Catholic Church in Kazakhstan (original) (raw)

Also known as: Kasachstan (Deutsch), Kazajistán (español), le Kazakhstan (français), Kazakistan (Italiano), Kazachstan (polski), Cazaquistão (Português), Қазақстан (Kazakh), 哈薩克斯坦 (正體中文), カザフスタン (日本語), Kazachstania (latine)


Documents and Celebrations Text

Papal Visits


Cultural Summary

Religions: Muslim 70.2%, Christian 26.2% (mainly Russian Orthodox), other 0.2%, atheist 2.8%, unspecified 0.5%

Languages: Kazakh (official, Qazaq) 74% (understand spoken language), Russian (official, used in everyday business, designated the "language of interethnic communication") 94.4% (understand spoken language)

Ethnic Groups: Kazakh (Qazaq) 63.1%, Russian 23.7%, Uzbek 2.9%, Ukrainian 2.1%, Uighur 1.4%, Tatar 1.3%, German 1.1%, other 4.4%

Statistics (2021.12.31)

Area: 2,724,900 km²

Catholic Population: 125,000 Catholics (0.7% of 19,001,000 total)

Pastoral Centres: 83 parishes, 83 mission stations (17 with resident priest, 66 without resident priest), 54 other centres

Clergy: 6 bishops (3 diocesan, 3 titular), 97 priests (72 diocesan, 25 religious), 3 permanent deacons (1 diocesan, 2 religious)

Non-Clergy: 123 religious (6 brothers, 117 sisters), 5 major seminarians, 13 missionaries, 49 catechists