20 January 2021 marked by Gregorian calendar and Twin-Prime pairs (original) (raw)

Twin-prime pairs of numbers are separated by a single composite number. Mathematicians have not found any pattern in the sequence of twin-prime number pairs. God is the �Master Mathematician� and I believe He has used them to conceal pieces of His �Master Plan� for these last days. I have found several anomalies in time when I combined these twin-prime pairs with leap years using both the Julian and Gregorian calendars. One in particular reveals this coming Inauguration Day: 20 January 2021.

Going back in time to the birth of Christ I have found 60 sets of twin-prime/leap-year clusters of five years. There have been 31 occurrences where leap years were bracketed by a pair of twin-prime numbers and 29 sets where the leap years bracketed the twin-prime pairs. The 28th five year cluster of leap years bracketing a twin-prime pair began with the leap year 1948 when Israel declared their independence. The 29th such five-year cluster was: 1996 - 1997 - 1998 - 1999 - 2000. This group of five years has unique properties. The centenary year 2000 was a Gregorian leap year because it was evenly divisible by four hundred. It was the only Gregorian centenary leap-year to fall in conjunction with a pair of twin-prime numbers (1997 and 1999) since the birth of Christ. The sum of the five years from 1996 to 2000 is 9990.9990 is the total gematria for all 54 Hebrew and Greek letters and all their finals. 54 is the first of the four tribe name gematrias on the Breastplate that total 1480 which is the Greek gematria of 'CHRIST'. The 25th cluster began with the Julian leap year 1480.1998 is the gematria of the first five words of Genesis 1:1. This sequence of five words ends with 'heaven'. 1998 is also the sum of the uppercase ASCII codes for 'JESUS CHRIST' (855) and the title case ASCII codes for 'Jesus Christ' (1143).1998 also equals: 3 x 666.666 is the sum of the uppercase ASCII codes for 'HOLY BIBLE'.

1700 was the only Gregorian centenary year that was not a leap year to fall in conjunction with a pair of twin-prime numbers. 1700 plus 2000 equals 3700 which is the gematria of the 12 tribe names on the Breastplate.

The first cluster with the leap year at its center begins with the years: 2,3 and 4. These three digits form the number string �234� which is the number given to Vincent Tan by the Angel on December 23rd of 1993.

The 32nd and next five year cluster with a leap year at its center is: 2026 � 2027 � 2028 � 2029 � 2030. 2026 equals 2 x 1013 which is the prime number gematria of �LORD JESUS CHRIST�. This will make a total of 61 five year cluster combination of twin-prime pairs and leap years. My �Prime List� is the first 305 prime numbers that fall within the range of 1 to 2010. The prime factoring of 305 is 5 (columns) x 61 (rows). The sum of the first 61 prime numbers of column one from 1 to 281 is 7700. Counting from top to bottom and then left to right the 281st year in this �Leap/Twin� table is 1034. I made separate lists of the first 305 prime andfirst 305 composite numbers. The 281st location in the prime number list is 1097 and the281st location in the composite number list is 237. The sum of these three values (1034, 1097 and 237) in the 281st locations equals the Greek gematria of �JESUS CHRIST� (2368).7 x 281 equals: 1967 (the year of the Six Day War).7700 is the sum of the 80 years in the first 16 clusters of twin-prime pairs and leap years.80 years is the maximum lifespan given in Psalm 90:10. It will be 80 years from 1948 to 2028.

I was led to number the last days for the Body of Christ from the Winter Solstice of the Jewish year 5760 (22 December 1999). 5760 is the sum of the 41st five-year cluster. 5760 plus the Greek gematria of �JESUS CHRIST� (2368) equals the fourth perfect number (8128). The 7700th day from 22 December 1999 will be 20 January 2021. The sum of the 16th cluster, the last of the first 16 that total7700, is 1140. 1140 plus the 16th prime number (47) equals: 1187. The sum of the two consecutive prime numbers 1181 and 1187 equals: 2368. Kamala Harris could become the 47th President if Biden is sworn in and is later removed from office. The sum of the five years in the 47th cluster (7140) minus the sum of the five prime numbers in the 47th row of the �Prime List� (5119) equals: 2021.

The sum of the first 10 prime numbers in column 1 is the Greek gematria of �JESUS� (888). The sum of the first 10 prime numbers in column 2 equals the 929 chapters in the Old Testament. The sum of the first 25 prime numbers in column 5 equals the sum of the 17 prime numbers in the center column of the �Prime Cube� (8055). 855 is the sum of the ASCII codes for �JESUS CHRIST�.

The 14th five-year cluster with a leap year at its center was: 598 � 599 � 600 � 601 � 602. This was the only cluster of all 61 to have a centenary year at its center. Noah entered the Ark at the age of 600.

The sum of the first 22 consecutive prime numbers is 713. 713 is the prime number gematria of �JESUS (294) CHRIST (419)�.419 is the first prime number in the 22nd cluster of five years.

The sum of all 10 years in the 9th group of each set of five-year clusters is 2550. 1260 + 1290 in Daniel 12:11 equals: 2550 days.

The sum of all 10 years in the 20th group of each set of five-year clusters is: 10 x 1077.1077 is the sum of the prime (713) and composite (364) number gematrias of �JESUS CHRIST�.

I am still watching the seven day period from January 7th to January 13th of 2020 prior to Inauguration Day.