Peacock (butterfly) (original) (raw)

Scientific classification
Kingdom:Animalia Phylum:Chordata Class:Insecta Order:Lepidoptera Superfamily:Papilionoidea Family:Nymphalidae Genus:Inachis Species:io

The Peacock (Inachis io) is a well-known colourful butterfly, found in temperate Europe and Asia. The species is resident in much of its range, often wintering in buildings or trees. It therefore often apears quite early in spring.

This large butterfly is identified by its striking eye pattern on a ruddy background, although with wings closed the cryptically coloured underwings make it look like a dead leaf.

The caterpillars, which are shiny black with barbed spikes, feed on nettles and hops. The adult butterflies feed on a wide variety of flowering plants, including buddleia, sallows, dandelions, wild marjoram, danewort, hemp agrimony, and clover; they also utilize tree sap and rotten fruit.

The Peacock can be found in woods, fields, meadows, pastures, parks, and gardens, and from lowlands up to 8,200 feet elevation. It is the most common butterfly seen in parks and gardens.