5. REFERENCES (original) (raw)



"Internet Protocol (IP)," J. Postel, RFC-791, September 1981.


"Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP)," J. Postel, RFC-792, September 1981.


"Internet Standard Subnetting Procedure," J. Mogul and J. Postel, RFC-950, August 1985.


"Host Extensions for IP Multicasting," S. Deering, RFC-1112, August 1989.


"Military Standard Internet Protocol," MIL-STD-1777, Department of Defense, August 1983.

This specification, as amended by RFC-963, is intended to describe the Internet Protocol but has some serious omissions (e.g., the mandatory subnet extension [IP:3] and the optional multicasting extension [IP:4]). It is also out of date. If there is a conflict, RFC-791, RFC-792, and RFC-950 must be taken as authoritative, while the present document is authoritative over all.


"Some Problems with the Specification of the Military Standard Internet Protocol," D. Sidhu, RFC-963, November 1985.


"The TCP Maximum Segment Size and Related Topics," J. Postel, RFC-879, November 1983.

Discusses and clarifies the relationship between the TCP Maximum Segment Size option and the IP datagram size.


"Internet Protocol Security Options," B. Schofield, RFC-1108, October 1989.


"Fragmentation Considered Harmful," C. Kent and J. Mogul, ACM SIGCOMM-87, August 1987. Published as ACM Comp Comm Review, Vol. 17, no. 5.

This useful paper discusses the problems created by Internet fragmentation and presents alternative solutions.


"IP Datagram Reassembly Algorithms," D. Clark, RFC-815, July 1982.

This and the following paper should be read by every implementor.


"Fault Isolation and Recovery," D. Clark, RFC-816, July 1982.