Catholic Church in Réunion (original) (raw)

Also known as: Réunion (Deutsch), Reunión (español), La Réunion (français), Riunione (Italiano), Reunion (polski), Reunião (Português), 留尼旺 (正體中文), レユニオン (日本語), Reunio (latine)


Celebrations Text

Papal Visits


Cultural Summary

Religions: Roman Catholic 86%, Hindu, Muslim, Buddhist

Languages: French (official), Creole widely used

Statistics (2021.12.31)

Area: 2,510 km²

Catholic Population: 690,000 Catholics (79.2% of 871,000 total)

Pastoral Centres: 73 parishes

Clergy: 1 bishop (diocesan), 125 priests (52 diocesan, 73 religious), 26 permanent deacons (25 diocesan, 1 religious)

Non-Clergy: 228 religious (8 brothers, 220 sisters), 2 members of secular institutes (sisters), 6 major seminarians, 2,162 catechists