Shiroka Polyana (original) (raw)

Shiroka Polyana is a dam situated in the Western Rhodopes, Bulgaria

This dam is situated at a distance of 30 km south of Batak, on the road to Dospat. It is located 1500 meters above the sea level, amidst a forest of old pine trees. The dam is told different legends. According to the local people the mythical hero Orpheus has inhabited the area.

The shape of Shiroka Poliana dam is very interesting. Looking from the ring-road it seems that the dam comprises numerous small dams with separate walls. The illusion is due to the indented relief of the dam bed that consists of several mountain gullies.

Although the banks of the dam are far from the road and comparatively hard of access, it attracts many visitors and fans of fishing, because of the opulence of fish. In its waters swim grey mullet, perch, trout, etc.

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