6.2 OPEN message error handling. (original) (raw)

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6.2 OPEN message error handling.

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6.2 OPEN message error handling.

6.2 OPEN message error handling.

All errors detected while processing the OPEN message are indicated by sending the NOTIFICATION message with Error Code OPEN Message Error. The Error Subcode elaborates on the specific nature of the error.

If the version number contained in the Version field of the received OPEN message is not supported, then the Error Subcode is set to Unsupported Version Number. The Data field is a 2-octet unsigned integer, which indicates the largest locally supported version number less than the version the remote BGP peer bid (as indicated in the received OPEN message).

If the Autonomous System field of the OPEN message is unacceptable, then the Error Subcode is set to Bad Peer AS. The determination of acceptable Autonomous System numbers is outside the scope of this protocol.

If the Hold Time field of the OPEN message is unacceptable, then the Error Subcode MUST be set to Unacceptable Hold Time. An implementation MUST reject Hold Time values of one or two seconds. An implementation MAY reject any proposed Hold Time. An implementation which accepts a Hold Time MUST use the negotiated value for the Hold Time.

If the BGP Identifier field of the OPEN message is syntactically incorrect, then the Error Subcode is set to Bad BGP Identifier. Syntactic correctness means that the BGP Identifier field represents a valid IP host address.

If one of the Optional Parameters in the OPEN message is not recognized, then the Error Subcode is set to Unsupported Optional Parameters. If the OPEN message carries Authentication Information (as an Optional Parameter), then the corresponding authentication procedure is invoked. If the authentication procedure (based on Authentication Code and Authentication Data) fails, then the Error Subcode is set to Authentication Failure.

Next: 6.3 UPDATE message error handling.

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6.2 OPEN message error handling.