3.7. The NEWGROUPS command (original) (raw)

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3.7. The NEWGROUPS command

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3.7. The NEWGROUPS command

3.7. The NEWGROUPS command


NEWGROUPS date time [GMT] []

A list of newsgroups created since will be listed in the same format as the LIST command.

The date is sent as 6 digits in the format YYMMDD, where YY is the last two digits of the year, MM is the two digits of the month (with leading zero, if appropriate), and DD is the day of the month (with leading zero, if appropriate). The closest century is assumed as part of the year (i.e., 86 specifies 1986, 30 specifies 2030, 99 is 1999, 00 is 2000).

Time must also be specified. It must be as 6 digits HHMMSS with HH being hours on the 24-hour clock, MM minutes 00-59, and SS seconds 00-59. The time is assumed to be in the server's timezone unless the token "GMT" appears, in which case both time and date are evaluated at the 0 meridian.

The optional parameter "distributions" is a list of distribution groups, enclosed in angle brackets. If specified, the distribution portion of a new newsgroup (e.g, 'net' in 'net.wombat') will be examined for a match with the distribution categories listed, and only those new newsgroups which match will be listed. If more than one distribution group is to be listed, they must be separated by commas within the angle brackets.

Please note that an empty list (i.e., the text body returned by this command consists only of the terminating period) is a possible valid response, and indicates that there are currently no new newsgroups.

3.7.2. Responses

231 list of new newsgroups follows

Next: 3.8. The NEWNEWS command

Connected: An Internet Encyclopedia
3.7. The NEWGROUPS command