�, Henri --Poisson, Sim�on-Denis --Polar Aurora --Polar coordinates --Polar coordinate system --Polar distance -- Polarimetry --Polaris --Polarization --Polarized light -- Pole --Pollux --Pond, John -- Pons, Jean-Louis -- Porrima --Portia -- Portia (moon) --Posidonius --Positional astronomy --Potočnik, Herman -- Potsdam Observatory --Pre-Nectarian --Precession --Priestley, Joseph --Primary mirror --Prime meridian --Primordial black hole -- Primordial material --Procyon --Procyon A --Procyon B --Prograde and retrograde motion --Prograde orbit --Proleptic Gregorian Calendar --Proleptic Julian calendar --Prometheus (moon) -- Promonitorium Agarum --Proper motion -- Proper motion distance --Proportional -- Propylid -- Prosen, Marjan Majo --Prospero --Proteus (moon) --Proton -- Proton-antiproton imbalance --Proton-proton chain -- Proto-star --Protoplanetary disk --Protostar -- Protostellar disk --Proxima Centauri -- Prussian tables -- Prutenicae Tabulae --Ptolemy -- Ptolemy Cluster --Puck (moon) --Pulsar --Puppis --Pyxis


Quadrant --Quadrivium --Quantum chromodynamics --Quantum electrodynamics --Quantum field theory --Quantum gravity --Quantum mechanics --Quaoar --Quark -- Quark-antiquark epoch --Quasar --Quasar, Redshifts and Controversies --Quetelet, Lambert Adolphe Jacques -- Queloz, Didier --Quintessence


R-process -- R-type asteroid --Radial velocity --Radiant --Radiation pressure --Radio astronomy --Radio galaxy --Radio star --Radio telescope --Radio wave --Rainbow -- Ranzinger, Pavla -- Rare Earth hypothesis --Ras Algethi --Rayleigh scattering --Reber, Grote -- Red clump --Red dwarf star --Red giant --Redshift -- Rees, Martin --Reflection --Reflection nebula --Reflector telescope --Refraction --Refractor telescope --Regiomontanus --Regolith --Regulus --Reinhold, Erasmus --Reitsema, Harold --Research Consortium on Nearby Stars -- Resolution (optics) -- Resolving power --Reticulum --Retrograde motion --Retrogade orbit --Revised Julian calendar --Reynolds, Alastair --Rhea (moon) --Rheticus, Georg Joachim -- Rho Coronae Borealis --Rhyolite --Riemannian geometry --Rigel --Right ascension -- Rijl al Awwa --Rima Sirsalis --Ring current -- Ring galaxy --Ring Nebula --Riphaeus Mountains --Ritchey, George Willis --Ritchey-Chr�tien telescope --Roche, �douard Albert --Roche limit --Roche lobe --Roman calendar --R�mer, Ole --Rosalind --Rosette Nebula --Ross 128 --Ross 154 --Ross 248 --Royal Astronomical Society --Royal Greenwich Observatory --Royal Society --RR Lyrae --RR Lyrae variable --Rudbeckius, Olaus --Russell, Henry Norris --Ryle, Martin


S-process --S-type asteroid --Sabine, Edward --Sagan, Carl --Sagitta --Sagittarius --Sagittarius A --Saiph -- Sandage, Allan --Saros --Satellite --Saturn (planet) -- Saturn Nebula -- Savile, Henry -- Savilian chair of astronomy --Scalar --Scattered Disk Object --Scattered disk object -- Schwabe, Samuel Heinrich -- Scheiner, Christoph -- Schmidt, Bernard -- Schmidt, Bernhard -- Schmidt, Bernhard Voldomar -- Schmidt camera -- Schmidt-Cassegrain -- Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope -- Schmidt, Maarten -- Schmidt survey --Schwabe, Heinrich --Schwarzschild, Karl --Schwarzschild radius -- Schwassmann-Wachmann-3 --Scientific journal --Scientific paper --Scintillation --Scorpius --Sculptor (constellation) --Sculptor Group --Scutum --Season --Second --Second of arc --Second Superstring Revolution --Seeing --Semidetached binary --Semimajor axis --Semiregular variable --Serpens -- Serrurier trusses -- Setebos --SETI -- Setting circle -- Setting circles --Sextans --Seyfert galaxy --Seyfert's Sextet -- Seyfert, Carl Keenan --Shape of the universe --Shapley, Harlow -- Shaula -- Shedir --Shepherd satellite -- Shklovsky, Iosif Samuilovich --Shock wave --Shoemaker, Carolyn --Shoemaker, Eugene --Short, James --Sidereal day --Sidereal time --Sidereal year -- Siding Springs Observatory --Sinope (moon) --Sirius --Sirius A --Sirius B --Sirona -- Sirrah -- Sirsalis crater -- Sitter, Willem, de --Sky --Small-angle formula -- Smith, Francis Graham -- Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory --Smyth, William Henry --Snell's law --Soft gamma repeater --Soft X-ray transient --Solar activity --Solar and Heliospheric Observatory --Solar calendar -- Solar cosmic ray --Solar cycle --Solar day --Solar eclipse --Solar flare --Solar luminosity --Solar mass -- Solar maximun --Solar nebula --Solar neutrino problem -- Solar prominence --Solar radiation --Solar system --Solar terminator line --Solar time --Solar wind -- Solar year --Solstice -- Sombrero Galaxy -- Sonneberg Observatory -- Sothic cycle -- Sothic period --South Pole --South Pole-Aitken basin --Southern Pinwheel Galaxy --Soviet revolutionary calendar --Space --Space observatory --Space science --Space weather --Spacetime --Special relativity --Spectral density --Spectral line --Spectral type --Spectrograph -- Spectroheliograph --Spectrometry --Spectroscopy --Spectroscopic binary --Speed of gravity --Speed of light --Spherical aberration --Spherical coordinate system --Spherical geometry -- Spherical triangle --Spica --Spiral arm --Spiral galaxy -- Spoerer law --Sporus of Nicaea --Spotting scope --Spring --Standard candle --Star --Star catalogue --Star cluster --Star designation --Star formation --Star party --Starbust galaxy --Starfish galaxy --Steady state theory --Stefan-Boltzmann law --Stefan, Jožef --

Stellar astronomy --Stellar classification -- Stellar dynamics --Stellar evolution --Stellar nucleosynthesis -- Stellar nursery --Stellar population --Stephano --Stereographic projection --Stevin, Simon -- Steward Observatory --Strabo --Strange matter --String theory --Strnad, Janez --Strong interaction --STScI --Subaru (telescope) -- Subdwarf -- Substellar --Sudbury Neutrino Observatory --Summer --Summer Solstice --Summer Triangle --Sun -- Sun Dogs --Sundial -- Sunflower Galaxy --Sunrise --Sunset --Sunspot -- Sunspot Index -- Sunyaev-Zel'dovic-Effect -- Super jupiter --Supercluster --Supergiant --Supergravity --Superior planet --Superluminal motion --Supermassive black hole --Supernova --Supernova 1604 --Supernova 1987a -- Supernova nucleosynthesis --Supernova remnant --Superstring theory --Supersymmetry --Sycorax -- Sycorax (moon) --Symbols, astronomical --Synchronous rotation --Synchrotron radiation -- Synodic day --Synodic month --Synodic period -- Syrma -- Szymanski, Michal


T Tauri --Table of mathematical symbols --Taikonaut --Takeuchi, Naoko --Tarantula Nebula --Tau Ceti --Taurus --Telescope --Telescope making --Telescope mount --Telescopium -- Telesto (moon) --Temperature --Terminator -- Terrae --Terraforming --Terrestrial planet --Terrestrial Planet Finder --Terrestrial Time --Tethys (moon) --Thabit ibn Qurra --Thai lunar calendar --Thai solar calendar --Thalassa -- Thalassa (moon) --Thales --Thebe (moon) -- The Great Debate --Theory of everything --Theory of relativity -- Thompson, Christopher -- Thompson crater --Thorne, Kip --Thorne-Zytkow object --Thuban --Tidal acceleration --Tidal force --Tidal locking --Tidal resonance --Time --Time travel --Timeline of artificial satellites and space probes --Timeline of astronomical maps, catalogs, and surveys --Timeline of black hole physics --Timeline of cosmic microwave background astronomy --Timeline of cosmology --Timeline of knowledge about galaxies, clusters of galaxies, and large-scale structure --Timeline of knowledge about the interstellar and intergalactic medium --Timeline of other background radiation fields --Timeline of solar astronomy --Timeline of solar system astronomy --Timeline of stellar astronomy --Timeline of telescopes, observatories, and observing technology --Timeline of the Big Bang --Timeline of the Universe --Timeline of white dwarfs, neutron stars, and supernovae --Timocharis --Tip-tilt mirror --Titan (moon) --Titania (moon) -- Titius, Johann Daniel --Titius-Bode law -- Toledan tables --Tombaugh, Clyde -- Tonalamatl --Topology of the universe --Torino scale --Trans-Neptunian object --Transit (astronomy) --Triangulum --Triangulum Australe --Triangulum Galaxy --Trifid Nebula --Triple-alpha process --Triple star --Triton (moon) --Trojan asteroid --Tropic of Cancer --Tropic of Capricorn --Tropical year --Tucana -- Tully-Fisher relation --Tunguska event --Turbulence --Twin paradox --Tycho -- Tzol'kin


UBC Liquid-Mirror Observatory -- Udalski, Andrzej --UFO --UKIRT --Ultimate fate of the Universe --Ultraviolet --Ulugh Beg --Umbra --Umbriel -- Unified Theory of Active Galaxies --United States Naval Observatory --Universal time --Universal Time --Universe --Upper Imbrian --Uppsala Astronomical Observatory --Uppsala General Catalogue --Upsilon Andromedae --Urania --Uraniborg --Uranienborg --Uranus (planet) --Ursa Major --Ursa Minor --UV astronomy


V-type asteroid --Vaisala, Yrjo --Van Allen, James --Van Allen radiation belt -- Van Lansberg, Philip --Variable star --Variable star designation --Varuna -- Vaucouleurs, G�rard de --Vega --Vela --Venus (planet) --Vernal equinox --Very Large Array --Very Large Telescope --Very Long Baseline Interferometry -- Vienna Observatory -- Vindemiatrix --Virgo --Virgo A Galaxy --Virgo cluster --Virgo Supercluster --Visible light --Visible spectrum --Visual binary --Visual magnitude --VLBI --VLT --VLTI --VLA -- Vogel, Hermann Carl --Volans --Vulcan --Vulpecula


W UMa --W Virginis variable -- Walker, Richard -- Water maser --Wavelength -- Wedelin, Godefroy --Week -- Weizs�cker, Carl, von --Weyl, Hermann Klaus Hugo --Weyl's postulate -- Wezen -- Whirlpool Galaxy --White dwarf --White hole --Wigner, Eugene --Wien's law --Willebrord van Roijen Snell -- Wilson effect --WIMP --Winter --Winter Solstice --Winter Triangle --Wirtz, Carl Wilhelm --Witten, Edward --WIYN Consortium --WMAP --Wolf 359 -- Wolf, Max -- Wolf Number -- Wolfe -- Wolfendale, Arnold --Wolszczan, Aleksander -- Woolley, Richard van der Riet --World calendar --Wren, Christopher


X-ray --X-ray astronomy --X-ray binaries --X-ray burster -- X-ray pulsar --Xaver, Franz, Baron von Zach -- Xiuhmolpilli


Yale Bright Star Catalog --Yarkovsky effect --Year -- Yerkes telescope --Yerkes Observatory -- Young, Charles Augustus


Zaniah -- Zavijah --Zeeman effect --Zeeman, Pieter --Zenithal hourly rate --Zenith --Zhang Heng --Zodiac --Zodiacal light --Zoroastrian calendar -- Zwicky, Fritz -- Zytkow, Anna --