Cardinals Created by John XXIII (1959-60) (original) (raw)

Consistory of 1959.12.14 (8)
Italy1. Cardinal Paolo Marella Ipsam sequens non deviasformer Cardinal-Bishop of Porto e Santa Rufinaformer President of Reverend Fabric of Saint Peterformer Archpriest of Papal Basilica of Saint Peter
Italy2. Cardinal Gustavo Testa Et patria et corformer Cardinal-Priest of S. Girolamo dei Croatiformer Pro-President of Administration of the Patrimony of the Apostolic See
USA3. Cardinal Aloisius Joseph Muench In omnibus Christusformer Cardinal-Priest of S. Bernardo alle Termeformer Archbishop-Bishop of Fargo (USA)Born:1889.02.18 (Milwaukee, WI, USA)Ordained Priest:1913.06.08Consecrated Bishop:1935.10.15Created Cardinal:1959.12.14Died:1962.02.15 (Roma, Italy † 72)Priest of Milwaukee (USA) (1913.06.08 – 1935.08.10)Domestic Prelate (1934.09.21 – 1935.08.10)Bishop of Fargo (USA) (1935.08.10 – 1950.10.28)Archbishop-Bishop of Fargo (USA) (1950.10.28 – 1959.12.09)Apostolic Nuncio to Germany (1951.03.09 – 1959.12.09)Titular Archbishop of Selymbria (1959.12.09 – 1959.12.14)Cardinal-Priest of S. Bernardo alle Terme (1959.12.17 – 1962.02.15)
USA4. Cardinal Albert Gregory Meyer Adveniat regnum tuumformer Cardinal-Priest of S. Ceciliaformer Metropolitan Archbishop of Chicago (USA)Born:1903.03.09 (Milwaukee, WI, USA)Ordained Priest:1926.07.11Consecrated Bishop:1946.04.11Created Cardinal:1959.12.14Died:1965.04.07 (Chicago, IL, USA † 62)Priest of Milwaukee (USA) (1926.07.11 – 1946.02.18)Domestic Prelate (1938.02.14 – 1946.02.18)Bishop of Superior (USA) (1946.02.18 – 1953.07.21)Metropolitan Archbishop of Milwaukee (USA) (1953.07.21 – 1958.09.19)Metropolitan Archbishop of Chicago (USA) (1958.09.19 – 1965.04.07)Cardinal-Priest of S. Cecilia (1959.12.17 – 1965.04.07)
Spain5. Cardinal Arcadio María Larraona, C.M.F. Dilexit tradiditformer Cardinal-Priest of S. Cuore di Mariaformer Superior General of Congregation of Saint John the Baptist Precursor
Italy6. Cardinal Francesco Morano Caritas major autemformer Cardinal-Deacon of Ss. Cosma e Damianoformer Secretary of Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura
Scotland7. Cardinal William Theodore Heard Recte et sapienterformer Cardinal-Priest of S. Teodoro pro hac vice Titleformer Dean of Sacred Roman RotaBorn:1884.02.24 (Edinburgh, Scotland)Ordained Priest:1918.03.30Created Cardinal:1959.12.14Consecrated Bishop:1962.04.19Died:1973.09.16 (Roma, Italy † 89)Dean of Sacred Roman Rota (1958.12.15 – 1959.12.14)Cardinal-Deacon of S. Teodoro (1959.12.17 – 1970.05.18)Titular Archbishop of Feradi maius (1962.04.05 – 1962.04.20)Protodeacon of Sacred College of Cardinals (1969.04.28 – 1970.05.18)Cardinal-Priest of S. Teodoro pro hac vice Title (1970.05.18 – 1973.09.16)
Germany8. Cardinal Augustin Bea, S.J. In nomine Domini Jesuformer Cardinal-Deacon of S. Sabaformer President of Secretariat for Christian Unity
Consistory of 1960.03.28 (7)
Italy1. Cardinal Luigi Traglia Primum regnum Deiformer Cardinal-Bishop of Ostiaformer Cardinal-Bishop of Albanoformer Chancellor of Apostolic Chancery
Japan2. Cardinal Peter Tatsuo Doi (ペトロ 土井辰雄) A solis ortuformer Cardinal-Priest of S. Antonio da Padova in Via Merulanaformer Metropolitan Archbishop of Tokyo 東京 (Japan)
France3. Cardinal Joseph-Charles Lefèbvre Veritatem facientes in caritateformer Cardinal-Priest of S. Giovanni Battista dei Fiorentiniformer Metropolitan Archbishop of Bourges (France)
Netherlands4. Cardinal Bernardus Johannes Alfrink Evangelizare divitias Christiformer Cardinal-Priest of S. Gioacchino ai Prati di Castelloformer Metropolitan Archbishop of Utrecht (Netherlands)former Military Vicar of Netherlands (Netherlands)
Philippines5. Cardinal Rufino Jiao Santos Caritas in dilectioneformer Cardinal-Priest of S. Maria ai Montiformer Metropolitan Archbishop of Manila (Philippines)former Military Vicar of Philippines (Philippines)
Tanzania6. Cardinal Laurean Rugambwa Mater boni consiliiformer Cardinal-Priest of S. Francesco d’Assisi a Ripa Grandeformer Metropolitan Archbishop of Dar-es-Salaam (Tanzania)
Italy7. Cardinal Antonio Bacci Non nomen sed virtusformer Cardinal-Deacon of S. Eugenioformer Secretary of Secretariat of Briefs to Princes
ItalyArchbishop Francesco Giuseppe Lardone former Titular Archbishop of RhizæumBorn:1887.01.12 (Moretta, Italy)Ordained Priest:1910.06.29Consecrated Bishop:1949.06.30Created Cardinal in pectore:1960.03.28Died:1980.01.30 (Moretta, Italy † 93)Revealed as Cardinal after death:2007.06 (ineffective)Apostolic Nuncio to Haiti (1949.05.21 – 1953)Apostolic Nuncio to Dominican Republic (1949.05.21 – 1953)Titular Archbishop of Rhizæum (1949.05.21 – 1980.01.30)Apostolic Nuncio to Peru (1953 – 1959)Apostolic Administrator of Constantinopole (Turkiye) (1959 – 1966)Apostolic Internuncio to Turkiye (1959 – 1966)