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Vegetation description

In Honduras, substantial areas of mangrove are found on both the Caribbean and Pacific coasts. The largest areas are located in the west of the country, especially around the Laguna de Caratasca. Mangrove forests include: Avicennia bicolor, Avicennia germinans, Conocarpus erectus, Laguncularia racemosa, Rhizophora mangle. There are 12 protected areas with mangroves.

Spalding, M.D., Blasco, F. & Field, C.D., eds. 1997 World Mangrove Atlas. The International Society for Mangrove Ecosystems, Okinawa, Japan. 178 pp.

National level mangrove area estimates

Year Area (ha) Source Trend Methodology/Comments
1965 297 800 FAO. 1967. Proyecto de Inventario Forestal FO-FAO/SF 26 HON/50 (map). Remote sensing. This figure probably represents the extent of the entire mangrove swamp.
1980 298 000 FAO, UNEP. 1981. Los Recursos Forestales de la America Tropical. Proyecto de Evaluaci�n de los Recursos Forestales Tropicales (en el marco de SINUVIMA). FAO, UNEP, Rome 349 pp. The figure represents the extent of the entire mangroves swamps and it is likely to be based on FAO 1967 (see above).
1981 145 000 Flores, O.A. 1983. Rese�a del estado actual de los manglares en Honduras. In proceedings of the Conference: Seminario Nacional sobre Manejo Integrado de los Manglares. Tegucigalpa (Honduras), 21-24 Jun 1983 X The figure is based on the information provided by FAO, UNEP. 1981. (see above). Possibly 50% of the extent of mangroves and swamps provided in the FAO, UNEP. 1981.
1991 117 000 Snedaker, S.C. 1991. Personal communication Cited in: Fisher, P and Spalding, M.D. 1993. Protected areas with mangrove habitat. Draft Report World Conservation Centre, Cambridge, UK. 60 pp.
1992 121 340 Jimenez. 1992. Mangrove forest of the Pacific Coast of Central America. In: U. Seelinger, ed. 1992. Coastal Plant Communities of Latin America. p. 259-267. Academic Press, San Diego, 392 pp. X Secondary reference, no primary source provided. The "Year" is the publication year
1994 145 800 Oyuyela, O. 1994. Los Manglares del Golfo de Fonseca - Honduras. In: Suma, D.O., ed. 1994. El Ecosistema de Manglar en America Latina y la Cuenca del Caribe: su manejo y conservaci�n. . pp 133-143. Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, University of Miami, USA. Cited in: Spalding, M.D., Blasco, F. and Field, C.D., eds. 1997. World Mangrove Atlas. The International Society for Mangrove Ecosystems, Okinawa, Japan. 178 pp.
1995 54 300 Administraci�n Forestal del Estado. (AFE-COHDEFOR) Estad�sticas Forestales CIEF. 1998. Mapa Forestal de Honduras 1995. Area de Ordenamiento Territorial AOT � SERNA (Scale 1:500 000). X Remote sensing. The high discrepancy with the other figures available for this country is due to the fact that this document reports only the mangrove forest extent.The document also provides the extent of the deforested area, i.e. 243,500 ha, thus in line with the extent of 1965.
1997 231 600 Spalding, M.D., Blasco, F. and Field, C.D., eds. 1997. World Mangrove Atlas. The International Society for Mangrove Ecosystems, Okinawa, Japan. 178 pp. Map analysis. Scale of map 1:1 000 000.

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