10. Header Field Definitions (original) (raw)
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10. Header Field Definitions
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10. Header Field Definitions
10. Header Field Definitions
This section defines the syntax and semantics of all commonly used HTTP/1.0 header fields. For general and entity header fields, both sender and recipient refer to either the client or the server, depending on who sends and who receives the message.
- 10.1 Allow
- 10.2 Authorization
- 10.3 Content-Encoding
- 10.4 Content-Length
- 10.5 Content-Type
- 10.6 Date
- 10.7 Expires
- 10.8 From
- 10.9 If-Modified-Since
- 10.10 Last-Modified
- 10.11 Location
- 10.12 Pragma
- 10.13 Referer
- 10.14 Server
- 10.15 User-Agent
- 10.16 WWW-Authenticate
Next: 10.1 Allow
Connected: An Internet Encyclopedia
10. Header Field Definitions