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Solomon Islands

Vegetation description

Occurring in sheltered coastal bays and along river mouths, two structural types of mangrove forest can be distinguished: one is a low, stunted, 2.5 m tall forest dominated by Rhizophora apiculata; the other is up to 25 m tall and composed of Bruguiera parviflora, B. sexangula, Rhizophora apiculata and R. stylosa, with local populations of Dolichandrone spathacea. Other mangrove species include Ceriops tagal and Lumnitzera littorea, the latter sometimes forming pure stands. The palm Nypa fruticans is also present. Differing structure and composition are related both to habitat differences and to past habitat disturbance.

Hansell, J.R.F. & Wall, J.R.D. 1976. Land Resource of the Solomon Islands. Volume 1. Introduction and recommendations. Land Resource study 18.

National level mangrove area estimates

Year Area (ha) Source Trend Methodology/Comments
1975 64 200 Hansell, J.R.F., Wall, J.R.D. 1976. Land Resources of the Solomom Islands, Volume 1: Introduction and Recommendations. Land Resources Div., Ministry of Overseas Development. Surbiton, Surrey (UK). 148 pp. X Remote sensing
1993 50 572 ACIL Australia Pty Ltd, International Forest Environment Research and Management Pty Ltd, ERSIS Australia Pty Ltd. 1995. Solomon Islands National Forest Resources Inventory, Forests of the Solomon Islands Australian International Development Assistance Bureau and Ministry of Natural Resources Remote sensing. Area listed as forest type: Saline swamp (usually mangroves). Figure reported for each province. The figure excludes Rob Roy and Vaghena islands, smalll islands unlikely to significantly affect the total figure.
1995 52 500 Solomon Islands National Forestry Inventory. 1995. X Cited in: WWF South Pacific. 2002. Marine Ecosystems. Marine Biodiversity in the Pacific - Marine Ecosystems of the Solomon Islands. (available at marineresourcessolo.htm )

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