cbmap (original) (raw)



On the map below you will find Santa Maria Novella Station, the Palazzo Strozzi, and Piazzale Donatello:

Santa Maria Novella Station
aaEnglish Cemetery, Piazzale Donatello, is green oval top right

This is a larger version of the map and turned in another direction to make it easier to print out:

Map of Central Florence Santa Maria Novella Stazione 18 By the Arno River is Via Maggio, Ponte Santa Trinita, then Via Tornabuoni, the square palace, Palazzo Strozzi 14

Piazzale Donatello,
English Cemetery

For best results with these maps use medium, rather than small, type size (View/Character/Medium):

* Casa Guidi, end of via Maggio, Ponte S. Trinità, via Tornabuoni Pitti Palace Boboli Gardens Ponte Vecchio Uffizi, Palazzo Vecchio Santa Croce Map of Central Florence Santa Maria Novella & Station 18 left-centre,Via Tornabuoni, Palazzo Strozzi * 14 San Lorenzo San Marco Santissima Annunziata Piazzale Donatello, English Cemetery, to left

Synagogue Piazzale* Donatello,
English Cemetery

Santa Maria Novella Station Go from the Station to the number 12 on the map, continuing on down the side of the square to Via delle Belle Donne Santa Maria Novella Church Santa Maria Novella Square Go down Via delle Belle Donne to its meeting with Via del Sole and Via della Spada as they turn into Via Tornabuoni. The vast palace on your right across the street is the Palazzo Strozzi with the Botticelli Exhibition and our conference, and its mini-exhibition, 'Florence in Sepia' The Via Tornabuoni continues on over the Ponte Santa Trinità , then becomes Via Maggio, at the end of which is the Casa Guidi. 29/r Via dei Velluti with Enrico Giannini's Workshop is opposite St Mark's English Church on Via Maggio. Casa Guidi is just off this map, et at the end of Via Maggio, opposite the Pitti Palace, where you see the 'Aureo Anello' plaque, and before turning on to Via Mazzetta - where you see their balcony Uffizi is here Ponte Vecchio

Florence is a small city and everything is within walkable distance, apart from Villa Agape.

Bring mosquito repellant!

For Villa Agape, Via Torre del Gallo, 8/10,Telephone 055 220044, either take a taxi from the airport or use its bus to Santa Maria Novella Station, then take a taxi. If coming by bus and not taxi from Santa Maria Novella Station, take bus number 12 to bus stop 7 in Viale Galileo, then walk up Via del Giramontino which becomes Via Torre del Gallo. Going back into Florence take bus number 13 from bus stop 8 on Viale Galileo. Buy bus tickets before entering buses from either a newstand or a bar, asking for 'biglietti per quattro corse', using each of its four numbered parts in turn, as these are cheaper. When you board the bus put your ticket in the machine to validate it. A bus ticket allows you to travel and change buses for up to an hour, once it has had the time stamped on it. We recommend you pack and bring mosquito repellant!

Piazzale Michelangelo

Villa Agape Via Torre del Gallo 8/10

Villa Agape, 'Suore Stabilite nella Carità', Via Torre del Gallo, 8/10, Tel. (0039) 055/220044


Julia Bolton Holloway, English Cemetery, Piazzale Donatello, 38, Tel. 055/582608

Elizabeth Barrett Browning's Sarcophagus


See also http://www.florin.ms/florencemap.html

On 5 June we made an excursion to Fiesole (various villas), Vincigliata, Vallombrosa, San Miniato, Bellosguardo (various villas), places beloved by the nineteenth-century foreigners in Florence as refuges from the heat, with splendid vistas of the city.

Picnic at Vallombrosa