U.S. presidential election, 1924 (original) (raw)

Presidential Candidate Electoral Vote Popular Vote Pct Party Running Mate(Electoral Votes)
Calvin Coolidge of Massachusetts (W) 382 15,725,016 54.0 Republican Charles G. Dawes of Illinois (382)
John W. Davis of New York 136 8,386,503 29.0 Democrat Charles W. Bryan of Nebraska (136)
Robert M. La Follette, Sr of Wisconsin 13 4,822,856 16.5 Progressive Burton K. Wheeler of Montana (13)
Total 100.0%
Other elections: 1912, 1916, 1920, 1924, 1928, 1932, 1936
Source: U.S. Office of the Federal Register


United States Progressive Party candidate Robert M. La Follette, Sr received 4,822,856 popular votes for President (16.5 percent) and 13 electorial votes. Long a champion of farmers and industrial workers, and an ardent foe of big business, LaFollette was a prime mover in the recreation of the Progressive movement following World War I. Backed by the farm and labor vote, as well as by Socialists and remnants of Theodore Roosevelt's Bull Moose Party, LaFollette ran on a platform of nationalizing railroads and the country's natural resources. He also strongly supported increased taxation on the wealthy and the right of collective bargaining. Despite a strong showing in certain regions, he carried only his home state of Wisconsin.

(Some article text as of January 9, 2003 copied from U.S. State Department (usinfo.state.gov))

See also: President of the United States, U.S. presidential election, 1924, History of the United States (1918-1945)