IMINT - Cuba (original) (raw)

On 14 October 1962 two USAF U-2 reconnaissance aircraft photographed portions of Cuba and analysis of these photos confirmed that bases were being constructed for intermediate-range missiles within striking distance of the United States. President John F. Kennedy placed the US armed forces on alert for whatever action might be necessary, and USAF U-2 and RF-101 flights over Cuba continued, the latter aircraft sometimes flying at tree-top level.

Havana SA-2 antiaircraft site 26 Aug 62 Sagua La Grande MRBM Site 1 23 Oct 62 Sagua La Grande MRBM Site 1 01 Nov 62 Sagua La Grande MRBM Site 1 18 Jan 63
Sagua La Grande MRBM Site 2 18 Jan 63 San Cristobal MRBM Site 1 25 Oct 62 San Cristobal MRBM Site 1 01 Nov 62 San Cristobal MRBM Site 1 27 Jan 63
San Cristobal MRBM Site 2 27 Oct 62 San Cristobal MRBM Site 2 01 Nov 62 San Cristobal MRBM Site 3 01 Nov 62 San Cristobal MRBM Site 4 29 Oct 62
Guanajay IRBM Launch Site 1 Guanajay IRBM Launch Site 2 01 Nov 62 Guanajay IRBM Launch Site 2 27 Jan 63 Remedios IRBM Launch Site 3
San Julian airfield 15 Nov 62 San Julian airfield & SAM site 25 Nov 62