1. Cardinal Inácio do Nascimento Morais Cardoso former Cardinal-Priest of Ss. Nereo ed Achilleoformer Patriarch of Lisboa (Portugal) |
2. Cardinal René-François Régnier Caritas Christi urget nosformer Cardinal-Priest of SS. Trinità al Monte Pincioformer Metropolitan Archbishop of Cambrai (France)Born:1794.07.17 (Saint-Quentin-les Beaurepaire, France)Ordained Priest:1818.12.19Consecrated Bishop:1842.09.25Created Cardinal:1873.12.22Died:1881.01.03 (Cambrai, France † 86)Bishop of Angoulême (France) (1842.07.22 – 1850.09.30)Metropolitan Archbishop of Cambrai (France) (1850.09.30 – 1881.01.03)Cardinal-Priest of SS. Trinità al Monte Pincio (1874.05.04 – 1881.01.03) |
3. Cardinal Maximilian Joseph von Tarnóczy former Cardinal-Priest of S. Maria in Ara Coeliformer Metropolitan Archbishop of Salzburg (Austria)Born:1806.10.24 (Schwatz, Austria)Ordained Priest:1829.10.25Consecrated Bishop:1851.06.01Created Cardinal:1873.12.22Died:1876.04.04 (Salzburg, Austria † 69)Metropolitan Archbishop of Salzburg (Austria) (1851.02.17 – 1876.04.04)Cardinal-Priest of S. Maria in Ara Coeli (1874.05.04 – 1876.04.04) |
4. Cardinal Flavio Chigi former Cardinal-Priest of S. Maria del Popoloformer Archpriest of Papal Archbasilica of Saint John Lateran |
5. Cardinal Alessandro Franchi former Cardinal-Priest of S. Maria in Trastevereformer Secretary of State of Apostolic Secretariat |
6. Cardinal Joseph-Hippolyte Guibert, O.M.I. Suaviter ac fortiterformer Cardinal-Priest of S. Giovanni a Porta Latinaformer Metropolitan Archbishop of Paris (France)Born:1802.12.13 (Aix-en-Provence, France)Ordained Priest:1825.08.14Consecrated Bishop:1842.03.13Created Cardinal:1873.12.22Died:1886.07.08 (Paris, France † 83)Bishop of Viviers (France) (1842.01.24 – 1857.03.19)Metropolitan Archbishop of Tours (France) (1857.03.19 – 1871.10.27)Metropolitan Archbishop of Paris (France) (1871.10.27 – 1886.07.08)Cardinal-Priest of S. Giovanni a Porta Latina (1874.06.15 – 1886.07.08) |
7. Cardinal Mariano Falcinelli Antoniacci, O.S.B. Cas. former Cardinal-Priest of S. Marcelloformer Bishop of Forlì (Italy)Born:1806.11.10 (Assisi, Italy)Ordained Priest:1829.06.13Consecrated Bishop:1853.04.17Created Cardinal:1873.12.22Died:1874.05.29 (Roma, Italy † 67)Bishop of Forlì (Italy) (1853.03.07 – 1857.12.21)Titular Archbishop of Athenæ (1857.12.21 – 1873.12.22)Apostolic Internuncio to Brazil (1858.03.30 – 1863.08.14)Apostolic Nuncio to Austria-Hungary (1863.08.14 – 1873)Cardinal-Priest of S. Marcello (1874.05.04 – 1874.05.29) |
8. Cardinal Mariano Benito Barrio y Fernández former Cardinal-Priest of Ss. Giovanni e Paoloformer Metropolitan Archbishop of Valencia (Spain)Born:1805.11.22 (Jaca, Spain)Ordained Priest:1830Consecrated Bishop:1848.03.05Created Cardinal:1873.12.22Died:1876.11.20 (Valencia, Spain † 70)Bishop of Cartagena (Spain) (1847.12.17 – 1861.03.18)Metropolitan Archbishop of Valencia (Spain) (1861.03.18 – 1876.11.20)Cardinal-Priest of Ss. Giovanni e Paolo (1874.01.16 – 1876.11.20) |
9. Cardinal Luigi Oreglia di Santo Stefano former Cardinal-Bishop of Ostia–Velletriformer Abbot nullius of Santi Vincenzo ed Anastasio alle Tre Fontane (Italy)former Prefect of Sacred Congregation of Ceremoniesformer Camerlengo of the Holy Roman Church of Reverend Apostolic Camera |
10. Cardinal János Simor former Cardinal-Priest of S. Bartolomeo all’Isolaformer Metropolitan Archbishop of Esztergom (Hungary)Born:1813.08.23 (Székesfehérvár, Hungary)Ordained Priest:1836.10.28Consecrated Bishop:1857.06.29Created Cardinal:1873.12.22Died:1891.01.23 (Esztergom, Hungary † 77)Bishop of Győr (Hungary) (1857.03.19 – 1867.02.22)Metropolitan Archbishop of Esztergom (Hungary) (1867.02.22 – 1891.01.23)Cardinal-Priest of S. Bartolomeo all’Isola (1874.06.15 – 1891.01.23) |
11. Cardinal Camillo Tarquini, S.J. former Cardinal-Deacon of S. Nicola in CarcereBorn:1810.09.27 (Marta, Italy)Ordained Priest:Created Cardinal:1873.12.22Died:1874.02.15 (Roma, Italy † 63)Cardinal-Deacon of S. Nicola in Carcere (1874.01.16 – 1874.02.15) |
12. Cardinal Tommaso Maria Martinelli, O.E.S.A. former Cardinal-Bishop of Sabinaformer Camerlengo of Sacred College of Cardinals |
Consistory of 1875.03.15 (11) |
[1] Cardinal Ruggero Luigi Emidio Antici Mattei former Cardinal-Priest of S. Lorenzo in Panispernaformer Patriarch of Constantinopleformer Auditor General of Reverend Apostolic Camera |
2. Cardinal Pietro Gianelli former Cardinal-Priest of S. Agnese fuori le muraformer Secretary of Sacred Congregation of the Council |
3. Cardinal Mieczysław Halka Ledóchowski former Cardinal-Priest of S. Lorenzo in Lucinaformer Metropolitan Archbishop of Poznań (Poland)former Prefect of Sacred Congregation of the Propagation of the Faith |
4. Cardinal John McCloskey In spem vitæ æternæformer Cardinal-Priest of S. Maria sopra Minervaformer Metropolitan Archbishop of New York (USA)Born:1810.03.10 (Brooklyn, NY, USA)Ordained Priest:1834.01.12Consecrated Bishop:1844.03.10Created Cardinal:1875.03.15Died:1885.10.10 (New York City, NY, USA † 75)Priest of New York (USA) (1834.01.12 – 1843.11.21)Titular Bishop of Axieri (1843.11.21 – 1847.05.21)Coadjutor Bishop of New York (USA) (1843.11.21 – 1847.05.21)Bishop of Albany (USA) (1847.05.21 – 1864.05.06)Metropolitan Archbishop of New York (USA) (1864.05.06 – 1885.10.10)Cardinal-Priest of S. Maria sopra Minerva (1875.09.17 – 1885.10.10) |
5. Cardinal Henry Edward Manning Malo mori quam fœdariformer Cardinal-Priest of Ss. Andrea e Gregorio al Monte Celioformer Metropolitan Archbishop of Westminster (England) |
6. Cardinal Victor-Auguste-Isidore Dechamps, C.SS.R. Per via cœli porta manesformer Cardinal-Priest of S. Bernardo alle Termeformer Metropolitan Archbishop of Mechelen (Belgium)Born:1810.12.06 (Melle, Belgium)Ordained Priest:1834.12.20Consecrated Bishop:1865.10.01Created Cardinal:1875.03.15Died:1883.09.29 (Mechelen, Belgium † 72)Bishop of Namur (Belgium) (1865.09.25 – 1867.12.20)Metropolitan Archbishop of Mechelen (Belgium) (1867.12.20 – 1883.09.29)Cardinal-Priest of S. Bernardo alle Terme (1875.03.31 – 1883.09.29) |
[7] Cardinal Salvatore Nobili Vitelleschi former Cardinal-Priest of S. Marcelloformer Archbishop-Bishop of Osimo (Italy)former Archbishop-Bishop of Cingoli (Italy)Born:1818.07.21 (Roma, Italy)Ordained Priest:1841.03.27Consecrated Bishop:1856.07.06Created Cardinal in pectore:1875.03.15Revealed as Cardinal:1875.09.17Died:1875.10.17 (Roma, Italy † 57)Titular Archbishop of Seleucia Trachea (1856.06.19 – 1863.12.21)Archbishop-Bishop of Cingoli (Italy) (1863.12.21 – 1871.11.20)Archbishop-Bishop of Osimo (Italy) (1863.12.21 – 1871.11.20)Titular Archbishop of Seleucia Trachea (1871.11.21 – 1875.09.17)Cardinal-Priest of S. Marcello (1875.09.23 – 1875.10.17) |
[8] Cardinal Giovanni Simeoni former Cardinal-Priest of S. Pietro in Vincoliformer Prefect of Sacred Congregation of the Propagation of the Faithformer Prior General of Carmelites of Mary Immaculate |
9. Cardinal Domenico Bartolini former Cardinal-Priest of S. Marcoformer Camerlengo of Sacred College of Cardinals |
[10] Cardinal Lorenzo Ilarione Randi former Cardinal-Deacon of S. Maria in Via Lataformer Cardinal-Deacon of S. Maria in Cosmedin _in commendum_former Vice-Camerlengo of the Holy Roman Church of Reverend Apostolic Camera |
[11] Cardinal Bartolomeo Pacca former Cardinal-Deacon of S. Maria in Porticoformer Prefect of Prefecture of the Holy Apostolic Palaces |
Consistory of 1875.09.17 (1) |
1. Cardinal Geoffroi Brossais Saint-Marc In omnibus caritasformer Cardinal-Priest of S. Maria della Vittoriaformer Metropolitan Archbishop of Rennes (France)Born:1802.02.04 (Rennes, France)Ordained Priest:1831.04.02Consecrated Bishop:1841.08.10Created Cardinal:1875.09.17Died:1878.02.26 (Rennes, France † 76)Bishop of Rennes (France) (1841.07.12 – 1859.01.03)Metropolitan Archbishop of Rennes (France) (1859.01.03 – 1878.02.26)Cardinal-Priest of S. Maria della Vittoria (1876.04.03 – 1878.02.26) |