Marc Bloch (original) (raw)

Marc Bloch (July 6, 1886 - June 16, 1944) was a historian of medieval France in the period between the First and Second World Wars, and a founder of the Annales School.

Born at Lyon, the son of the professor of ancient history Gustave Bloch, Marc studied at the Ecole Normale and Foundation Thiers in Paris, then at Berlin and Leipzig. He was in the infantry in World War I and won the Legion of Honor.

After the war, he went to the university at Strasbourg, then in 1936 succeeded Henri Hauser as professor of economic history at the Sorbonne.

In 1929, Bloch founded, with Lucien Febvre, the important journal Annales d'histoire �conomique et sociale (now called Annales. �conomies, Soci�t�s, Civilisations) whose name came to be attached to an historical approach called the Annales School. Bloch's own most important work centered on the study of feudalism.

Bloch was shot by the Gestapo during the German occupation of France for his work in the French Resistance.
