Nimrod (original) (raw)

Messopotamian King

Nimrod was a king of Assyria mentioned in the Book of Genesis in the Bible. According to Hebrew traditions, he was of Mizraim by mother but came from Cush son of Ham and expanded Asshur which he inherited. His name has become proverbial as that of a "mighty hunter." His "kingdom" comprised Babel (Sumerian logogram Nun.Ki.), Erech, Accad, and Calneh, in the land of Sinar, otherwise known as the land of Nimrod (Gen. x. 8-10; I Chron. i. 10; Micah v. 5)

Nimrod is credited with building the Tower of Babel in order to establish his own cult. Historians have linked the Biblical name with Ninnu (with the epithet Enmersi) of the city of Lagash and subsequently also to EnmerKar of Uruk; Ningirsu of the early dynastic Sumerians; Asar son of Enki of The Sumerians of Eridu and subsequently the Egyptian Osiris Asshur and Phoenician Rashap & Canaanite Reshpu (thus also the constellation Orion); Baal; and the Assyrian Ninurta -while the Babylonians obviously linked him with the Mesopotanian deity Marduk the Sumerian Dumuzi and the Mesopotamian king Ninus of Greek legend husband of Semiramis.

As Enmerkar the simplified New Age understanding of the story surrounding Nimrod is as follows. Following his father's fate, his grandfather Hor Meskiagkasher brought Nimrod's mother to Sumerian-Asar in Uruk where his people built a settlement. Intrigued by the prospect for gold in the west Hor Meskiagkasher led his Afroasiatic followers as Mizraim "from Asar" along the Puntian sea routes to the Nile valley heavily equipped to conquer. While there an opportunist band of Noahites followed general Seth to destroy unsuspecting Sumerian-Asar before turning to take over Mizraim's Egyptian campaign. Hor-Meskiagkasher sent his grandson EnmerKar back to Asar whereupon finding the destruction EnmerKar saved the throne of Asar from extinction. Hearing of the Sethian plan to ambush Mizraim's conquest of the Nile Valley Enmerkar enlisted help from Elam and sent troops to help Mizraim defeat the Sethians. A wedding between Mizraim and a princess from amongst the followers of Seth burried the hatchet.

As reward Meskiagkasher left Sumerian-Asar under the total command of EnmerKar as the hero king of that land. Integral to his claim in Asar was the repair of the sacked temple of Asar's patroness Innana. To this end EnmerKar proceeded to carve out a great empire for himself starting with Nun.Ki then Erech, Accad, Calneh, and expanding Asar out to Nineveh and Calah building the canal between them. Conquering Aratta he brought wat was required to his city but encouraged by the submitted Sethians Enmerkar planned a new cult temple in but opposition from different tribes of the area led to its incompletion and the eventual disintegration of the empire he had carved out for himself. In time however groups of grateful Kiengi-Sumerians at Eridu & Lagash redeemed the Afroasiatic not only as the continuation of their own Sumerian ancestor Asar but also child of Enki once more despite his opposition to Enki to whom was attributed the disruption of his Temple plans. Thus it was that the Egyptians became known as "Masri" or those "From Asar" and Nimrod became known as Asar and the mystery cults came to survive amongst the Babylonian Amorite Canaanites.

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The Ship

The Nimrod was the ship used by Ernest Shackleton in his 1908 Antarctic expedition for the South Pole. It was a 41-year-old schooner which had been used to hunt seals. Shackleton, who paid £5,000 for the ship, had it re-rigged as a barkentine. It also had a steam engine, but had a top speed of only six knots under this power.

The Town

Nimrod is an unincorporated town in

Minnesota. Though it does not appear in the census, it is included on most major maps. It is located at the center of a triangle formed by Staples, Wadena, and Park Rapids.

The Album


Nimrod (album) by Green Day.