RFC 1422 (original) (raw)

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RFC 1422

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RFC 1422

RFC 1422Network Working Group
Request for Comments: 1422
Obsoletes: 1114

S. Kent
February 1993

Privacy Enhancement for Internet Electronic Mail:

Part II: Certificate-Based Key Management

Status of this Memo

This RFC specifies an IAB standards track protocol for the Internet community, and requests discussion and suggestions for improvements. Please refer to the current edition of the "IAB Official Protocol Standards" for the standardization state and status of this protocol. Distribution of this memo is unlimited.


This memo is the outgrowth of a series of meetings of the Privacy and Security Research Group of the Internet Research Task Force (IRTF) and the Privacy-Enhanced Electronic Mail Working Group of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). I would like to thank the members of the PSRG and the PEM WG for their comments and contributions at the meetings which led to the preparation of this document. I also would like to thank contributors to the PEM-DEV mailing list who have provided valuable input which is reflected in this memo.

Table of Contents

Next: 1. Executive Summary

Connected: An Internet Encyclopedia
RFC 1422