List of British monarchs (original) (raw)

Name Reign Notes
The Saxons
Ælfred the Great 878-899
Edward the Elder 899-924 Ælfred's son
Ethelweard 924 Edward's son
Athelstan 925-940 Edward's son
Edmund I 939-946 Edward's son
Edred 946-955 Edward's son
Edwy 955-959 Edmund's son
Edgar the Peaceful 959-975 Edmund's son
St Edward the Martyr 975-978 Edmund's son
Ethelred II 978-10131014-1016 Edgar's son
Edmund II 1016 Ethelred II's son
**The Danelaw**For a period of time, both the Saxons and the Danish claimed the English throne.
Sweyn Forkbeard 1013-1014
Canute the Great 1016-1035 Svein's son
Harold I 1035-1040 Canute's illegitimate son
Harthacanute 1040-1042 Canute's son
The Saxon Restoration
St Edward the Confessor 1042-1066 Ethelred II's son
Harold II 1066 Edward the Confessor's brother-in-law
The NormansAfter the Norman Conquest in 1066, numbering of kings (a French tradition applied to the Saxons only by historians) begins anew, although this affects only the Edwards.
William I 1066-1087
William II 1087-1100 William I's son
Henry I 1100-1135 William I's son
Stephen 1135-1154 William I's grandson
**The Angevins or Plantagenets**The Royal House name changed to reflect Matilda's marriage to Geoffrey Plantagenet.
Matilda (Empress Maud) 1141 Henry I's daughter
Henry II 1154-1189 Matilda's son
Richard I 1189-1199 Henry II's son
John 1199-1216 Henry II's son
Henry III 1216-1272 John's son
Edward I 1272-1307 Henry III's son
Edward II 1307-1327 Edward I's son
Edward III 1327-1377 Edward II's son
Richard II 1377-1399 Edward III's grandson
The House of LancasterHenry Bolingbroke deposed Richard II, and the Royal House name came to reflect Henry's father's title, Duke of Lancaster.
Henry IV 1399-1413 Edward III's grandson
Henry V 1413-1422 Henry IV's son
Henry VI 1422-1461 Henry V's son
**The House of York**The Houses of Lancaster and York had fought the War of the Roses, and the Yorkists took the throne.
Edward IV 1461-1483 Edward III's great-great-grandson
Edward V 1483 Edward IV's son
Richard III 1483-1485 Edward IV's brother
**The House of Tudor**The Lancastrian Henry Tudor reclaimed the throne from the Yorkists.
Henry VII 1485-1509 Edward III's great-great-grandson
Henry VIII 1509-1547 Henry VII's son
Edward VI 1547-1553 Henry VIII's son
Lady Jane Grey 1553 Henry VII's great-granddaughter
Mary I 1553-1558 Henry VIII's daughter
Elizabeth I 1558-1603 Henry VIII's daughter
Name Reign Notes
The House of Alpin
Kenneth I 843-858
Donald I 858-862 Kenneth I's brother
Constantine I 862-877 Kenneth I's son
Aedh 877-878 Kenneth I's son
Eochaid 878-889 Aedh's nephewJointly with Giric
Giric 878-889 Aedh's first cousinJointly with Eochaid
Donald II 889-900 Constantine I's son
Constantine II 900-943 Aedh's son
Malcolm I 943-954 Donald II's son
Indulf 954-962 Constantine II's son
Dubh 962-966 Malcolm I's son
Culen 966-971 Indulf's son
Kenneth II 971-995 Malcolm I's son
Constantine III 995-997 Culen's son
Kenneth III 997-1005 Dubh's son
Malcolm II 1005-1034 Kenneth II's son
Duncan I 1034-1040 Malcolm II's grandson
Macbeth 1040-1057 Malcolm II's grandson
Lulach 1057-1058 Kenneth III's grandson
The House of Dunkeld
Malcolm III 1058-1093 Duncan I's son
Donald III 1093-10941094-1097 Duncan I's son
Duncan II 1094 Malcolm III's son
Edgar 1097-1107 Malcolm III's son
Alexander I 1107-1124 Malcolm III's son
David I 1124-1153 Malcolm III's son
Malcolm IV 1153-1165 David I's grandson
William I 1165-1214 David I's grandson
Alexander II 1214-1249 William I's son
Alexander III 1249-1286 Alexander II's son
Margaret 1286-1290 Alexander III's granddaughter
The House of BalliolWhen Margaret died, there was no clear heir. King Edward I of England took over and installed a puppet, John Balliol.
John Balliol 1292-1296 David I's great-great-great-grandson
The House of BruceWhen John Balliol rebelled, the Wars of Scottish Independence commenced, during which Robert the Bruce became King.
Robert I 1306-1329 David I's great-great-great-great-grandson
David II 1329-1371 Robert I's son
The House of BalliolFor a period of time, both Edward Balliol and David II claimed the throne.
Edward Balliol 1332-1338 John Balliol's son
**The House of Stuart**When Robert Stewart took over, the Royal House name was changed to Stuart (the French spelling of Stewart).
Robert II 1371-1390 Robert I's grandson
Robert III 1390-1406 Robert II's son
James I 1406-1437 Robert III's son
James II 1437-1460 James I's son
James III 1460-1488 James II's son
James IV 1488-1513 James III's son
James V 1513-1542 James IV's son
Mary I 1542-1567 James V's daughter
James VI 1567-1625 Mary I's son