MIDP (original) (raw)

MIDP stands for the Mobile Information Device Profile. It is a specification put out by Sun Microsystems for the use of Java on embedded devices such as cell phones.

MIDP is part of the J2ME framework. This expands the Connected Limited Device Configuration.

Table of contents
[1 Noteworthy Limitations](#Noteworthy Limitations) [2 General APIs](#General APIs) 2.1 javax.microedition.io 2.2 javax.microedition.lcdui 2.3 javax.microedition.rms 2.4 javax.microedition.midlet [3 Specialized APIs added in MIDP 2.0](#Specialized APIs added in MIDP 2.0) 3.5 javax.microedition.media 3.6 javax.microedition.lcdui.game 3.7 javax.microedition.pki [4 External links](#External links)

Noteworthy Limitations

General APIs

The core APIs are defined by the underlining Configuration

Connected Limited Device Configuration.


Contains the Java 2 Platform, Micro Edition specific classes used for I/O operations.


Contains the Java 2 Platform, Micro Edition specific classes used for the GUI. This has been optimised for LCD screens.


Provides a form of persistent storage for Java 2 Platform, Micro Edition.


Contains the base classes for Java 2 Platform, Micro Edition applications.

Specialized APIs added in MIDP 2.0

MIDP 2.0 saw the introduction of gaming and multimedia APIs.


Contains the basses of the multi media playback.


A gaming API aimed at simple 2D sprite based games.


Authenticate APIs for secure connections.