GERMANWINGS FLIGHT 9525 CRASH (original) (raw)


Call sign D-AIPX in English Gematria Equals: 324 or (6+6+6) x (6+6+6)

9525 + mirror 5259 = 14784 = (11x11) x (11x11) + (11x11) + 11+11. (See 847 deaths below)

It first flew on 29/11/1990 and was Serial Number 147.147 + mirror 741 = 888.
1+4+7+7+4+1 = 8+8+8.

From 29/11/1990 to 24/3/2015 between these dates is 8880days.

The last A320 to crash was AirAsia Flight QZ8501 on 28/12/2014.
9525 � 8501 = (8+8+8+8) x (8+8+8+8) 9+5+2+5+8+5+1 = 7+7+7+7+7.
9x5x2x5x8x5 = 6000+6000+6000

The death toll of the following 4 passenger airliners is as follows �

MH370 239 8/3/2014
MH17 298 17/7/2014
QZ8501 162 28/12/2014
4U9525 148 24/3/2015 � 8+17+28+24 = 77 or 7�11

TOTAL deaths 847

847 = 11x7x11
847 = 11�77
847 = (11�11) + (11�11) + (11�11) + (11�11) + (11�11) + (11�11) + (11�11)

But then they changed the death toll to 150
Strange they can�t get the figures right the first time. They have the manifest and the crew list at hand.
Now 150 which makes my list below change from 847 total to 849.
8x4x9 = (16�16) + (16+16) or (8+8) x (8+8) + (8+8) or 288.

Whereas 8x4x7 = 224.

288 � 224 = 8�8, the difference.

Maybe that is why they started with 148 and changed it to 150

Also, from 11/9/2001 to 24/3/2015 is 4942 days and 4x9x4x2 = 288, the very same number as above when
computing the new total number of deaths in the 4 planes at 849.
288 = (16�16) + (16+16) or (8+8) x (8+8) + (8+8) + (8+8)
8 standing for THEIR New Beginning.

The crash site is said to be 44 deg N, half of 88.

The distance from the centre of CERN to the crash site is 123NM so the diameter of a circle around
CERN would be 2 x 123 = 246NM
246 + mirror 642 = 888. Bingo again!
Previous A320 crash was QZ 8501 and this one is 4U 9525
9525 - 8501 = 32 x 32 or (8+8+8+8) x (8+8+8+8)
The previous 3 flights that either went missing or crashed, 370, 17, 8501, all added to 8888.

The 123NM radius from the centre of CERN to the crash site gives us a circle of 47529NM� (π x r�)

4x7x5x2x9 = 2520 = 7 x 360 day years making up the 7 year Biblical Tribulation.

Looks like a ritual to me.

Keep looking up,
