Former Abbacy of Ellwangen (original) (raw)



Past Ordinaries

Abbots nullius of Ellwangen (Roman Rite)
Archbishop Klemens Wenzeslaus von Sachsen (1787 – 1803)Born:1739.09.28 (Germany)Ordained Priest:1764.04.29Consecrated Bishop:1766.08.10Died:1812.07.27 († 72)Bishop of Regensburg (Germany) ([1763.04.27] 1763.05.04 – 1768.08.20)Bishop of Freising (Germany) ([1763.04.18] 1763.08.22 – 1768.08.20)Coadjutor Bishop of Augsburg (Germany) ([1764.11.05] 1765.03.27 – 1768.08.20)Metropolitan Archbishop of Trier (Germany) ([1768.02.10] 1768.03.14 – 1801.11.29)Bishop of Augsburg (Germany) (1768.08.20 – 1812.07.27)Prince-Provost of Ellwangen (Germany) (1787 – 1803)
Bishop Anton Ignaz von Fugger-Glött (1756.07.18 – 1787.02.25)Born:1711.09.03Consecrated Bishop:1769.09.17Died:1787.02.25 († 75)Prince-Provost of Ellwangen (Germany) (1756.07.18 – 1787.02.25)Bishop of Regensburg (Germany) (1769.06.12 – 1787.02.25)
Archbishop Franz Georg von Schönborn (1732 – 1756.01.18)Born:1682.06.15 (Germany)Ordained Priest:1729.10.18Consecrated Bishop:1729.10.30Died:1756.01.18 († 73)Metropolitan Archbishop of Trier (Germany) ([1729.05.02] 1729.09.07 – 1756.01.18)Prince-Provost of Ellwangen (Germany) (1732 – 1756.01.18)Bishop of Worms (Germany) ([1732.06.17] 1732.08.11 – 1756.01.18)
Archbishop Franz Ludwig von Pfalz-Neuburg (1694 – 1732.04.18)Born:1664.07.24 (Germany)Consecrated Bishop:1729Died:1732.04.18 († 67)Bishop of Wrocław (Poland) ([1683.06.30] 1683.08.26 – 1732.04.18)Prince-Provost of Ellwangen (Germany) (1694 – 1732.04.18)Bishop of Worms (Germany) (1694.06.08 – 1732.04.18)Coadjutor Archbishop of Mainz (Germany) ([1710.11.05] 1712.10.05 – 1716.12.23)Metropolitan Archbishop of Trier (Germany) ([1716.02.20] 1716.12.23 – 1729.01.30)Metropolitan Archbishop of Mainz (Germany) (1729.01.30 – 1729.03.03)
Archbishop Ludwig Anton von Pfalz-Neuburg (1689.08.22 – 1694.05.04)Born:1660.06.09Ordained Priest:1694.01.04Consecrated Bishop:1694.01.10Died:1694.05.04 († 33)Prince-Provost of Ellwangen (Germany) (1689.08.22 – 1694.05.04)Coadjutor Archbishop of Mainz (Germany) (1691.10.03 – 1694.05.04)Bishop of Worms (Germany) (1693.06.08 – 1694.05.04 not possessed)
Fr. Heinrich Christoph von Wolframsdorf (1687.10.02 – 1689.06.17)Born:1646.02.04Died:1689.06.17 († 43)Prince-Provost of Ellwangen (Germany) (1687.10.02 – 1689.06.17)
Fr. Johann Christoph Adelmann von Adelmannsfelden (1674.04.18 – 1687.08.26)Born:1640.04.23Ordained Priest:1667.06.04Died:1687.08.26 († 47)Prince-Provost of Ellwangen (Germany) (1674.04.18 – 1687.08.26)
Bishop Johann Christoph von Freyberg (1660.05.11 – 1674.04.13)Born:1616.09.28Ordained Priest:1642Consecrated Bishop:1667Died:1690.04.01 († 73)Prince-Provost of Ellwangen (Germany) (1660.05.11 – 1674.04.13)Bishop of Augsburg (Germany) (1665.08.18 – 1690.04.01)
Fr. Johann Rudolf von Rechenberg (1654.04.27 – 1660.04.06)Born:1606Died:1660.04.06 († 53)Prince-Provost of Ellwangen (Germany) (1654.04.27 – 1660.04.06)
Fr. Johann Jakob Blarer von Wartensee (1621.01.27 – 1654.03.09)Born:1575?Died:1654.03.09 († 78)Prince-Provost of Ellwangen (Germany) (1621.01.27 – 1654.03.09)
Fr. Johann Christoph von Freyberg-Eisenberg (1613.03.20 – 1620.12.24)Born:1551Died:1620.12.24 († 68)Prince-Provost of Ellwangen (Germany) (1613.03.20 – 1620.12.24)
Bishop-elect Johann Christoph von Westerstetten (1603.07.24 – 1613.01.28)Candide et fortiterBorn:1563.01.06 (Germany)Ordained Priest:1589.08.11Consecrated Bishop:1613.04.14Died:1637.07.28 († 74)Prince-Provost of Ellwangen (Germany) (1603.07.24 – 1613.01.28)Bishop of Eichstätt (Germany) ([1612.12.04] 1613.01.28 – 1637.07.28)
Bishop Wolfgang von Hausen (1584 – 1603)
Fr. Christoph von Freyberg-Eisenberg (1573.03.08 – 1584.03.05)Born:1517Died:1584.03.05 († 66)Prince-Provost of Ellwangen (Germany) (1573.03.08 – 1584.03.05)
Cardinal Otto Truchsess von Waldburg (1552 – 1573.04.02)
Bishop Heinrich Pfalzgraf von Rhein (1521 – 1552.01.03)
Fr. Albrecht Thumb von Neuburg (1503 – 1521)Prince-Provost of Ellwangen (Germany) (1503 – 1521)
Fr. Bernhard von Westerstetten (1502 – 1503)Prince-Provost of Ellwangen (Germany) (1502 – 1503)
Fr. Albrecht von Rechberg (1461 – 1502)Prince-Provost of Ellwangen (Germany) (1461 – 1502)
Abbot Johann von Hürnheim (1460 – 1461)Abbot nullius of Ellwangen (Germany) (1452 – 1460)Prince-Provost of Ellwangen (Germany) (1460 – 1461)
Abbot Johann von Hürnheim (1452 – 1460)(see above)
Abbot Johann von Holzingen (1427 – 1452)Abbot nullius of Ellwangen (Germany) (1427 – 1452)
Abbot Sigfrido Gerlacher (1401 – 1427)Abbot nullius of Ellwangen (Germany) (1401 – 1427)
Abbot Albrecht Hack von Wöllstein (1367 – 1401)Abbot nullius of Ellwangen (Germany) (1367 – 1401)
Abbot Kuno von Gundelfingen (1333 – 1367)Abbot nullius of Ellwangen (Germany) (1333 – 1367)
Abbot Rodolfo von Pfahlheim (1311 – 1333)Abbot nullius of Ellwangen (Germany) (1311 – 1333)
Abbot Erenfrido von Vellberg (1309 – 1311)Abbot nullius of Ellwangen (Germany) (1309 – 1311)
Abbot Eckhard von Schwabsberg (1278 – 1309)Abbot nullius of Ellwangen (Germany) (1278 – 1309)
Abbot Corrado (1269 – 1278)Abbot nullius of Ellwangen (Germany) (1269 – 1278)
Abbot Otto de Schwabsberg (1256 – 1269)Abbot nullius of Ellwangen (Germany) (1256 – 1269)
Abbot Rodolfo (1250 – 1256)Abbot nullius of Ellwangen (Germany) (1250 – 1256)
Abbot Godebaldo (1246 – 1249)Abbot nullius of Ellwangen (Germany) (1246 – 1249)
Abbot Rutgero (1242 – 1246)Abbot nullius of Ellwangen (Germany) (1242 – 1246)
Abbot Siegfried (1240 – 1242)Abbot nullius of Ellwangen (Germany) (1240 – 1242)
Abbot Albert (1228 – 1240)Abbot nullius of Ellwangen (Germany) (1228 – 1240)
Abbot Godebaldo (1219 – 1228)Abbot nullius of Ellwangen (Germany) (1219 – 1228)
Abbot Kuno (1188 – 1218)Abbot nullius of Ellwangen (Germany) (1188 – 1218)
Abbot Albert von Konigsberg (1173 – 1188)Abbot nullius of Ellwangen (Germany) (1173 – 1188)
Abbot Albert von Ramsberg (1136 – 1173)Abbot nullius of Ellwangen (Germany) (1136 – 1173)
Abbot Elmeric d’Ottingen (1118 – 1136)Abbot nullius of Ellwangen (Germany) (1118 – 1136)
Abbot Richard (1113 – 1118)Abbot nullius of Ellwangen (Germany) (1113 – 1118)
Abbot Ebbo (1102 – 1113)Abbot nullius of Ellwangen (Germany) (1102 – 1113)
Abbot Adelgardo (1094 – 1102)Abbot nullius of Ellwangen (Germany) (1094 – 1102)
Abbot Udo (1076 – 1090)Abbot nullius of Ellwangen (Germany) (1076 – 1090)
Abbot Regingardo (1060 – 1076)Abbot nullius of Ellwangen (Germany) (1060 – 1076)
Abbot Aronne (1040 – 1060)Abbot nullius of Ellwangen (Germany) (1040 – 1060)
Abbot Richard (1035 – 1040)Abbot nullius of Ellwangen (Germany) (1035 – 1040)
Abbot Odenbert (1026 – 1035)Abbot nullius of Ellwangen (Germany) (1026 – 1035)
Abbot Bérengar (1011 – 1026)Abbot nullius of Ellwangen (Germany) (1011 – 1026)
Abbot Hartmann (998 – 1011)Abbot nullius of Ellwangen (Germany) (998 – 1011)
Abbot Gebardo von Ammerthal (982 – 998)Abbot nullius of Ellwangen (Germany) (982 – 998)
Abbot Winitardo (974 – 982)Abbot nullius of Ellwangen (Germany) (974 – 982)
Abbot Ardoberto (968 – 974)Abbot nullius of Ellwangen (Germany) (968 – 974)
Abbot Milo (965 – 968)Abbot nullius of Ellwangen (Germany) (965 – 968)
Abbot Herman (944 – 965)Abbot nullius of Ellwangen (Germany) (944 – 965)
Abbot Gerbert (922 – 944)Abbot nullius of Ellwangen (Germany) (922 – 944)
Abbot Adalbero von Dillingen (913 – 922)Abbot nullius of Ellwangen (Germany) (913 – 922)
Archbishop Hatto (896 – 913.05.13)Metropolitan Archbishop of Mainz (Germany) (891.07 – 913.05.13)Abbot nullius of Ellwangen (Germany) (896 – 913.05.13)
Abbot Salomon (889 – 896)Abbot nullius of Ellwangen (Germany) (889 – 896)
Archbishop Ludbert (874 – 889.02.17)Metropolitan Archbishop of Mainz (Germany) (863.11.30 – 889.02.17)Abbot nullius of Ellwangen (Germany) (874 – 889.02.17)
Abbot Asterizio (870 – 874)Abbot nullius of Ellwangen (Germany) (870 – 874)
Abbot Benno (862 – 870)Abbot nullius of Ellwangen (Germany) (862 – 870)
Abbot Hermanetic (844 – 862)Abbot nullius of Ellwangen (Germany) (844 – 862)
Abbot Ganderado (830 – 844)Abbot nullius of Ellwangen (Germany) (830 – 844)
Abbot Adelgaro (? – 830)Abbot nullius of Ellwangen (Germany) (? – 830)
Abbot Otaldo (808 – ?)Abbot nullius of Ellwangen (Germany) (808 – ?)
Abbot Grimoaldo (800 – 808)Abbot nullius of Ellwangen (Germany) (800 – 808)
Abbot Wikterp (780 – 800)Abbot nullius of Ellwangen (Germany) (780 – 800)
Abbot Hariolf (764 – 780)Abbot nullius of Ellwangen (Germany) (764 – 780)