1.3.1 Organization (original) (raw)

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1.3.1 Organization

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1.3.1 Organization

1.3.1 Organization

Protocol layering, which is generally used as an organizing principle in implementing network software, has also been used to organize this document. In describing the rules, we assume that an implementation does strictly mirror the layering of the protocols. Thus, the following three major sections specify the requirements for the link layer, the internet layer, and the transport layer, respectively. A companion RFC [INTRO:1] covers application level software. This layerist organization was chosen for simplicity and clarity.

However, strict layering is an imperfect model, both for the protocol suite and for recommended implementation approaches. Protocols in different layers interact in complex and sometimes subtle ways, and particular functions often involve multiple layers. There are many design choices in an implementation, many of which involve creative "breaking" of strict layering. Every implementor is urged to read references [INTRO:7] and [INTRO:8].

This document describes the conceptual service interface between layers using a functional ("procedure call") notation, like that used in the TCP specification [TCP:1]. A host implementation must support the logical information flow implied by these calls, but need not literally implement the calls themselves. For example, many implementations reflect the coupling between the transport layer and the IP layer by giving them shared access to common data structures. These data structures, rather than explicit procedure calls, are then the agency for passing much of the information that is required.

In general, each major section of this document is organized into the following subsections:

  1. Introduction
  2. Protocol Walk-Through -- considers the protocol specification documents section-by-section, correcting errors, stating requirements that may be ambiguous or ill-defined, and providing further clarification or explanation.
  3. Specific Issues -- discusses protocol design and implementation issues that were not included in the walk- through.
  4. Interfaces -- discusses the service interface to the next higher layer.
  5. Summary -- contains a summary of the requirements of the section.

Under many of the individual topics in this document, there is parenthetical material labeled "DISCUSSION" or "IMPLEMENTATION". This material is intended to give clarification and explanation of the preceding requirements text. It also includes some suggestions on possible future directions or developments. The implementation material contains suggested approaches that an implementor may want to consider.

The summary sections are intended to be guides and indexes to the text, but are necessarily cryptic and incomplete. The summaries should never be used or referenced separately from the complete RFC.

Next: 1.3.2 Requirements

Connected: An Internet Encyclopedia
1.3.1 Organization